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Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife

cruisepatron  1 | 95
26 Jan 2021   #1
Today is the most happy day of my life as I finally managed to successfully divorce my Polish ex.

We met 5 years ago but got married 2 years ago. One day I accidentally saw a message pop up on her phone saying "Hey babe missing you". I got curious and started to dig in deep. What I discovered next is hard to put into words. In short, this woman has been sleeping around with 100's of men... her chat history from one of her close friends revealed that she wanted to trap men into marriage for money and have kids from several men to claim kids benefit from the government and then she can enjoy all her life. God saved me as I took screenshots and made a copy of everything.

In her divorce petition she falsely accused me of abusing her and that I pay her maintenance (she didn't know I had all the evidence of her cheating). I had a good lawyer and when I presented the judge with all the evidence the tables turned and the judge ruled her guilty. Although I could have charged her for all the damage caused both financially and emotionally, I just wanted divorce. I managed to dodge a huge bullet... never ever any Polish women as far as Im concerned.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #2
as I finally managed to successfully divorce my Polish ex.

Can I ask why post here.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
26 Jan 2021   #3
Is this not the right section? I'm new to this forum and wanted to share my experience with anyone who might be interested.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #4
Is this not the right section?

I don't know the moderators decide, they may move this and combine it with another thread, but don't get upset they do it only for house keeping purposes.

Why do do you think she did such a bad thing , was she trying to get a us passport and using you ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Jan 2021   #5
She's not the problem, you are. You didn't lay down the law at the get go so she sensed weakness and took advantage of you. Eastern European women sense that - especially Polish and even more so Ukrainian. They're beautiful to look at, but dangerous to get close unless you really know what you're doing and how to handle them. Kind of like poisonous snakes or tigers. Eastern European men tend to know their tricks and they don't really put up with them (perhaps maybe that's why domestic violence isn't that big of a deal in E European countries... idk...) but foreigners who aren't privvy get got 9 out of 10 times.

us passport

Sounds more like UK... "maintenance" is more of a UK term...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #6
dangerous to get close unless you really know what you're doing.

Main reason I chose an English wife , nothing worse than dating in the Polish community, no shagging till married and a life time of her parents poking their noses into your life , no thanks , I love English Dolno wife.

Oh and Irish women are lovely , they have the voice of angels.
mafketis  38 | 11142
26 Jan 2021   #7
nothing worse than dating in the Polish community, no shagging till married and a life time of her parents poking their noses into your life

I understand the second point (meddling in-laws wreck many young marriages) but no sex before marriage has never been the Polish norm...
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
26 Jan 2021   #8
@dolnoslask, I wish I could read minds... trust me I would not be in that position to begin with if that was the case. But, it was financially motivated judging from her chat history. She was a divorcee when I married her... fabricated a side of her which in reality did not exist. I even took her to meet my parents who are no longer alive. I haven't encountered such evil person in my entire life be it a man or a woman, even worse I got married to her.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #9
but no sex before marriage has never been the Polish norm...

Of course it was back in my day when the Polish catholic church ruled everything.

You are obviously a modern day heathen and never had to suffer you lucky sod.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Jan 2021   #10
Main reason I chose an English wife

I don't blame you. But in all honesty, it just comes down to psychology, repetition, etc. It's no different than domesticating a wild animal. Polish people are cwaniaki, the women are no different. If anything with globalization and EU entry they've realized they can use their unique looks to get over on men, especially foreign men. If you let them **** you over they will. They don't have the same like inherent honesty and decency that say British people do. They're far more opportunistic.

Personally, I've always preferred Latinas - Mexican, Guatemalan, Columbian, etc. Their personalities seem to mesh with mine the most. The way Muslim men must feel when they first arrive in Europe is how I felt during the few months I lived in Mexico. I'd still be living there if it wasn't so ******* dangerous. That place makes Chicago look like the Vatican.

but no sex before marriage has never been the Polish norm...

It use to be decades ago... but even then that was mostly only among the uber Catholics in the villages...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #11
Yeah that was the Polish community in the uk, as you say decades ago.
mafketis  38 | 11142
26 Jan 2021   #12
No, visibly pregnant brides were far from a rare sight in Poland in the cities and in the villages...
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
26 Jan 2021   #13
@Dirk diggler
I'm not that naive. I did my research on the dangers marrying a polish women. But fun turned into nightmare when she became pregnant. I gave her thousand bucks each month in dollars. She prevented my daughter from having my last name until I married her... expressed this demand is a very feminine and emotional way... I fell for that and wanted to be the "good guy".
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #14
No, visibly pregnant brides were far from a rare sight in Poland

Were you here in Poland or amongst the polish community 30/40/50 years ago ? No fun for a young man I can tell you.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
26 Jan 2021   #15
Let me also add this, when her father came to know that I applied for divorce he came to "talk" to me and said "this is normal in the modern world" and that I have an old mindset. No thank you sir!
mafketis  38 | 11142
27 Jan 2021   #16

I've spent virtually no time among Polish people in the US, but in Poland there was a couple month long visit in the 1980s (which included seeing a line of couples waiting to get married in church) about half the brides had a bulge...

