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How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women?

cruisepatron  1 | 95
4 Feb 2021   #91
From what I see Kalergi plan is not a plan but rather a consequence.

Many western countries are facing demographic issue... this is only going to get worse with time.

Look at the animal kingdom, male and female of each species have their respective role to keep the evolution going. In human species women want to be like men, thanks to feminism and capitalism... it's all about the money!

All these +500, abortion ban etc will be remembered in history as failures, ultimately these countries will be left with no other choice but import immigrants to keep the economy moving.

The only way around this is to create artificial human beings in a lab..
Vlad1234  16 | 883
4 Feb 2021   #92
it is the Kalergi plan in full force

One explanation here could be that majority of people of European origin aren't enough prone to corruption and demand too many human rights and therefore it became too difficult to manage them according to someone's opinion.
Novichok  5 | 8642
5 Feb 2021   #93
but import immigrants to keep the economy moving.

As long as the economy tracks population, the econ per cap can stay constant and very tolerable. Flooding a country with dissimilar species is a kiss of death for the nation - a genocide by repro rate.

When my kids moved out, I didn't invite some foreign scum to take their place.
jon357  72 | 23400
5 Feb 2021   #94
Kalergi plan is not a plan

It's an internet hoax.

demand too many human rights

Too many?

And marriages between people of different skin tones are hardly new.
Novichok  5 | 8642
5 Feb 2021   #95
... are hardly new.

...and have so very exciting future aka Brazil and the rest of the Latino sewer.
Korea and Japan, on the other hand, those racist and immigrant-intolerant hellholes, are doomed. But I am sure you will let them know that.
jon357  72 | 23400
5 Feb 2021   #96
exciting future

The future is positive.

Korea and Japan,

Boredom central. At last they have Kim-Jong-Un to cheer them up.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
5 Feb 2021   #98
Poland's Population - 38.2 Million

Demographic Structure:
0-14 years: 14.83%
15-24 years: 9.8%
25-54 years: 43.33%
55-64 years: 13.32%
65 years and over: 18.72%

Life expectancy - 78 years
Population growth rate - -0.2%

In the next 15-20 years, Poland will lose about 35% of its population (13.2 mil) and 45% will enter dependency stage (17 mil).

Which means 25-30 million (approx) new people must be born during that time just to keep everything stable. Instead, that number is shrinking every year.

As time passes by this is going to get magnified... taxes will reach 60-70% per person.
Novichok  5 | 8642
5 Feb 2021   #99
Which does not mean that the solution is turning Poland into an African colony or an-almost Muslim country.
This does mean that Poland as a free country with open borders to leave and a member of the EU has failed. Back to 1955 or die.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
5 Feb 2021   #100
Which does not mean that the solution is turning Poland into an African colony or an-almost Muslim country.

Ofcourse. The solution must come from within.
Novichok  5 | 8642
5 Feb 2021   #101
What you described in 98 is a case of positive feedback aka avalanche - except there is nothing positive about it. Only a brutal iron fist of the state can stop it.

Even if Poland can keep the foreign scum away, it will be bought out by those on the outside.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
5 Feb 2021   #102
Being a part of EU Schengen has its demerits.
MarieAntoinette  1 | 29
5 Feb 2021   #103
From what I see Kalergi plan is not a plan but rather a consequence

These things are done by very intelligent design.
Communist Goals

All happening now, 25/26/27/28/40/41
Poland knows what "the powers that be" try to do, and does not want this happening to their people and country (even though the politics seem to be divided).

They see the consequences of letting this happen with the neighbours.

This is no natural consequence in Europe, this is all done by design.
It would be natural to defend what you have, but we are betrayed from the inside and our minds are unnaturally programmed.
For it would not be so difficult to propagandise Europeans to have big families again, just do the right marketing.
Same as they do the marketing now, to corrupt our souls.

it's all about the money

Money is totally innocent.
There she lays on the table, the piece of paper, does not even have the capability to do anything wrong.
An innocent convenient means of transaction.
Abused as a scapegoat for human greed and lust for power. Both endless in many of us.
Money is totally innocent.

Kalergi plan is not a plan. It's an internet hoax.

It is a book that was written by Kalergi.It is an actual historical fact.
Saying that things are hoaxes because you do not want to hear them, does not make them untrue.
It happened, the book was written.

Richard Nikolaus Eijiro Count Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian Japanese politician and activist of geopolitics. In 1923 he published his manifesto "Pan Europe" which states that an International Pan-European Union was founded. With this manifesto the Pan-European Movement was started, the precursor of Europe of Maastricht and of the European union. This is the main part of the realization of the criminal "Kalergi Plan". Mr. Kalergi was calling the concept of a "Pan Europe" and "Pan Europe-ism" the meaning of "Unification of all nations of Europe under one single state" - with the side intention that continental Europe should be changed by the integration of different foreign races and cultures. In this way a cosmopolitan Europe should be created, multi cultural, multi racist and eventually all should be mestizos.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Feb 2021   #104
Which does not mean that the solution is turning Poland into an African colony

I think majority of people want to see "elixir of immortality" to get created as soon as possible. It would delay the need for immigration for a hundreds of years. Demand the "elixir of immortality" from your govt.!
jon357  72 | 23400
5 Feb 2021   #105
It is a book that was written by Kalergi.It is an actual historical fact.
Saying that things are hoaxes

The hoax is the idea that anything he suggested is a public policy document. Rather than someone's speculation from decades ago.

"the powers that be"

Who are they?
MarieAntoinette  1 | 29
5 Feb 2021   #106
too difficult to manage them according to someone's opinion

Who do you think that could be?

Who are they?

what do you think?
cruisepatron  1 | 95
5 Feb 2021   #107
For it would not be so difficult to propagandise Europeans to have big families again, just do the right marketing.

