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Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife

Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #31
not all. some women actually go for artists only or bad boys most bad boys are either gangsters or wannabe musicians, artists, etc. they sleep with thenboring marketing guy with an artist on the side. just not polish women. its like they wont even sleep with a dude who is an artist. oh and some women like Mexican women in California only date actual losers or gang members. its normal in their culture or black women how they always support their men so don't come at me with all women ****. maybe all white women. miss me with that **** all women want some retarded looking corporate jock.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #32
very few Polish women will give you a dirty trombone or rim. i can say the same thing about any women few women of any ethnicity will but more so as a percentage than Polish women. do you guys agree?
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
29 Jan 2021   #33
they sleep with thenboring marketing guy with an artist on the side.

What you are referring to is because women have been told "They can have it all". A propaganda driven by brands and corporate world to sell their products.

Former editor of Cosmopolitan confessed and regrets for selling lies to women.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #34
Well artists and musicians are much more interesting and sexy to them.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
29 Jan 2021   #35
Former editor of Cosmopolitan confessed and regrets for selling lies to women.

She's still a feminist. Not just because she said so in the article by qualifying herself as a "pro-life feminist" but because at no point does she express any regret regarding the impact her deliberate lying had on men.

Even the title itself makes it clear from the outset that the only concern is for other women.

What's more, a photo of her in the article refers to a dog she is holding and a male sitting next to her as "unidentified companions". So even in the details it's still all about her and her fem-centric movement. The photo was courtesy of her too and the female author of the article didn't even bother to have the man properly identified out of respect to him and in the name of equality.

Interesting too that the article makes a passing reference about her "converting to Catholicism" (not that matters anyway when taking the likes of Biden, Pelosi, and certain PF posters into account) but tellingly it completely avoids saying from what religious faith she converted from. Well, even a layman's understanding of feminism makes clear that it was never a Christian movement.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #36
"She's not the problem, you are. "

How is he the problem for dealing with retarded Polish female people? Because they are selfish egoistical garbage isn't the worlds problem its only their own. Just like how retarded they act at the post office here or any govt building you yourself admitted to. How is that anyone else's problem but theirs and their country alone?

Jon don't you agree? Why is it females get never blamed for anything or their problems but everyone else is but if you're a guy its always your fault in life even if dealing with morons somehow its up to you to set them straight? Feminism did this to humanity? Crow what u fink?

This dirk guy is basically an Armenian, he is like this guy named Robert I met at the ICE center in Adelanto or Mathias from Santa Monica the Lithuanian guy (ith I suspect Jewish ancestry who spoke perfect Russian and his dad was born in a gulag). He thinks that women should be slapped around and taught like dogs behavior otherwise its your fault if they act like spoiled children or brats or retards.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
29 Jan 2021   #37
How is he the problem for dealing with retarded Polish female people?

No one can be held responsible for another person's actions. I can only control myself, I cannot control what another person is going to do.

When I first visited Poland to meet my ex the very next day she opened the topic of buying a house, her brother started showing me pictures of properties on sale. A voice in my head whispered, RUN. Basically these women wants to have fun riding the carousal and when they are 30+ they want an established man to settle down with. If it sounds too good to be true then it is...

Well, even a layman's understanding of feminism makes clear that it was never a Christian movement.

The funny part is she was married herself while encouraging other women to be promiscuous. Fake news that this is common, fake news of successful woman, fake news of some anonymous rich men marrying single mom's... and here we are today.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #38
hey john if youre reading this, arent all those women hos or hookers or sluts at thst irish pub on miodowa? wy do thry even wek or care sbout dudes eork or money if thry just fuk anything?
jon357  72 | 23483
29 Jan 2021   #39
There's never been any shortage there...
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #40
Yea especially since these two alfons or pimp dudes come in one polish dude and one ukrainian with hookers and you never know which of them are it. But they all think theyre hot **** and wont come over to your place and ask how much money u make.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
29 Jan 2021   #41
wy do thry even wek or care sbout dudes eork or money if thry just fuk anything?

Backup plan/Insurance. But it almost always ends badly... research has already proven that women who had multiple partners are unable to emotionally pair bond with any man... its all surface level show.

My ex confessed that she never thought she would get caught. When I asked her why she was so sure, her answer was because no other guy was able to catch her before. Left me speechless.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
29 Jan 2021   #42
Are you for real?
I can't imagine any real man divulging the stuff you have.
You are either a nutter or a troll.
Probably another anti Polish troll...... and if so, please just FO.
Paulina  19 | 4464
29 Jan 2021   #43
@Milo, I didn't bother reading all of his comments, but my impression is that he's more likely an anti-women troll, rather than anti-Polish.

The point I was trying to make is any average woman could walk into a bar and easily find a man to sleep with

This sounds familiar... Is that you, johnny_reb? lol
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
29 Jan 2021   #44
I can't imagine any real man divulging the stuff you have.

Indeed but this an online forum. If you can't handle facts then..testosterone supplements might help.

I didn't bother reading all of his comments, but my impression is that he's more likely an anti-women troll, rather than anti-Polish.

