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Water Bills in Warsaw

Aljstube  1 | 3
24 Jun 2022   #1
Hello Guys,

I have been living in Poland in Warsaw specifically for the last 7 years, I'm student so i was living in dorms for 6 years, however last year i have shifted to an apartment with my girlfriend we have been living in this apartment for 11 moth already and here comes my question i really would like to know your opinions about my water bills since im quite shocked by the price to be honest i will be specific as much as i can and hope you can help me out with this:-

First of all im paying in advance for water 80pln per month Last moth i got my first settlement for the first half which is 5 month bill from the last year and it was 1146pln which mean i have paid for water only for 5 month 1546pln since 400pln was paid in advance and that mean around 309pln a month for two people in a small two room apartment.

Here is the details of the location and the usage of water:-

The apartment is in Warsaw-Wola close to the city center about three stations from Treasa mall center.
I'm aware we defiantly use more water than normally people dose since i work from home we mostly cook at home two times laundry in a week two to three times showers per a day that includes both of us so three in total we have about 17-20 house plants which are watered two to three times a week we mob the apartment once every two weeks and we drink tap water.

I would really appreciate if you could give an opinion regarding this matter, Thanks a lot in advance.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2022   #2
And to make a long story shorter, can you sum it up in two sentences? You know, it is summer holidays now in Poland, people don`t have time to read such long posts.
OP Aljstube  1 | 3
24 Jun 2022   #3
Appreciate your answer so to make the story short i have paid for 2 people water usage in an apartment 1546pln for 5 months is that normal
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2022   #4
1546pln for 5 months

Well, that`s a lot. But anything is possible. Why don`t you check the water meter? They are in each apartment and house in Poland. Did you write down the meter reading for used water when you moved in? How much have you used since then? Phone the building administration to ask for the price of water.

Is your toilet OK? Doesn`t it leak water? Such a situation happened to one of my lodgers in the past - she ignored the problem for a few months, didn`t notify me about the leaking water tank and finally had to pay 2.500 more for wasted water.

A typical water meter:

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OP Aljstube  1 | 3
24 Jun 2022   #5
Thanks a lot for the info will apparently i have everything you said however i haven't thought of it now i have collected all the data and i will figure out how to contact the administration and ask about the water price really appreciate the information
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2022   #6
to contact the administration

There is always a noticeboard with useful contact info in the building lobby, next to the entrance.

  • P1050400.jpg
OP Aljstube  1 | 3
24 Jun 2022   #7
Thanks a lot, really appreciate the guidance.

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