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Street names in Polish towns/cities

pawian  223 | 27183
30 Jan 2013   #1
I was waiting for a few days

it is a topic for another thread which you or someone else can start: Interesting/peculiar names of streets in Poland. .

but nobody was interested


let`s start with a wonderful example from Warsaw by Ironside:

What about Winnie-the-Pooh street?

Winnie-the-Pooh street

MoOli  9 | 479
30 Jan 2013   #2
I was waiting for a few days

there is a gandhi street in warsaw(dont know exact name u find out jeneious) and rondo washangtona(washington).If I ever become a builder I will name a street ul obama:)
OP pawian  223 | 27183
30 Jan 2013   #3
here is a gandhi street in warsaw(dont know exact name u find out jeneious) and rondo washangtona(washington).

Of course. Most Polish street names come after famous people, mostly Poles but foreigners too.

If I ever become a builder I will name a street ul obama:)

You don`t need to become one. It is enough you make a career and then you can name squares/streets in your property as you wish:

McCartney street in Poland

Polish Roads Street

street in Poland
Barney  19 | 1737
30 Jan 2013   #4
There is an Orla street in Warsaw named I presume for the Polish Eagle, quite common however in Irish Orla means Vomit.

Polish Eagle street-
OP pawian  223 | 27183
10 Feb 2013   #5
Monday Ditch in Krakow

Monday Ditch in Krakow

In Poznań: Gulliver/ Snowhite/ Dwarves/Cinderella streets

Gulliver, Snowhite, Dwarves, Cinderella streets--

Not working:

Horse Mill Street

Horse street in Poland-

from a nice travel blog

Krakow, Lugubrious Street

Krakow in Poland
GTO  3 | 22
4 Aug 2013   #6
Here is: Aleja Elvisa Presleya, Kraków, Poland

they have a statue of the king as well on that street.,+Krak%C3%B3w,+Polen&hl=no&ie=UTF8&sll=50.019404,19.860964&sspn=0.011016,0.033023&oq=krakow+elvi&t=h&hnear=Aleja+Elvisa+Presleya,+30-321+Krak%C3%B3w,+Wojew%C3%B3dztwo+ma%C5%82opolskie,+Polen&z =16
4 Aug 2013   #7
Obi-Wana Kenobiego Street in Grabowiec near Toruń.

Grabowiec, a small town founded by Dutch settlers in 16th century, has since April 2005 been the place to visit for Star Wars fans from all over Poland. It was then that plates with the street name "ul. Obi-Wana Kenobiego" (Obi-Wan Kenobi's Street) were installed by the local authorities.

The town is situated ~10 kilometers (~5 miles) to the south-east from the city of Toruń, in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province. It would seem an unlikely place for a Star Wars event to take place. It did happen however and the news of naming one of Grabowiec' streets after a hero of the Clone Wars have traveled far beyond Polish borders.

Teleexpressu Street, Krynica Morska

Why not Wiadomości Wieczornych Street? Or may be Różowej Serii Street.
What next? Simpsobów Street? Bonanzy Street?
But it is OK. Everything is better than dead people as the names of the streets which look like a cementary.
OP pawian  223 | 27183
4 Aug 2013   #8
There should be balance. Dead famous people plus amusing names from wide pop culture, too.

Sometimes names can cause a scandal.

E.g., there is a roundabout named after rebellious Chechen leader Dudajew (killed by Russians) in Warsaw. I remember how in 2005 the naming by Warsaw authorities unleashed hell on Russian forums, I happily took part in it too. :):):)

Poland Russian leader

Here is: Aleja Elvisa Presleya, Kraków, Poland

Yes, it is in one of the parks in Krakow. I took the photo but don`t know where it is now.

they have a statue of the king as well on that street.

Wow, I missed that one!

More American street names:

Cooper Street in Warsaw


Merian Caldwell Cooper (October 24, 1893 - April 21, 1973) was an American aviator, United States Air Force and Polish Air Force officer, adventurer, screenwriter, film director and producer. His most famous film was the 1933 movie King Kong.
5 Aug 2013   #9
Dżochar was OK. Also Kukliński I use everyday.
Lem got a nice new street in Cracow with Decathlon, 2 hotels and the biggest Polish sport and show hall. Szymborska got sth. modest for a change.

Tischner/Turowicz team got streets towards Zakopane planned as Góralska and Nowotarska. I liked old proposals much more.
A huge misunderstanding is "Ronald Reagan Central Square" instead of old Central Square in Communist Nowa Huta. It's a very big mistake. Ronnie does't match to such an oriental climates. He should have any nice avenue in the other part of Cracow like Washington has.

