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What are the best love poems in Polish to receive?

gumishu  15 | 6228
4 May 2011   #61

Jestem osobą
Nieobdarzoną bogactwem słów.
Często brak mi słów właściwych.
Czasem wogóle brak mi słów.

Ale mam nadzieję,
Że moja miłość słów nie potrzebuje.
Że spojrzenie albo dotyk
mogą powiedzieć więcej niż tysiąc słów.

A jeśli to za mało
Pozwól mi namalować słowami obraz
Kolorami miłości
Z Tobą po środku
Z moim sercem w twoich dłoniach
4 May 2011   #62
Djiekuje bardzo!
4 May 2011   #63
The above translation is very good, although:
-you should write "w ogóle" separately!
-I would also change the last verse to:
Z moim sercem w dłoniach twych

That sounds more poetic;)
rybnik  18 | 1444
4 May 2011   #64
That sounds more poetic;)

5 May 2011   #65
Thanks all for the great help. I pasted Gumishu's version into my wife's birthday card and she was really delighted.
I have one question though.

Where I originally had "Bez bogactwa słowa miłości" Gumishu chose "Nieobdarzoną bogactwem słów."
Could I also use "Nieobdarzoną bogactwem słowa miłości" here?

Then the new version with all of your help might be:

Jestem osobą
Nieobdarzoną bogactwem słowa miłości.
Często brak mi słów właściwych.
Czasem w ogóle brak mi słów.

Ale mam nadzieję,
Że moja miłość słów nie potrzebuje.
Że spojrzenie albo dotyk
Mogą powiedzieć więcej niż tysiąc słów.

A jeśli to za mało
Pozwól mi namalować słowami obraz
Kolorami miłości
Z Tobą po środku
Z moim sercem w dłoniach twych.
gumishu  15 | 6228
5 May 2011   #66
Where I originally had "Bez bogactwa słowa miłości" Gumishu chose "Nieobdarzoną bogactwem słów."
Could I also use "Nieobdarzoną bogactwem słowa miłości" here?

looks like my translation wasn't perfect eventually - i missed this in my translation - I would write 'Nieobdarzoną bogactwem słów miłości' - the version you proposed is not natural Polish (and going for some strange stylistic is not the way to write personal poetry in my oppinion)
5 May 2011   #67
Thanks so much for your help. Your version was brilliant, it's just the 'Nieobdarzoną bogactwem słów' was missing the miłości and I was really trying to emphasize 'words of love'.

I really wasn't trying to suggest something stylistic, my Polish is just very weak on grammar ;-)
If I had have used my original it would have looked like a dog's dinner. My wife thought that your version must be from a well-known poem that I had sourced on the internet so thanks again.
gumishu  15 | 6228
5 May 2011   #68
you are welcome :)
shuuday  - | 2
10 Oct 2011   #69
nice we ganna need it.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
10 Oct 2011   #70
You guys need a stronger moderator. My relationship ended when I gave this to my girl. Thanks for nothing. You can keep your Polish Forum and shove it where the sun don't shine!!!!!!!

Then you're as dumb as the people who get Chinese tattoos, without being able to read that it actually says "I Am Stupid Gweilo" and not "I Love Chantelle-Jade" :D
Elle69  - | 1
27 Dec 2012   #71
Hi am new to the forum and love reading and learning so much.

I have tried to write a poem from English to Polish can any Polish speakers see that it reads properly? In terms of how I want to portray it from english?

Have to say I love the fact that the nature of Polish culture so warmly embraces romance and the idea of romanticism in its culture from art, words, stories, music, people, food what a beautiful culture!

Thanks! :)

A glimpse of emotion
Captured in a deliciously mirrored reflection
Unveils a warmth uniting two souls in a sea of adventures
Blossoming a love deeper than where
All senses are lost to the power of control
A timeless clock breathes with our youthful souls
To conquer endlessly fearless dreams
Exploring passion... A taste untraveled before

Emocje uchwycone spojrzenie w odbiciu
lustrzanym odbiciem doskonale prezentuje
się zjednoczenie dwóch dusz w cieple morze
przygody Kwitnienie głębiej, niż z miłości
gdzie wszystkie zmysły są utracone na zegar
sterujący ponadczasowy oddycha z
młodzieńczych dusz na podbój naszych
nieustraszonych marzenia bez końca
odkrywania pasji ...
A smak untraveled przed
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2012   #72
What are the best love poems in Polish for a girl to receive?

Your own....
Lenka  5 | 3548
27 Dec 2012   #73
I like this one:
Rozmowa liryczna
- Powiedz mi, jak mnie kochasz.

- Powiem.

- Więc?

- Kocham Cię w słońcu. I przy blasku świec.

Kocham Cię w kapeluszu i w berecie.

W wielkim wietrze na szosie i na koncercie.

W bzach i w brzozach, i w malinach, i w klonach.

I gdy śpisz. I gdy pracujesz skupiona.

I gdy jajko roztłukujesz ładnie -

nawet wtedy, gdy ci łyżka spadnie.

W taksówce. I w samochodzie. Bez wyjątku.

I na końcu ulicy. I na początku.

I gdy włosy grzebieniem rozdzielisz.

W niebezpieczeństwie. I na karuzeli.

W morzu. W górach. W kaloszach. I boso.

Dzisiaj. Wczoraj. I jutro. Dniem i nocą.

I wiosną, kiedy jaskółka przylata.

- A latem jak mnie kochasz?

- Jak treść lata.

- A jesienią, gdy chmurki i humorki?

- Nawet wtedy, gdy gubisz parasolki.

- A gdy zima posrebrzy ramy okien?

- Zimą kocham Cię jak wesoły ogień.

Blisko przy Twoim sercu. Koło niego.

A za oknami śnieg. Wrony na śniegu.

Poetic conversation

- Tell me how much you love me.
- I will.
- Well then?
- I love you in the sunlight. And in the candlelight.
I love you wearing a hat and a beret.
On a concert, in a sharp wind and on a highway.
Love you among lilys and birches, raspberries and maple.
And while you are asleep or working more than ample.
Even when while breaking an egg you drop your spoon -
it is anyway true that I love you.
In a taxi, in a car. Beyond all dispute.
At the beginning and at the end of a route.
And when you are styling your hair with a comb or a slide.
In danger. And on a merry-go-round ride.
By the sea. In the mountains. In boots. And barefoot.
Today. Yesterday. And tomorrow. Days and nights.
And in the spring with the first swallow.
- And in the summer what your love means?
- The same as means the summer.
- And in the autumn, cloudy and moody?
- It means all to me even when you lose your brolly.
- And when the frost silvers the windows?
- Then my love is as hot as fire.
I am close to your heart. Always nearby.
And there is snow behind the windows. And there are crows.

Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński
JLesh  - | 9
21 Aug 2015   #74
Merged: Best love poems by Adam Mickiewicz?

Hi everyone!

I'm making a special project for my husband (who is from Poland) and need a beautiful love poem by Adam Mickiewicz in original Polish. I've hunted through the internet and can't seem to find any suitable. Anyone have a favourite to recommend (with an English translation to go with it please, I'm still learning!)

Thanks in advance!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Aug 2015   #75
"Przez cały, biały dzionek czekam,
Aź stanie wieczór wiencu gwiazd....."

J. Iwaszkiewicz
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2023   #76
"Przez cały, biały dzionek czekam,
Aź stanie

Typical of mature males. Fortunately, they invented Viagra long ago.
Ironside  51 | 13086
6 Aug 2023   #77
Typical of mature males.

:D we don't need to know about your isuess pawian..

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