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Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events

OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #91
driving a gas guzzler or motorcycle, learning how to remodel your homes, when your sink gets clogged or a ceiling fan needs to be installed

If those are your symbols of masculinity, I don`t have to worry, then, thanks God. :):) I earn a lot. I don`t drive a gas gazzler or motorbike but my economical diesel is powerful enough to race successfully against young road hogs with too high esteem. And since we bought a summer house, I don`t call repair guys when sth comes out. Have you ever climbed down a 7 metre deep well and cleaned it? :) Though I don`t go to the gym, I get a lot of workout in the field so once I handled the transport of a washing machine and fridge on my own. :)

Women don't want some beta fighting for their rights.

I don`t know if they want it or not. More important is that I want to do it because I feel so. Besides, my wife is so proud of me when she boasts to her mates of having such a women-rights oriented husband.You can`t imagine what heavenly sex we have then. :):)
johnny reb  49 | 8005
10 Mar 2019   #92
That's nice.
Did your Polish wife fight for those rights/events ?
That is the Topic of this thread.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 498
10 Mar 2019   #93
* Waits for the response of 'I must be a man-hater' or an 'ugly short dyke'

Wait no longer. It is obvious you are a feminist. How far you take your grieves, makes all the difference.
No one on the right wants a woman to be his servant. Some times the only way to fight absurd is with absurd answer. I do not judge you to harshly

Because I do not know enough about you, except for your leftist tendencies, your unjust handling your responsibilities as moderator. Understandable you are a lib

One other indication of who you really are is your involvement in defending undefendable.I am talking about exchange of postings, between
me and one of your so called "sisters", vulgarizer extraordinaire."Woman" whom shamelessly invades strangers
, most private area, grabs the genitalia all of it in public and you rushing to her defense, Do you wonder why I question your impartiality.

You are to intelligent ,your writing to elegant and precise not to notice glaring inconsistency, for instance, where did the "ugly short dyke" come from?

Post is to long already, what I wan to convey to you would take ten pages not one post
Ps What rights are you denied, so you are obligated to fight for?
OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #94
That is the Topic of this thread.

Strange you have become obsessed with topics of threads.

But you are right.

A funny event at a recent manifa in Bydgoszcz. Like in 2018, the police confiscated the rainbow flag with the Polish eagle, despite the last year`s court ruling that such flags don`t defile the national symbols. A rainbow flag isn`t a flag anymore but a banner.,48722,24535226,bydgoska-manifa-policja-aresztowala-teczowa-flage-z-orlem.html

What do you think about it?

  • z24535160VTeczowaf.jpg
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Mar 2019   #95
National symbols are abused daily in Poland and without reaction from the authorities. I wince every time I see a "patriot" with the eagle on his trousers while drinking an energy drink with the eagle on it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Mar 2019   #96
I'm sure you know too that California wants a quota system for women on corporate boards or face fines.

It's the next logical step with cultural Marxism. Soon, the globo-homo run by Shlomo agenda will add blacks, gays, trannies, etc. But don't think for a second any hand rubbing merchants will give up their seats on the board for some black guy or tranny. It's like that with military, police, fire fighters, and government jobs. You could get a perfect score on an exam yet your position may very well go to a person who barely passed because of their skin color, sexual identity, gender, etc.

Women are also now over represented in many colleges thanks to programs

Indeed. If you're a white male it's far more difficult to get into a good college. If you're POC/female, not only is it easier to get into college but you'll likely get a grant/scholarship. Black and female? Doesn't matter what your grades and test scores are - here's a scholarship to a top uni. Although honestly I never complained about women being overrepresented at my college since it made my bachelor days more fun. At my school the student body was nearly 2/3 female at the undergrad level. At the graduate level the amount of women thins out significantly and they become a minority. Like the business classes for bachelor level were pretty evenly split, but for mba classes there's probably like 5 dudes for every 1 female. For biology there were far more women because many wanted to become nurses. For engineering, physics, IT, etc. there's far more men

Women ON AVERAGE do get paid less than men, no one is denying that. However, women also tend to take lower paying jobs, aren't as aggressive when negotiating for jobs, and tend to not be as competitive as men. If you look at a female accountant at XYZ corp with the same level of experience it's highly likely she's getting paid the same amount as a male with the same experience and credentials, unless the man was more aggressive in negotiating salaries.