And from the very early 1990s where I was (among other things) doing research that brought me into direct contact with people in cities and small towns (and lots of long discussions with a spectrum of people).

If anything, the idea of a woman reaching her early 20s and remaining a virgin was regarded with suspicion...

It's not like it was Sodom and Gomorrah or anything but couples didn't wait to get married and getting pregnant was often the trigger for setting a date (no one ever said it, but I kind of got the idea that if a couple was together long enough and she didn't get pregnant they'd drift apart and try their luck with somone else.

And in the summer.... you didn't get too close to the bushes.... or you might see wildlife you didn't expect (privacy was hard to come by for the young an impassioned).
Lenka  5 | 3529
27 Jan 2021   #17
And in the summer.... you didn't get too close to the bushes.... or you might see wildlife you didn't

That's how a women in my family lost her virginity.
And even earlier than that. During family event when all the family members were moaning how young are immoral and all that said: And you all forgot how in spring only the the hay bales were moving?
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
27 Jan 2021   #18
I have come across several women who don't quite understand the difference between dating market and marriage market. Fact is women control access to sex while men control access to marriage.
mafketis  38 | 11142
27 Jan 2021   #19
women control access to sex while men control access to marriage.

That's an American model, not that true of Poland....

In Poland, the traditional social bargain was that if pregnancy happens then a wedding will take place... (in Poland the assumption has been that almost everyone gets married, not so much the case in the US).
Roibeard79  3 | 39
27 Jan 2021   #20
I originally thought this post was a joke but I guess it's real?
jon357  72 | 23483
27 Jan 2021   #21
but I guess it's real?

Looks like it.

It seems odd to put it all online.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
27 Jan 2021   #22
I think it was meant to be a warning to others.
jon357  72 | 23483
27 Jan 2021   #23
a warning to others.

His partner cheated. Most don't, fortunately.

As ever, there may be a lot he isn't mentioning in either of the threads in which he's posted about this.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
27 Jan 2021   #24
Everything said is very real. In my wildest dream I didn't imagine any person could lie to that extent... but I was wrong by a long shot.

That's an American model, not that true of Poland....

The point I was trying to make is any average woman could walk into a bar and easily find a man to sleep with (she controls sex). But, she doesn't have the same luxury when it comes to marriage (men control that). Men should be extremely careful who they marry as laws are not in their favor if things go south.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
27 Jan 2021   #25
Not trying to generalize all polish women. What I learned is, if a Polish woman speaks moderate to good English, likes to travel solo, had several boyfriends in the past and has unrealistic dreams/ambitions... it's a huge Red Flag.
jon357  72 | 23483
27 Jan 2021   #26
Indeed. A lover and a partner are not always the same person.
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
27 Jan 2021   #27
As ever, there may be a lot he isn't mentioning in either of the threads in which he's posted about this.

In fact, I tried my best to say less, the entire story is much more horrifying if I start speaking about the money I lost, threatens to get me arrested so I will never see the light again, threatens to my mom who was in hospital bed fighting for her life. I lost a lot but escaped alive.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #28
I don't even get the big deal about sex. It is way too much effort in Poland to even get it and energy spent and most of them are selfish and don't even know how to please but just want to receive. i literally can get way more pleasure jacking off or using a shower spray around my balls and **** then any of these polish chicks can do for me. Plus I don't have to listen to questions about what I do or how much money I make every time I see them. all they do is use and abuse men. they get foreigners to get them free meals every day of the week in Warsaw pretending they are being taken on "dates." why would i have any respect for the female gender outside my family and how they act? if anything i can just run into some lonely and divorced middle aged woman and im sure ill have sex again anyway.

The other thing about many of these polish women is they don't seem to be into artists or want a dude in transition in life. if you ride a moped or the bus and don't own a var and don't have a fancy place it seems to be a deal breaker and its pointless to even meet or date any of them. its sort of pointless for them as well because i never dated or was in a relationship. i just use women usually even subconsciously to throw all my frustrations on and nag to them about the world. i end up ******* them and using them for my problems as someone to talk to.
29 Jan 2021   #29
This post is a joke?
OP cruisepatron  1 | 95
29 Jan 2021   #30
The pther thing about many of these polish women is they dont seem to be into artists or want a dude in transition in life.

To be fair most women are like that and not just Poles... women in general want a "finished product"... Hypergamy has been around for decades and that's not the problem. The issue is with honesty and how certain woman approach that.

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