Indeed but that's not a good idea for the govt and the corporates who fund them. "Divide and Rule" is old but effective. If you break families then their expenses will double, consumption will increase, more people will need to work, less savings. While this may sound bad for you, it's very good for the govt.. not to mention industries like drugs, prostitution etc thrives in such environment... after all your loss is someone else's benefit or else they won't be spending millions to spread propaganda.

Money is totally innocent.

Money in it's form maybe a piece of paper but it's use case isn't.
Lenka  5 | 3514
5 Feb 2021   #108
would not be so difficult to propagandise Europeans to have big families again, just do the right marketing.

Sure, but who would be stupid enough to plan their life and their family because of some campaign?
cruisepatron  1 | 95
5 Feb 2021   #109
who would be stupid enough to plan their life and their family because of some campaign?

Who? The same stupid person who followed feminism. Human beings are "herd" animals...
Lenka  5 | 3514
5 Feb 2021   #110
Feminism gave me the right to vote, go to school and be independent of a male 'carer' . It gave me the right to look for justice if I get raped, even if it's my partner/husband that did it and much more. It also didn't stop me having the family I want (where I choose what I want and not fate)

What do you offer if?
Poloniusz  5 | 970
5 Feb 2021   #111
Feminism gave me

What did feminism, a movement that claims to be about equality, give men?

How did your right to vote, as a feminist, directly help men?
Lenka  5 | 3514
5 Feb 2021   #112
Why should it give anything to man if they already had all those things? But of course if you want we can strip man off all those and then after many years give it back to them. How is that for equality?
johnny reb  49 | 7943
5 Feb 2021   #113
Except the man never gets it back as she ends up with the house ALWAYS and half if not more then the rest of what was his.

By her third or fourth marriage she is living much better then her first husband ever thought of.
Don't talk to me about 'equality' in this day and age.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
5 Feb 2021   #114
Why should it give anything to man

Your display of female solipsistic narcissism comes as no surprise.

All the issues you cited in your female empowerment power trip has happened to men and still happens to men.

Not all men always had the right to vote. Many are still disenfranchised.

Not all men were able or encouraged to go to school. Many are still affected by this especially with schools now over emphasizing outreach and preferred placement to females.

Men are not independent from a female "dependent" even in cases of mutual divorce, well documented unreasonable conduct from an unfaithful wife, or even when cuckold with another man's bastard child by an unfaithful wife. The feminist stacked courts make sure of this.

Men get raped and without any help or even empathy provided by women. Women regularly abandon their male partners when they learn about their victimhood.

And it is very commonplace for women to sexually abuse and rape children especially young males when they need to have their own female lust satisfied.

So you were saying?
Lenka  5 | 3514
5 Feb 2021   #115
Some man couldn't, some weren't encouraged against being legally forbidden...Grow up.
Raped man are to me exactly the same victims as women . I'm more than willing to encourage and support a campaign and programs addressing it. The difference is that rape in a relationship wasn't recognised by law.

Most divorces are finished without a man having any responsibility for the women.
As to sexually abusing kids,care to give us any data as the general agreement is that man are quite ahead in that?
cruisepatron  1 | 95
5 Feb 2021   #116
Feminism gave me the right to vote - that right is given to you by the constitution as a citizen, feminism has little to do with it.

male 'carer' - That's delusion. You do not have the required physical force to manipulate the environment like a male can. You cannot lift heavy machinery, you cannot build and construct. If man and woman would get lost in a deep jungle, men will find a way to survive and thrive, women will simply die (this is not my assumption, it's a proven documentary). By sitting in an office environment you are no way replacing men from what they are capable of. Men and Women are different and are meant for different roles.

Independent - another delusion. A study voted by "women" confirmed that women were much happier 50 years ago than they are today. Statistics also say, Single women aged 40 and above has more chances of getting killed or murdered than a terrorist attack... let alone rape.

It also didn't stop me having the family I want - You can want anything you like but whether you are capable or not is a different story. Numbers though say divorce is increasing.

I have seen extreme feminists who are so much lost in their pursuit for equality that they even want a man to give birth to a child... not joking. Men and Women are NOT equal and will never be.. be it biologically, be it physically or be it mentally. Women trying to be "like men" only going to bring destruction with time... the same would be true if men tried to be like women... fortunately men don't.
Lenka  5 | 3514
5 Feb 2021   #117
Start differentiating present and past tense.

That 'carer' is about times when women weren't considered capable of making their own decisions and required a male guardian.

I would like to see these studies. And it still won't make me any less happy that I'm not dependant on a man. Double happy if we consider certain type of man from this forum.

And divorce don't bother me. Please don't mix marriage with family
Novichok  5 | 8642
5 Feb 2021   #118
Numbers though say divorce is increasing.

Because more women can support themselves and the kids. That is why a loving father will make sure his daughters get the education that makes kicking the abusive bum out possible and without fear of poverty.

I am with Lenka about rapes. Men are scum and always looking for an opportunity to stick it in. It is scary how many women paid with their lives for saying no to some drunk pos who most likely wouldn't even be able to get it up.

A survey I already cited showed that 35% of men would rape if they were assured they would not be prosecuted. Another frightening thing is how often women are raped and murdered by random a-holes only because they spotted a car on the side of the road with a woman in it. In many cases, women had to wait literally only a couple of minutes to get one of those scumbags to pull over and offer "help".
cruisepatron  1 | 95
5 Feb 2021   #119
I would like to see these studies
Poloniusz  5 | 970
5 Feb 2021   #120
Because more women can support themselves and the kids.

Maybe a Hollywood actress can.

Most women though "support themselves and their kids" courtesy of a lot of assistance programs from big daddy Government.

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