What is the future?
-dziebły - Danowskiego
gen. Wittek
Ofiar Katynia
Real warzone!
For civilians we'll get only:
OP pawian  223 | 27183
5 Aug 2013   #10
A huge misunderstanding is "Ronald Reagan Central Square"

And I like it. It is a nice revenge to call a stalinist-built square with the name of a confirmed anticommunist. :):):)

Central Square in Communist Nowa Huta

What is the future?
-dziebły - Danowskiego

What do you mean?
kpc21  1 | 746
5 Aug 2013   #11
Smutna street in £ódź. With prison and cemetary.,+%C5%81%C3%B3d%C5%BA&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&ll=51.788464,19.492203&spn=0.002207,0.005681&sll=52.025459,19.204102&sspn=8.941138,23.269043&hnear=Smutna,+%C5%81%C3%B3d%C5%BA,+Wojew%C3%B3dztwo+%C5%82%C3%B3dzkie&t=m&z=1 8&layer=c&cbll=51.788435,19.49199&panoid=gXgiPfK9d6Y8UunLf7sDDw&cbp=12,162.92,,2,-2.13
OP pawian  223 | 27183
5 Aug 2013   #12
Smutna street in £ódź. With prison and cemetary.

Smutna Street with such facilities? Yes, it is Sad Street, indeed .....

Hey, sth amusing for a change:

Eccentric Duck Street (from a kid poem) in Dziekanów Leśny

Polish Street
6 Aug 2013   #13
And I like it. It is a nice revenge to call a stalinist-built square with the name of a confirmed anticommunist. :):):)

It is a good fun like with Dżochar, but that place is deteriorating for Reagan. Now he looks like a descendant of Lenin whose monument stood a few meters away while Ronnie belongs to the different story. It's not like turning Lenina ave. to Solidarności ave.

What do you mean?

These are planned main streets in Cracow in far future. With exception of Arctowski only dead soldiers (Kaplicki was also the President of Cracow). Known and unknown. Bunsch and Humboldt will mercifully get their streets near new UJ campus in closer future.

They all are a great figures, but I would like sth. less bloody.
OP pawian  223 | 27183
18 Aug 2013   #14
I am too decent to translate this dirty name for you.
bluesfan  - | 77
18 Aug 2013   #15
that's fcuked, Pawian :) :) :)
OP pawian  223 | 27183
18 Aug 2013   #16
Not quite.. :) Look up the grammar a bit.... :):)
OP pawian  223 | 27183
27 Feb 2022   #17
I am sure that in the near future new streets in Polish towns and cities will be dedicated to Heroic Defenders of Ukraine.
Alien  25 | 6366
4 Mar 2022   #18
I propose to change the name of the street were the russian embassy in Warsow is located from Belwederska Street to The Defenders of Ukraine Street.
Paulina  17 | 4490
4 Mar 2022   #19
@Alien, "Obrońców Ukrainy" - yes, I like the sound of it :)))
Korvinus  3 | 608
20 Apr 2024   #20
[Moved from]: Obi-Wan Kenobi has his own street in Poland

obi wan
OP pawian  223 | 27183
21 Apr 2024   #21
Obi-Wan Kenobi has his own street in Poland


And a whole list of funny street names

Monday Ditch (aka Blue) - the perfect street to get in a good mood at the very beginning of the week. It is a street in a ravine that once belonged to Józef Poniedziałek aka Monday. The name immediately becomes clear, right?

Kupa (turd) Street - this is the name from the very center of Krakow in Kazimierz. It comes from the Kupa synagogue located there, funded from the kahal fund called kupa

Street Krzywda (Harm) and Uśmiech (Smile) - both are located in Podgórze.

Street Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel - fairy-tale streets in Krakow are located close to each other.

Zaczarowane Koło (Enchanted Circle)- a street that, contrary to appearances, is quite straight.

Totus Tuus - in Latin: All yours. The street leading to the sanctuary in Łagiewniki referring to the famous words of St. John Paul II.

OP pawian  223 | 27183
24 Apr 2024   #22
let`s start with a wonderful example from Warsaw


On the Last Penny - the street's name comes from a pub where local residents spent their last penny on alcohol.

The Jumping Star Square - a commemoration of the fortifications surrounding Ostrów Tumski area in the 18th century. It was built in the shape of a star, which was located on many levels, giving the impression that it was jumping.

People with the "P" sign Square - It commemorates, among others, civilian victims of World War II. Sign P was worn by political prisoners in concentration camps or Poles sent to forced labour in Nazi Germany.

Psie Budy - Dogs` Kennels - a street in the very center of Wrocław, where there are narrow buildings mockingly referred to as dog houses.

OP pawian  223 | 27183
30 Jan 2025   #23
Niggerr Street in Poznan is a bit controversial to some residents., However, the local council resists the change, claiming it will entail too many problems with replacing documents etc.

  • a
Alien  25 | 6366
30 Jan 2025   #24
Niggerr Street

This is probably not the street of the black Niggeer but the street of the Tenebrionoidea beetle. 🪲
OP pawian  223 | 27183
30 Jan 2025   #25

No, it is a street named after the black soil prevailing in the area. Still, some residents don`t like it. Strange. Probably rabid rightists or nationalists.
Alien  25 | 6366
31 Jan 2025   #26
street named

multiple meanings of Polish words.

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