Didn't bother to read all comments but did bother to judge?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #45
you just responded to a female bro.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
29 Jan 2021   #46
When facts gets attacked with the word "Anti" blah blah... you know already who you talking to.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #47
I don't see how he is lying. I remember before covid sitting at this br across form dom vodki i whiskey on nowy swiat in this bar that wasn't even expensive when I still worked at fakturownia but this was after work (my last real job) and this polish chick was with this foreign dude. And the dude was cool he wasnt polite etc. and she started treating him like a friend putting him in the friends one and revealed to him with me listening in that she is going tomorrow on a date to her fav restaurant with some other foreign dude And the dude I could tell was mad or pissed but didn't say it like I could tell he wasn't just a friend but considered the beers they were drinking a date. I also remember in platz zbawicielski how this polish pretty little thang blond ***** came inside this french baguette place near the Plan B klub (Dirks fav spot in Warsaw) and how they were some couple and he was explaining her or telling her how America is. This was like a 50 yr old black guy and some retarded pollack 23 yr old student *****.
Paulina  19 | 4464
29 Jan 2021   #48
Didn't bother to read all comments but did bother to judge?

As we say in Poland: "Praktyka czyni mistrza" - after so many years on this forum and after reading so many comments by trolls I can differentiate pretty easily between types of trolls :)

you just responded to a female bro.

Ah, right, cruisepatron, what on Earth are you doing?? Real men don't talk to sub-humans! Maybe check your testosterone level... And buy yourself a dog - a man's best friend! :D You won't need a woman then... You can always hire someone for cooking, cleaning and sex... No biggie and no point in obsessing so much lol :))
johnny reb  49 | 7927
29 Jan 2021   #49
This sounds familiar... Is that you, johnny_reb? lol

I am highly offended, Paulina.

Didn't bother to read all comments but did bother to judge?

And hurt my feelings deeply by making such a rude remark for no apparent reason.
I should report her for ABUSE but the Mod would just say, "everyone deserves one chance."
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
29 Jan 2021   #50
Real men don't talk to sub-humans!

A man's mistake is another man's lesson.
Btw I have both a dog as well as a new woman, so thank you again for your years of experience in judgment, had a good laugh nevertheless :)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #51
true dst my friend. true dsr.

" Btw I have both a dog as well as a new woman, so thank you again for your judgment, had a good laugh nevertheless :)"

of course undo. i dojt need sny of thwr. just a lonely divorced mi kife crisis middle aged lady once in a while thats all.
Paulina  19 | 4464
29 Jan 2021   #52
I am highly offended, Paulina.

Oh, come on, stop it :D You've trolled here often enough for me to be suspicious of you and you've accused me of trolling under a different username too, so don't be a hypocrite.

And why would it hurt your feelings? Don't you agree with what cruisepatron is writing? :) I'm sure you do. You American men seem to be like Borg - many bodies, one mind... lol

Btw I have both a dog as well as a new woman

Oh dear, is she a psycho too like the previous one? :D
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #53
lol at "you American men. she wants to **** you bad bro.

"You American Men You. Remind me of james bond."

"Natasha told me from Moscow never trust such handsome types."

I actually noticed this. Polish women like Paulina love that festiveness that argument or anger. It makes for better sex.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
30 Jan 2021   #54
Oh dear, is she a psycho too like the previous one? :D

Nop, if you read my comments then you can trust that I have learned it the hard way and not getting married anytime soon, if I chose at all. If a woman wants half of my wealth then it's she who needs to prove why she is worthy... not me.

lol at "you American men. she wants to **** you bad bro.

I second that, from what I saw it's mostly foreign man who fall for honey traps... Polish men know their women too well to fall for that.

I actually noticed this. Polish women like Paulina love that festiveness that argument or anger. It makes for better sex.

Lol... but as a man you need to eject your s*** and RUN.
Paulina  19 | 4464
30 Jan 2021   #55
I second that, from what I saw it's mostly foreign man who fall for honey traps...

It's mostly foreign desperate men, from what I've noticed, or those who have unrealistic expectations - they want a woman way out of their league in the looks department. There's also the type of Western men who think they'll find a servile "traditional" wife in a poorer country, who will do anything for them out of graditude for taking her away from some sh1thole. There are Western women who are like that too and I'm always amazed how naive and blind those people often are.

Normal people with normal expectations usually don't need to look for a bride or a groom abroad, imho.

Lol... but as a man you need to eject your s*** and RUN.

Don't worry about Strzelec35, he prefers 12-year-old girls.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
30 Jan 2021   #56
so Polish women are not normal admit it. why do they look for grooms abroad or men in Warsaw from other countries?

" Don't worry about Strzelec35, he prefers 12-year-old girls."

that was more than 10 yrs ago i am completely rehabilitated and an ex whatever u call that. not current.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
30 Jan 2021   #57
It's mostly foreign desperate men

There you go! As expected, it's the men... it always is... isn't? Thanks for the introduction :)
Paulina  19 | 4464
30 Jan 2021   #58
Um, no, cruisepatron. I wrote: "There are Western women who are like that too".
Men can't read? :)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
30 Jan 2021   #59
Its never never their fault is it? always the men.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
30 Jan 2021   #60
I started to understand the propaganda of feminism.

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