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Polish cities with most single young women

szczecinianin  4 | 317
3 Jan 2014   #1
Gazeta Prawna has researched the sex ratio of males to females in major Polish cities. Warsaw comes out tops for the greatest number of single females aged between 20-35.

"It is believed that Warsaw has a surplus population of young women due to its high student population, as women outnumber men in Polish higher education."
Monitor  13 | 1810
3 Jan 2014   #2
I ask myself how accurate are such statistics when they don't really know who lives where. Many people don't change registration place after moving to other city or abroad. Number of registered people in Warsaw is few hundreds thousand lower than estimates suggests it to be.
Paulina  17 | 4471
4 Jan 2014   #3
Szczecinianin, I think you should be giving links in the posts on your blog to articles from which you're taking the information given in those posts.

And why only "women" in your thread title? What about men?
Englishman  2 | 276
4 Jan 2014   #4
I'm moving to Warsaw right away :-)
pgtx  29 | 3094
4 Jan 2014   #5
Warsaw comes out tops for the greatest number of single females aged between 20-35.

maybe these ladies want to experience their own "Sex and the city" ;)
OP szczecinianin  4 | 317
4 Jan 2014   #6
Szczecinianin, I think you should be giving links in the posts on your blog to articles from which you're taking the information given in those posts.

I did think of posting a link here for your benefit. Then I remembered that you don't click on them.
Paulina  17 | 4471
5 Jan 2014   #7
maybe these ladies want to experience their own "Sex and the city" ;)

Plenty of people are moving to Warsaw, because jobs are there and higher wages. People go there to study at the university (hence so many young women). It's the capital and the biggest Polish city.

Those single women are often well educated and successful. So I guess they want career first and children later.

I did think of posting a link here for your benefit. Then I remembered that you don't click on them.

Stop the bull$hit, szczecinianin. The world doesn't revolve around me and you know it lol (and I do click on links).
You should always give the source of your information on your blog if there's a link available. That's the right and honest thing to do.

And why "singles" on your blog and only "women" in the title of this thread on PF?
OP szczecinianin  4 | 317
5 Jan 2014   #8
You should always give the source of your information on your blog

I did.
Englishman  2 | 276
5 Jan 2014   #9
And why "singles" on your blog and only "women" in the title of this thread on PF?

That's a good point. The article showed gender ratios for a number of Polish cities. Some had more men than women, so could be good hunting grounds for single women seeking men. Yet only the partner-seeking opportunities of men were highlighted...
David logan
2 Aug 2023   #10
I am looking for a serious relationship that ends up marriage I am ready to committed to be successful that marriage.
Alien  25 | 6369
2 Aug 2023   #11
most single young women

I think of the City of Women (Miasto Kobiet) in Świnoujście, which unfortunately has already taken place this year.

Home / Love / Polish cities with most single young women

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