Feminism isn't about getting the right to vote or being able to go to college and get good jobs. No, women already have all those rights. Modern day feminism is about promoting degeneracy and things that ultimately hurt the traditional European family unit. It encourages women to be giant vvhores, it convinces them that 'women's health' is about killing babies that were created due to the woman's vvhoring, and that white men are evil because they built western society which hurt some brown people along the way. Even things like the metoo movement created a situation where a man is automatically guilty even if there's no evidence - just look at the Kavanaugh nomination recently. It's insanity. Thankfully most women don't buy into this radical feminism b.s. -+

Feminism basically boils down to the promoting of being a vvhore. It's not about independence, about rights, or anything like that. It's all about being able to be a vvhore without facing consequences. That's why on these women marches, such as the one that I posted pics of earlier, the women dress half naked to be provocative and get noticed, but then go into a rage when a man notices, compliments them, hits on them, etc. Then, even if she does accept the males advances, they go out for drinks and have sex, well now the man could wind up a sex offender for having sex with a girl while she's drunk. Same with "women's health." No one is saying women can't go to the doctor, take medicine, etc. But of course "women's health" sounds a lot better of a cause to support then "killing babies because you were too much of a vvhore to use a condom."


And what does she say:'To be dominated has always been my thingbut I became a slave to this type of guy,' she said.

BAM! Well, she's no different than the majority of women - which even the Guardian and numerous psychology books point out...

One things for certain - feminism isn't making women happier. Also, retarded men think they're helping women by supporting women's rights aka the right to be accepted as a vvhore, but in reality they're just being effeminate males and thus hurting the reputation and image of men as a whole. Again, the number one complaint among women is that men aren't masculine. You think dudes who have a degree of confidence and manliness are going to attend some pussy hat march or some feminist march?

We need more women like Queen Ann, Laura Ingram, Laura Southern, Ilse Koch, etc.

These women are smart enough to understand the (((social engineering))), like this video from Red Ice TV:
Why are interracial relationships pushed on white women?

Pretty, smart, woke, nationalistic and even blonde! Definitely my type too bad she's married.

  • D1J3zJaXcAEl8rR.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11162
10 Mar 2019   #97
globo-homo run by Shlomo

You would have joined the German army in 1939, would you?
OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #98
Did anyone else notice the virtue-signalling OP's chauvinistic Freudian slip?

Bwahahah. That's the hypocrisy I'm talking about.

Hey, does it mean you actually pay tribute to my school English? Thanks very much. :):)
Przelotnyptak1  - | 498
10 Mar 2019   #99
flags don`t defile the national symbols. A rainbow flag isn`t a flag anymore but a banner.

Pawian !

Why do you defend sick attempt to connect Polish flag with a symbol of homosexuality? This is even more twisted ,than your attempt to present yourself and and every libtard as noble defenders of women rights Which rights ,precisely are you defending, and which are denied to women , today?

What you and your friends are lamenting is the fact that not every men is ready to be a doormat and a arss kisser what you are fighting is a law of nature, you are fighting

a mirage, my dear Don Quixote Liked or not we are different, not as opponents but two halves,that creates perfect entirety
In the future I will talk to you about man and a manhood .You can drive a truck trough the gap in your knowledge
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 Mar 2019   #100
ou would have joined the German army in 1939, would you?

Didn't he once say his family was deported during the WW II from the Generalgouvernement to the city of Breslau, an ethnically German town until 1945? No, the Nazi authorities never settled Polish people in the Reich during the war (unless, perhaps, there was some special reason for that).

[term: feminazi] I am sure those maniacal rightists realise that it discredits them but they just can`t resist, it is stronger than them. :)

Another term: soy boy, goes nicely with feminazi, don't you think so?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Mar 2019   #101

Good things the Polish authorities think so too and promptly arrested her. Not too keen on having the national flag disgraced.

