Well I do tend to agree with her. I think possibly the problem lies with the fact many Polish young men live with their parents until they get married. I have many Polish mates and they do let their mothers mother them. Perhaps it is not so much the men's fault, rather that they have overbearing mothers.
20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy!
ShortHairThug - | 1101
2 Dec 2010 #92
they have overbearing mothers.
Don’t confuse the close family ties with economic necessity, for vest majority it’s using the system to their own advantage, milking it for all it’s worth till a wife comes along than back on the gravy train.
joepilsudski 26 | 1387
2 Dec 2010 #93
All men are mummy's boys...We all come out of the same place when we come into the world.
My wife thinks so.
yes, spoiled by mommies entire time... then wives suffer with those "men wanna-be's"...
nothing to be proud off boys...
ShortHairThug - | 1101
2 Dec 2010 #95
yes, spoiled by mommies entire time... then wives suffer with those "men wanna-be's"...
Yet when it's time for those wives to be mothers, we come to a full cycle. Looks like the ball is in your court.
Yet when it's time for those wives to be mothers, we come to a full cycle.
i agree... life's funny...
2 Dec 2010 #97
Any opinions
Let me put it this way: Polish girls appear to be somewhat stunned by a man's ability to iron a shirt and cook a fairly simple meal.
i agree... life's funny...
And women are stupid, not all mind you but you definitely :))))
2 Dec 2010 #100
a fairly simple meal.
my dad cooks and irons. Nothing unusual.
Nothing unusual.
Zetigrek, you should know by now that PF is full of generalisations.
We don't want to hear actual real life but rather a fantasy land where Poland is what we say it is, where men are men and women are sheep, where everyone is a jew hater and eats babies for breakfast.
Your reality posts are not wanted here, go away you.. you... what's the opposite of a troll?
So Polish men marry their mothers and kill their fathers!
And Freud was Polish!
ShortHairThug - | 1101
2 Dec 2010 #102
And Freud was Polish!
That would be Oedipus.
Oedipuski to be exact.
And women are stupid, not all mind you but you definitely :))))
you didn't suck on mom's boob today yet, momma's boy :)
my dad cooks and irons. Nothing unusual.
young generation of men don't know how an iron looks like... so forget it...
don't know how an iron looks like
Not true:

okey.... can you point the iron out on that picture, Sean?
50/50? phone a friend? ask the audience?
Wrinkle free shirts are the way forward :)
Wrinkle free shirts are the way forward :)
2 Dec 2010 #108
young generation of men don't know how an iron looks like... so forget it...
well me neither... and yes, you're right, I'm young ;)
Your reality posts are not wanted here, go away you.. you... what's the opposite of a troll?
They are victims of the boomerang generation. They go out into the world and try to make a living for themselves. When they find out that becoming domesticated isn't so easy, they ran back to mommy for help.
2 Dec 2010 #110
my dad cooks and irons. Nothing unusual.
Your dad (I assume) is married and has been for long enough to be housetrained (by your mother).
Jeez, can't win can they?
Either they are under the woman's thumb or mama's boys.
Either they are under the woman's thumb or mama's boys.
Marek11111 9 | 807
2 Dec 2010 #112
Economy issues is the reason and some convenience too but do not worry about that this is going to happen in all nation as austerity measures will get under way
2 Dec 2010 #113
Your dad (I assume) is married and has been for long enough to be housetrained (by your mother).
he knew how to do it before he married my mother and was trained by his mother ;)
My dad was traying to learn how to cook my mother but she never learnt and actually she's awful cook... (but still I love my mom ;)
My dad was traying to learn how to cook my mother
My dad tried the same thing but she just wouldn't fit in the oven.
Thank you folks, I am here all week!
Either they are under the woman's thumb or mama's boys.
yes, women control men's back bone... :)
Your dad (I assume) is married and has been for long enough to be housetrained (by your mother).
good old school training...
This is truly sad!
Yeah, it is, isn't it? (But it's not entirely their fault!) Regardless, all of this will be over when all those baby-boomers are going to retire en masse, which will definitely happen all over Europe within the next five years or so, so employers will really have to consider handing out more permanent contracts to employees, and they should also setting up internal courses to educate and train new personel a serious thought, unless they want Europe to become Eurasia or Eurabia.
I just really hope employers and politicians alike aren't going to commit EU-thanasia on the younger generations of Europe, and give them a fair chance instead of treating them like they're expendable cannon-fodder.
*stepping down from his soap-box*
I just really hope employers and politicians alike aren't going to commit EU-thanasia on the younger generations of Europe, and give them a fair chance instead of treating them like they're expendable cannon-fodder.
Kind of pushing the blame there aren't you?
What are you doing about your own situation?
Kind of pushing the blame there aren't you?
Am I? Isn't it just true that baby-boomers make up the largest part of our population and workforce? Isn't it true that they will retire in the near future? Where's the blame in that? What am I blaming them for? What do you think the poster of this thread does? Huh? ''Living with mummy''?? Seriously, as if all those guys and girls out there choose to stay with their parents! (Double-standards anyone?)
What are you doing about your own situation?
How about: More than you ever did, or ever will do? (If you wish to make it sound like I'm not doing anything then you can have it your way!) I'm just saying I hope the people who can make a difference will make a difference for the younger generation, and I understand all the complications. (I'm not blaming them for everything!) However, I wouldn't understand it if they imported another massive foreign workforce to ensure a race to the bottom, because of course I will hold them responsible for all the opportunities they will waste for young Europeans that way. Would you blame me? Because I'm sure as hell I'm not the only one in this society who feels that way.
Was that just one of your rants that I should have ignored and now that I commented on it you take it the wrong way and are all up your arse about it?
yes, spoiled by mommies entire time... then wives suffer with those "men wanna-be's"...
nothing to be proud off boys...
nothing to be proud off boys...
Men usually have to go through these two types of women in their lives: one - molding by control and natural love, the other - molding by feeding with sex crumbs and money love. Either love from these princesses, "women wanna-be's", aim for one thing only - make you a doormat. But this is not all: when you became a doormat, there will always be dissatisfaction of how well you are able to scrub the dirt from their boots. Indeed, wives suffer when you let someone else to be also using you as a rag. Moms do the same. It is a constant battle of whose doormat you are going to be. Some women can't comprehend that men care about peace and love at home, sex, beer and football only! Go buy your dresses and table-cloths and leave us in the f*cking hell alone! Are there always atomic bombs falling when two princesses are in the same room?
Interesting also that some women will cut your throat for their "mamuluskas", but they are not considered "mommies' girls". Why? Because women are "tender and more delicate" than men. Ok. So, where is the freaking equality of rights for both sexes? You want us as your rugs, then learn to give a bit of breathing way to the lungs or otherwise we might die and decompose. Whom to humiliate then? I don't think you worry too much about that either - there are plenty of rugs to step on anyway... Men are animals, as you know.
Nothing to be proud of for either camp.
Either they are under the woman's thumb or mama's boys.
Exactly. You cannot be yourself. When you disagree with your wife, then you are definitely have listened what your mother had to say about that.