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Do young Polish people believe in their religion and God?

APF  4 | 106
24 Jan 2013   #1
Is the younger generation of Poles still crazy about religion, like the older generation?? Or did it changed in the age of internet etc. ..
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2013   #2
Why are you asking?
OP APF  4 | 106
24 Jan 2013   #3
I am intrested, cause all younger people from western countries were atheists or at least not really intrested in their religions.

Friends from Asia and Muslims are really believing.

So I am asking about East European people, especially Poland, who has a reputation to be very catholic.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2013   #4
If so, the answer is the following: some young people are believers, some aren`t.
24 Jan 2013   #5
still crazy about religion, like the older generation??

What country do you come from?

So I am asking about East European people, especially Poland, who has a reputation to be very catholic

Then you're totally wrong. Neither Russians, Ukrainians nor Belarusians are Catholics.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2013   #6
Neither Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians are Catholics.

What about Czechs and Slovaks? :):):)
24 Jan 2013   #7
Slovaks are Catholics.
Hipis  - | 226
24 Jan 2013   #8
Neither Russians, Ukrainians nor Belarusians are Catholics.

Some Ukrainians are.

It's a stupid post from the OP anyway. Just because someone is born into a country with an official state religion doesn't automatically follow that they are "believers" and in my opinion it's not about faith or belief but indoctrination.
24 Jan 2013   #9
official state religion

Polish state is secular.
Bieganski  17 | 888
24 Jan 2013   #10
So I am asking about East European people, especially Poland, who has a reputation to be very catholic.

Religion is a personal matter. Most young people attend religious services ceremonies because they are compelled to by their parents and other adult figures in their communities. With that said I don't see that younger people in Asian, Middle Eastern or any country for that matter are necessarily "really believing".

These so-called religious societies have always had laws on the books regarding crime. I can't think of one that doesn't have a prison system. And in some of the most "really believing" societies the death penalty is still in place and often carried out for crimes which do not involve murder. In some instances the death penalty is carried out by a mob or in front of a baying crowd; yes, even today in the 21st century.

Faith does not equate to social harmony, stability or even shared prosperity.

In Western societies you see a growing prevalence of secularization not atheism. In Eastern cultures you still see the interference of religion in daily life and you can be certain many in those places would much prefer that religion's role was diminished but not eliminated. Religion can play a positive culture role for marking personal rites of passage in life like births, adulthood, weddings, death, etc. But practices which involve coercion (such as conversions, arranged marriages, etc.) or worse the mutilation of body parts must be banned by the state and enforced by the rule of law.
Hipis  - | 226
24 Jan 2013   #11
Polish state is secular.

Yes, I am well aware of that :) but some countries do have an official state religion which is why I mentioned it :)
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Jan 2013   #12
These so-called religious societies have always had laws on the books regarding crime

As do all societies.

But practices which involve coercion (such as conversions, arranged marriages, etc.) or worse the mutilation of body parts must be banned by the state and enforced by the rule of law.

Very true.

I'd add that nobody should be forced or even officially encouraged to practise a religion (or celebrate rites of passage according to the beliefs of a religion) unless they personally choose to do so.
smurf  38 | 1940
24 Jan 2013   #13
Another religious thread?
Wonderful, that's exactly what this forum needs.
24 Jan 2013   #14
Then you're totally wrong. Neither Russians, Ukrainians nor Belarusians are Catholics.