Antifa and the liberals who try to stop nationalists from marching get the same treatment. They get throw face first on the floor of a van
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Mar 2019   #102
Courts have already ruled that there's no case to answer. The "insult to national symbols" law is practically unenforceable, which is why you can now find the emblem on energy drinks. reminds me a lot about respect.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Mar 2019   #103
You should know by now there's different rules applied to gays and antifa types, which is why the wahhhman was arrested. What happens next is up to the local court and judge and remains to be seen.

Nazi authorities

All I know is the Nazis/wermacht were very kind to my family, even saved my uncle when an upa officer had him against a tree. Can't speak for other families, but mine had no problems with them.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #104
Sorry but you misunderstood the Polish title in the link I provided. It wasn`t the female flag holder who got arrested but the flag. Saying in Polish that a thing was arrested implies irony which is aimed to ridicule the perpetrator of the arrest. In a similar way, communists once used to "arrest" holy pictures of Mary which travelled around Poland. We all know how communism ended, the same will happen to current PiS thought police and their whole government.

my dear Don Quixote

Weren`t Poles often called the tragic Don Quixotes of Europe? I am Polish, so I must act like one. :)

BTW, most feminist leaders and prominent feminists are Jewish. Cohencidence??? I think not...

Yes, isn`t it strange?? :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Mar 2019   #105
Not really. Jews have been pushing anti-white agendas for decades. Promoting feminism is just one of the multi-prong strategy to undermine white traditional families in a divide and conquer, salami strategy. Just like LGBT, multiculturalism, pushing interracial relationships, liberalism. Basically, the opposite of everything that they support for Israel - which is more resembles far-right ideology, even Nazism.

Korwin to feminists - bwhaha I love this guy
OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #106
Promoting feminism is just one of the multi-prong strategy to undermine white traditional families in a divide and conquer, salami strategy.

Yes, but you are inconsistent, you seem to defend traditional white families (isn`t this order of adjectives more correct?) and at the same time you admit you don`t want to have one. I understand you probably had one in the past and it ended but if you really believed in what you say, you would start a new one, just to fight that "nasty Jewish agenda" .

She knows and doesn't care one bit. It's a relationship of convenience and sex.

So, why do you expect people to do things which you don`t do yourself, though you could?

One things for certain - feminism isn't making women happier.

I think you should talk to all those female victims of male abuse first. Not only in Western countries but Arab too.

Feminism basically boils down to the promoting of being indecent.

But why are you so concerned? Leave it to women to decide who or what they want to be, it is their own business. How do you call a man who has 10 partners within a year, just for convenience and sex? Manly, right?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Mar 2019   #107
you seem to defend traditional white families (isn`t this order of adjectives more correct?) and at the same time you admit you don`t want to have one

When did I ever say I won't have one? I will have kids, just not with any American woman or under U.S. laws. If it happens, it happens ill deal with it but that's not the plan.

So, why do you expect people to do things which you don`t do yourself, though you could?

Again, I'm not willing to gamble losing half my assets that I worked hard for to the probability of a coin toss.

But why are you so concerned? Leave it to women to decide who or what they want to be, it is their own business.

If they want to be vvhores, fine that's their decision. Just don't influence young girls to do the same and convince that somehow women's health means killing an unborn child because you were too much of a vvhore to use a rubber, or claim that a man raped you because you were drunk and don't feel so good the next morning...

How do you call a man who has 10 partners within a year, just for convenience and sex? Manly, right?

Of course. It's a man's job to sow his oats as much as possible.
Shitonya Brits
10 Mar 2019   #108
the rainbow flag...What do you think about it?

Your picture further demonstrates how phony your Leftist virtue signalling really is.


First you had your misogynistic Freudian slip about how you really regard women as creatures.

And now you not only show a bastardised and insulting version of the Polish flag but do so using rainbow stripes which are in fact deeply racist.

Nice try, really, but you can't "pinkwash" your way out of this one:

New, inclusive gay pride flag is making gay white men angry

- For Pride Month, Philly added two colors - black and brown - to the existing pride flag

- it represents a deeper divide and frustration that exists within the LGBTQ community, and the realization that...there's still divisiveness and discrimination within the community itself.

