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Asian woman dating a Polish guy

Angel888  1 | 7
27 May 2024   #1
I am dating a polish guy but he was living in America for 12 years. we dated once. On our first date, we ate outside . after he meet me in person he said that I'm very charming and that he understands my culture. after he tried to invite me for movie date. But I don't had a chance to meet him again because needed to go back to the Philippines. I liked him when I saw him even though I only saw him once. But I feel like he was not initiating calls only text? Is this normal for Polish guy not to text so much ? ( so I was thinking that maybe he wasn't serious at all because he was ghosting me ) he ask me when I gonna go back in America ( told him I'm gonna go 2 weeks after ) and I also I said I can't because I'm gonna meet the italian guy I met on dating were we met too. And after that why I unfriend him on Facebook I said I unfriend you because I saw him online on dating site so I was thjinking the whole time that he wasn't serious and then he gets mad at me because he said he was only dating me which I don't believe because why he can't communicate well if he was only dating me. And he even said he's not sure if he can come to my country yet but he said he was really serious and he likes me.. he said he gonna wait for me to go back in America.

I don't know what to do I can go back but I still have some priorities here in my countries.. and I don't want to settle for less so I guess if he really likes me he should make an effort but I really like him though
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #2
How old are you and how much do you weigh ?
OP Angel888  1 | 7
27 May 2024   #3
I am 24. 45 kg . I'm slim and cute haha. I'm Asian . I am really looking for serious relationship I met him on badoo. Hahaha . 😂
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
28 May 2024   #4
Sound like you want to play with the hearts of boys. Let him go, if he spoke the truth and dated nobody else you aren't worthy of him. Let him go
OP Angel888  1 | 7
28 May 2024   #5
@Mr Grunwald
I'm not playing with him. To be honest I only start talking to another guy on dating site when I saw him online on dating site I check him always and because he's not texting me and not initiate calls. I don't know the dating culture in Poland . We are not official yet so I decided to keep my option open. But I don't like the Italian guy I feel like I have feelings for the polish guy but the problem is he don't know how to communicate well. 🥹 I like him a lot. I'm very serious when it comes to dating..

He said he is not a big fan of dating through text or distance stuff so was just mainly waiting to see you.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #6
I'm not playing with him.

My guess is that he became aware of the high rate of scamming that the Philippines are infamous for.
They post provocative pictures of young Asian women on the internet looking for a husband.
Then when they get a reply from some Horny old many they bleed him for $thousands$ to get their V.I.S.A.'s to come to the Suckers home country to get married.

Then once the Scammer milks the poor guy for all he is worth.... POOF ! the little skinny bride disappears and moves on to the next idiot.

And the girls that do get married to these clowns only last long enough to get their citizenship out of the Philippines and Walla, divorce time taking all they can get.

This happens more time than not here in the my guess and opinion is that your Polish "Mark' smelled a rat.

I'm very serious when it comes to dating..

Thats what they all say.
Can I ask you why you haven't found a nice Pilipino boy by the age of 24 ?
My old aged wisdom tells me because they are all very poor and you are looking for $$$$$$.
OP Angel888  1 | 7
28 May 2024   #7
@johnny reb
First of all I have my own business and also can earn money so what you can say you don't know my family so how can you say I'm poor. ? Lol. I don't need a money from him.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #8
how can you say I'm poor. ?

My old aged wisdom knows how the Philippines are notorious for using provocative pictures with sexual innuendo's to snag suckers for money.
You may be one in a thousand that is not like that.

I have my own business

Yes, they all say that and what a wealthy family they come from.
Everything posted on the internet is true you know.
Is your real name delph by any chance ? 🙄
OP Angel888  1 | 7
28 May 2024   #9
Lol I think you are 🤣🤣🤣

And think you are old that's why when you dated a Filipina it didn't worked out because you are too old😉🤪
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #10
that's why when you dated a Filipina

Oh god forbid, please.
Without going into detail why that would never happen please spare me.

it didn't worked out because you are too old

Exactly, I am now old with wisdom because God watched over me when I was young and stupid.
Can I ask you why you haven't found a nice Filipino boy by the age of 24 to marry ?
OP Angel888  1 | 7
28 May 2024   #11
Because I don't want Filipino guys that's it. My sister got married to a polish guy and they are very happy. They are married for 15 years already. I don't want to have a filipino boyfriend because he cheated on me before.
OP Angel888  1 | 7
28 May 2024   #12
@johnny reb
And how can you say that all Filipino do that? All people is different. My sister husband married to her polish husband without anything no house not even rich. But now my sister only has a good business she worked hard everything they have now. And his husband stays at home so does it mean my sister husband only want money from my sister? Doesn't meet you meet a bad Filipina . People are different
Atch  22 | 4299
28 May 2024   #13
My sister got married to a polish guy

Well then why not ask your sister about Polish men?
OP Angel888  1 | 7
28 May 2024   #14
I already ask to her. But I can't tell her that I have feelings for this guy because I'm shy. 😏 She's my sister so you know!! She loves to annoy me when she know I like someone huhu
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 May 2024   #15
What kind of crap is this...Because one Polish guy is nice therefore the next one will be nice too?
One German was Pope. Another one constructed Auschwitz...

But I feel like he was not initiating calls only text?

Avoid texters. Lazy bums...trying to avoid conversation. Texting is for I will see at 6, not to romance..."I am thinking about you" is best expressed in cursive on pink paper, never through as an email or text.

Here is how to meet a guy...When you see the right one walking down the street, ask him to take your picture, for directions, or to use his phone ...
23 Aug 2024   #16
Some Polish guys are cheaters too, but you're right that there are many successful Polish-Asian couples. But a guy must be into Asian girls, otherwise watch out for guys who don't want a serious relationship but some quick exotic dates.
Alien  26 | 6528
23 Aug 2024   #17
One German was Pope. Another one constructed Auschwitz...

One Pole was also pope, but no Pole constructed Auschwitz.
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Aug 2024   #18
but some quick exotic dates.

Non-white women can be pretty but they are not sexy.
Like this one...
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Aug 2024   #19
but they are not sexy.

So why do you keep the poster of her in your bedroom???

Home / Love / Asian woman dating a Polish guy

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