What about Czechs and Slovaks? :):):)

The OP asked 'about East European people' Zetigrek is, 100% correct, Czech and Slovaks are CentraL Europeans Just like Poland. The OP is not familiar with the geographical location of European countries.
OP APF  4 | 106
24 Jan 2013   #15
You maybe live on Middle European ground since WW1 .. that does not make you to Middle Europeans .. when they are searching for "Osteuropäer" in the show "Aktenzeichen XY" they are mostly Poles .. and the Con Airs in the UK are not flying to "Middle Europe" ..
1jola  14 | 1875
24 Jan 2013   #16
Will you be posting threads about Hitler?
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2013   #17
hahaha most probably. We`d better hold on strong!:):):)
OP APF  4 | 106
24 Jan 2013   #18
Why should I? We live in the present, not in the past like you .. It is just a fact, that half of Poland nowadays is German country. I dont even complain about it.
24 Jan 2013   #19
Can a moderator take care of our new user? He obviously came here to stir up.
Wroclaw Boy
24 Jan 2013   #20
what do you think this is ATP? mind you it is becoming more and more like that place everyday......................with the current moderators.
f stop  24 | 2493
24 Jan 2013   #21
Which ATP?? Tennis?

and the Con Airs in the UK are not flying to "Middle Europe" ..

lol he had a point there
24 Jan 2013   #22
You maybe live on Middle European ground since WW1 .. that does not make you to Middle Europeans .. when they are searching for "Osteuropäer" in the show "Aktenzeichen XY" they are mostly Poles .. and the Con Airs in the UK are not flying to "Middle Europe" ..

CENTRAL EUROPE is a European Union programme that encourages cooperation among regions of nine central European countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. It aims to improve innovation, accessibility and the environment and to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of their cities and regions.

APTF- Please contact the EU and inform they have got it all wrong.
Wroclaw Boy
24 Jan 2013   #23
It aims to improve innovation, accessibility and the environment and to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of their cities and regions.

and to have enough combined economic power to compete with the US and up and coming Asian markets, the EU is an economic alliance more than any other with Germany front and center.
scottie1113  6 | 896
24 Jan 2013   #24
It is just a fact, that half of Poland nowadays is German country.

24 Jan 2013   #25
Maybe he means half of Silesia (it's obviously the place where he himself orginates from)
OP APF  4 | 106
25 Jan 2013   #26
Red: After WW2

Brown: After WW1
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
25 Jan 2013   #27
APF, please sort yourself out. It's time to follow the rules.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Jan 2013   #28
He started with young Poles` religion and finished with WW1. Not bad spread, indeed. :):):):):)
Dreadnought  1 | 143
27 Jan 2013   #29
Well, I live in the 'Podkarpacie' and yes I consider that all young people are brainwashed from an early age......But I don,t mind, it,s your poor idiots they are brainwashing and it makes my village a safer place.....once you get to know the local priest everyone is 'kowtowing' to you and priests are generally intelligent enough and interested enough to be friendly to foreigners who are not Catholics, hell last year I was even driving the priest around when he went on his (brown envelope - not compulsory to give..but you,ll go straight to hell if you don,t!!!) in the snow in my 4x4. Why does it make the village a safer place???.....I,ll explain for those who are not brainwashed already.....In Uk if you saw a group of 7-8 young men walking towards you along a dark street at night, you might start to prepare yourself for at best losing your phone, or maybe a good beating (if they are black/asian) several stab wounds of possible life threatening intensity!!!! But here, they will all want to shake your hand and will all to a man be polite and say good evening (equiv.) thats the church for you. even drunk they still fear the church and retribution to their very bones!!!! woe betide any of them who are abusive etc and it gets back to the priest and their family name is bandied about on Sunday!! that young man who gave the abuse or was not polite should prepare himself for ostracism and at least a good bashing at the hands of male relatives for bringing the family name into dis-repute. (personally I think telling lies to small children is not a good thing and I wouldn,t allow it with my children) But I don,t mind the church spouting it to locals, it makes me feel like a Medieval Lord who knows the truth, but the locals are all kept in Line for me by fear of God!!!
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2013   #30
Dread, staying in Poland is definitely beneficial for your complexes. :):):):) In your own country you used to be white trash, but in Poland you are a lord.

Is it the reason why so many Brit expats come here? :):):)

Home / Life / Do young Polish people believe in their religion and God?

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