- Further, reports surrounding recent elections in France, the UK, and the US have documented white gay men adopting alt-right, white nationalist, and white supremacist movements.

Admit you sprang your own trap.

Indeed, the OP has, and this is the second time in as many days.

Each virtue-signalling post the OP makes only serves to discredit him further.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #109

No, impossible! :):)

Each virtue-signalling post the OP makes only serves to discredit him further.

Dear SB, thanks for every post of yours, without you this thread would be so bland. :) Don`t you ever stop. :)

Of course. It's a man's job to sow his oats as much as possible.

Nice saying but that`s what annoys women the most - unequal attitude. A free woman is still called a slut, an unconstrained man is called manly. It is high time to adjust to the thought that it is women`s business what they do with their vaginas.

killing an unborn child because you were too much of a vvhore to use a rubber

As far as I know, it is a male who usually refuses to use the rubber so why do you spread those falsehoods?

And if a woman kills her baby that`s mostly because her male partner proves irresponsible and doesn`t want to participate in upbringing, sort of sowing oats which you advise. Women have to right not to be stupid, it is natural they refuse to be left alone with a kid while the male sows seed with another partner. Come on.

Hey, why don`t you admit that you are discussing it only for the sake of arguing and having fun, but really don`t believe in that nonsense? :):)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Mar 2019   #110
Leftist virtue signalling

Wow, you've hit all three key incel words there.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Mar 2019   #111
And if a woman kills her baby that`s mostly because her male partner proves irresponsible and doesn`t want to participate in upbringing,

Black women have a far higher rate of abortion than white women. I don't think I need to tell you the stats regarding single mothers/no father present in that community....

Oftentimes a man wants to have a child but the woman doesn't because she has been so brainwashed into thinking that she's supposed to be a corporate slave till she's old, and then it's too late to have kids, and ride as many cocks on the way preferably POCs. This is especially true for middle class white girls. When she gets knocked up by a decent man who wants a kid and can provide for a family oftentimes they abort the kid because they feel it was unplanned and it will slow down the woman's career.

Hey, why don`t you admit that you are discussing it only for the sake of arguing and having fun, but really don`t believe in that nonsense?

Well at least you're smart enough to figure it out... That's more than I can say for most people here. Not that I don't care about whats happening, as it's quite annoying seeing this stuff thrown in your face everytime I turn on the TV or take a drive to the city. But ultimately as long as I got money coming in, can ride my Harley on the weekends and defend myself and my loved ones with lethal force I'm good. I do feel sorry for the men and women who have been brainwashed into being a certain way that an ultra liberal society expects of white people and know there's something inherently wrong but don't know how to get out. My kids won't be brought up to be some tolerant pussies who want muslims to dominate them and think lgbt is normal. They'll be raised the same way I was - learning how to handle guns at 12, taught how to use your hands to build things, the value of a strong body and strong mind, how to save and reinvest money, etc.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #112
The funnist thing might happen when one of your own kids decides to come out as LGBT or choose Islam. Parents can`t control such things, you must know it. What will you do then - use a lethal force on him/her? ((

That`s what always amazed me in people with radical views - lack of imagination about what when their own children become the representatives of things they hate so much.

They'll be raised the same way I was - handle guns at 12, use your hands to build things, strong body and strong mind, save and reinvest money,

That`s great and I have done it with my kids, too -( except those guns, but we played with bows and crossbows).
But let others do with their lives what they deem good/appropriate for themselves and their kids - it is their own business.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Mar 2019   #113
What will you do then - use a lethal force on him/her? ((

No disown them when they turn 18, then try again. I'm not supporting any fairies or ninjas.

But let others do with their lives what they deem good/appropriate for themselves and their kids - it is their own business.

I agree wholeheartedly. The problem is when grade school teachers start promoting LGBT agendas to kids before they've even hit puberty and telling them it's somehow normal when a miniscule fraction of people in society are that way. Yet they teach it as if it's somehow normal and common.
Shitonya Brits
10 Mar 2019   #114
Wow, you've hit all three key incel words there.

