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remember that old guy on here

Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #61
i still dont see those black dudes with saggy pants providing any positive or menaingful status or wealth to them.

Women don't think. They feel. That's why when things go wrong in their lives they never admit it was their fault to begin with. Instead they expect men in society to pay for and fix their problems and this now comes in the form of bigger and bigger government.

Anyway, advertising shows positive and glorified images of non-white men everywhere. Black men are always now featured with white women. It's so standard that it is no longer considered edgy or progressive.

Women never stop to ask why this is happening. All they sense is that it is a good thing to follow because interracial couples are used to push designer clothes, luxury vehicles and other lifestyle choices. In other words, everything that women want and expect men to provide. Advertising and films tell women that black men will be their providers in life and they accept it enthusiastically.

This is always why single mothers or those 30 and over are usually willing to date anyone which doesn't follow this propaganda. Their options which they took for granted in their younger days and could always turn down are suddenly very limited. Why? Because their looks are long gone. Their virginity is long gone as well. Men are not interested in them and they know it. Still they expect men to provide and only when women no longer have much to offer they laughably will "lower their own standards" and tolerate any man foolish enough to want to enter into a relationship with them.
23 Jan 2024   #62
This is always why single mothers or those 30 and over are usually willing to date anyone which doesn't follow this propaganda. Their options which they took for granted in their younger days and could always turn down are suddenly very limited"

yea this is literally the only group of women into me at that ukrainian club or clubs in general. i keep telling my younger friends im not looking to be a dad or find no attraction to a woman over 19 and they dont get it. they keep trying to push me to give these single lonely women no one else wants a chance like im some oldje or something and i look in the mirror and see myself in my prime still.
23 Jan 2024   #63
its odd because i enjoy using these women as psychs or free psychologists on facebook messenegr and tlaking about why dont 16 yr olds want me with them. they end up blocking me tho. I just had a couple of such women get me shots or dirnks at the ukrainianc lub a couple of weeks ago before i almsot got in a fight with this young punk who seems to kiss or get all the teenage girls there. this ukrainian dude who had a cast on now i guess he ende dup getting in a fight with someone else last time i saw him in the molodist lodz photo line up on facbeook. it was crazy because this other 16 yr old this ukrainian chick who i met up with a couple times also last summer before she went to visit her sister in bulgaria who is actually a virgin all of a suddne message sme like a week ago asking if im going to be at the club and i havent been in age snor tlaked ot her. so i assume shell be ther ebut ask her anyway and she says no jsut wondering. i whos up and low and behold shes there but shes kicking it with a friend and that one guy the same guy who also was kicking it with the 19 yr old i showed pics of and her group the one i sort of mentioned how i would get them shots and he would kiss them almsot in front of me next to me or one of them. and this chick who asks me if i show up acted weird as hell i ended up yelling at the end lol when i got drunk ja ja kocham to himn or i lvoe her inside the entire club in front of everyone and claling him out but i quickly left becaus eir ealize she rejecte dme or chosoe him or simply didnt seem intereste din me depsit emaking it seem like she wa saksing if ill show up there. so it was her choice really plus im not gonna ebat up some youngh dud eor kid.
23 Jan 2024   #64
basiclaly the crazy thing is your right in a way the older one gets or i get the harder it seems like it willbe but only since moving to lodz form warsaw and only since i was like 38 or so and started trying with the teenage age rnage again after for yrs not trying in warsaw due to them being so few and far between there and rude online like gadu gadu ive been getting close or at least kissing some 16 yr olds or meeting them. i met so many teen chicks in lodz is crazy its amazing actually but just had so little success of anything. and made a fool or sucker or frajer so many times.
23 Jan 2024   #65
the chick that rejected me at the ukrainian club despite basically letting me know shell be there or messaging me out of the blue (she also was like sure lets go see a movie sometime before i decided to test my theory and show up there and her being there and her never being there before) seemed diffeerent as well. like shes some whiz kid getting good grades working in the summer full time before saving up to go to bulgaria. like a good and smart girl. also she lives with her urkainian dad and she even told me before she doesnt mind odler men or feels ocmfortbale with thema s she grew up with a dad and didnt reun away like polish girls when i told her i was 38. i was sos urprised by her behgavior at that club recently. she at one point got away from me like to go to her friend but at first was friendly and jsut seems unsure of herself or shy or seemed this way but usually that was her demenaor. but i remmeber when i would meet up with her and also go to the same park i went wiht the 16 yr old redhead polish chck she was a tlaker or a blabber mouth. she would jsut tlak and tlak and talk. i dont know what happened. maybe it was some date and she wante dto make sure actually i wouldnt be there by telling me in a way shell be there or aksing if i will be and not knowing human psychology works when you do that someone will assume youll show up?
23 Jan 2024   #66
this is her. I still have the pic she sent me right after she went to bulgaria:

like when she first went there she was messgaing me a ;lot acting like were together or into me at the time. the longer she stayed there like she totally stopped responding. i eventually ran into her in lodz as she lives not far form me and actually thats how i met walking on a side street in lodz. and i ran into her i guess coming back form school so we started writing again on insgagram. anyway, i dont get it. maybe its something im doing wrong like not giving them enough attention or bothering them or sending money why they all seem into me at the beginning than drop me like a bad apple or choose some other guy>
23 Jan 2024   #67
the ammount of girls of diff ages i met since i turned 38 so for the past year and a half or so is unbelievable. since moving to lodz. i mean it has to be more than at any time in my life. at least there is that...
23 Jan 2024   #68
2 more pics of the 15 yr old chick you claimed looks ai generated her recent story pic who is just turning 16 or has already i made out with who lied by a year about her age but is still legal or was and is:
23 Jan 2024   #69
this one i messe dup bad with. if i got my crap together by now and had a car a license and a job again id be bringing her over to lodz to stay at my pad once a week or so take her out and she knew or i also know i cant afford her. i literally cant even afford a girl barely turning 16 and the average 20 yr old guy has more spending money than me at the moment. the thing i do have going for me is my own pad, looks, peosnality and that im an artist and a world traveler.

Home / Life / remember that old guy on here

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