There should be balance. Dead famous people plus amusing names from wide pop culture, too.
Sometimes names can cause a scandal.
E.g., there is a roundabout named after rebellious Chechen leader Dudajew (killed by Russians) in Warsaw. I remember how in 2005 the naming by Warsaw authorities unleashed hell on Russian forums, I happily took part in it too. :):):)

Here is: Aleja Elvisa Presleya, Kraków, Poland
Yes, it is in one of the parks in Krakow. I took the photo but don`t know where it is now.
they have a statue of the king as well on that street.
Wow, I missed that one!
More American street names:
Cooper Street in Warsaw
Merian Caldwell Cooper (October 24, 1893 - April 21, 1973) was an American aviator, United States Air Force and Polish Air Force officer, adventurer, screenwriter, film director and producer. His most famous film was the 1933 movie King Kong.