Oh, poor you.

You're projecting your inescapable insecurities again.

I understand. You are desperate and crying out for help.

You feel left out of the conversation and are mad with yourself and everyone posting here because you have nothing on-topic or constructive to say.

Don't worry. You are not alone in leading a pathetic, meaningless, hate-filled existence with no hope and no future for yourself.

I found it hard to believe myself but surprisingly there are others out there exactly like you.

Scary, I know!

I fact, I just found an article in a radical leftwing rag about a member of your very own queer community who echos everything others here see in you:

Want To Understand Straight Incels? Talk To This Gay One.

- "I felt isolated and alone and crippled. The resentment started with myself. I would think, 'What did you do to deserve this?' Then the self-loathing became loathing of everyone around me."

I know you will relate to this story entirely given your cross-dressing, makeup-wearing, zero-social-life, zero-social-skills, drab, lower-class, marginal existence spent well over a decade now in Poland; a land which will always be foreign to you and where you still have no friends, no family and no ancestral roots.

There is indeed an incel on PolishForums and it has been here for years.

It is you.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Mar 2019   #115
So much rage, incel.

You always were and always will be jealous of those that made Poland their home.
Shitonya Brits
10 Mar 2019   #116
No one could ever possibly be jealous of you.

You can claim all day long that you made Poland home. But, hey, the same thing could be said of a mangy stray dog.

But it is very obvious and undeniable is that you never made it in Poland and even you know that you never will.
OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #117
The problem is when grade school teachers start promoting LGBT agendas to kids before they've even hit puberty

Yes, sometimes they exaggerate because nothing that people do is perfect.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 498
10 Mar 2019   #118
Weren`t Poles often called the tragic Don Quixotes of Europe? I am Polish, so I must act like one. :)

What do you mean, must? You must answer rationally, use reason and logic and stop acting like doormat, must stop
pretending ,farts and good quality perfume smell the same. And for Gods sake be done fighting those dangerous WIATRAKI.
By the way I am waiting for your answer . What are those unknown women's rights, that you are fighting for, so tirelessly??

lack of imagination about what when their own children become the representatives of things they hate so much.

Whoa!!! don't let your imagination to run wild .In this case fallow brain, lows of nature, reasoning power, good example. Imagination
in this example, you can skip, especially when your sons teacher, resembles Delp
OP pawian  225 | 27330
10 Mar 2019   #119
By the way I am waiting for your answer . What are those unknown women's rights, that you are fighting for, so tirelessly??

But you originally directed this question to Chemikiem, I didn`t know it was to me too.

The answer is simple and you could get it from the very first posts in this thread: woman`s right to be free from abuse and violence, to be treated with dignity, as a human being, not only as an object, like a field to be sown with oats by males, often against her consent and will..

must stop pretending

I can`t stop, Pretence is my second name. :):)

Imagination in this example, you can skip, especially when your sons teacher, resembles Delp

Sorry, this is getting more and more incomprehensible,. How about coming back to it tomorrow? :) We are all tired by a long Sunday...
Ironside  50 | 12969
10 Mar 2019   #120
We demand that Roman Dmowski

Stupid commie cows.

The term feminazi speaks more of the authors that use it than of a feminazi.

No, it speaking about reality you are not exposed to as yet and you should pray that you will never be exposed to. Unless you're a progressive neo-Marxist supporting all that ideology in which case there is no point to talk to you.

These inadequate 'men' don't want someone that is their equal.

Yet again a straw man argument. What men are you talking about? Dirk? Is anyone taking him seriously on this forum?

Any man in a real not imaginary relationship knows pretty well that stopping a woman or better still their woman from talking back is a mission impossible.

I know that for you it is easier to pretend like you do. That you take all those mussing of some trolls or kids seriously rather than address a real problem. Neo-Marxist ideology that took over so called feminism. That progressive feminism and t heir activist have nothing to do with equality that no one in the western world question but all those ideological pills with neo-Marxist poison that are being prompted in a guise of fight against some imaginary oppression of women.

Home / Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events
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