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remember that old guy on here

23 Jan 2024   #31
" They would probably be interested if you could take them back to California. But since you've been deported because of a criminal record (and I'm sure that would come up in conversation) they are going to give you a pass. Even if they say they are interested in the whole thug-convict scene. That's just them playing make-believe off of what they see in music videos and tv shows. If you are an actual convict and out of work then they will pass you over.

You desperately want them but they don't need or want you."

I could easily lie and say i am just visiting here and grew up here and have a second home how would they know? I still can pull off the perfect us accent and have my own id card.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #32
That makes total sense.

His situation hasn't changed in literally years. It's the same old story over and over and over again with just different pictures of women as the cast of characters.

This is why he must already have a bad reputation with no matter who he tries to talk to.

I could easily lie and say i am just visiting here and grew up here and have a second home how would they know?

If you knew it would work you would have done it already. But it won't work. Nothing you've tried works. You're in the wrong crowd and you are the only one who won't accept it.
23 Jan 2024   #33
whats with those african or thuggish looking or pants flaling blacks they go for in lodz then like those students or weirdos from africa? i mean more like the 19-22 yr old sbut still...
23 Jan 2024   #34
this is the ukrainian chick who kept playing me who i fell in love with. she changed her hair to black now and is apparently 19. she just would make out with some kid next to me while ealrier begging me for beer or shots at the ukrainian club. i dont get it. I have a passport or polish citizenship unlike those ukrainian guys and a place paid and bought for that is now in my name shoudlnt that count for something?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #35
whats with those african or thuggish looking or pants flaling blacks they go for in lodz

Women fall for advertising. Every character you mentioned is featured in ads, films, music, etc.

They are treated as status symbols. You're don't have any status.
23 Jan 2024   #36
how so I am a bad boy from claifornia plae they drema of and can tell stories about on top of I am interesting as f@k and an artist sort of like picasso who liked younger women and roman polanski. Have you even seen some of the stuff I amd eor created>? Its unique as hell and few guys in ldoz have evena rtistic touches and you know how women love artists. on top of me having my own place and being hadnosme as hell.
23 Jan 2024   #37
I thought at least ukrainian chicks are suppsoed to be into guys who can give them polish passports or who are polish citizens and in addition a double bonus have their own places here? But why is this only the isngle moms or older women over 30 not teens form ukraine?
23 Jan 2024   #38
to me 17 is max like thats max age for me id rather meet and be with a 16 yr old and i fall in love with them fast. I wouldnt mind 15 or age of consent only if shes not super childish tho.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #39
But why is this only the isngle moms or older women over 30 not teens form ukraine?

Look up the following: "female hypergamy" and "women hitting the wall".

i fall in love with them fast.

You're not interested in love. You are only desperate for sex and your situation is only going to get worse with each passing year.
23 Jan 2024   #40
I will say this I thought I hit the gold mine a few weeks ago or a month ago or so and i ended up making out with her thats it tho just kissing thats probably yhe heigth of my life at 39 I ended up making out with this girl who is like perfect and not super annoying or childish like the rest of em and from this small town around lodz not lodz itself. She claimed to be 17 almsot or close to it but in relaity later she told me she lied by a year and is 15 almsot 16 so now she may have just turned 16:

Her name is Lidia. Her friend efffed it up though its a long story man. her friend threatened to call cops or her mom did because my friend was making out with her friend in the front seat and apparently her friend is a yr younger than her or 14. but they didnt do it. also drugs. like i dont know if her mom got a hold of her phone but i had proof the friend lied about her age as in the texts she wrote it and also bvragged how she cheats on her bf etc. the friend was such a drug addict its crazy and on top of it wanted to like bang or suggested condom at one point but we have no game and this chick iw as making out with she like almost passed out as they had some dirnks ealrier so i jsut tookc are of her and let her lie on my lap for a while but later she came to but they wanted ot leave and just used us as suckers sor tof give them a rid eback to the younger ones friend spad or boyfriend or some shet.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #41
my life at 39

You failed to launch.

Her name is Lidia.

She looks AI generated.
23 Jan 2024   #42
nah i have been falling in love with them or 16 yr olds like within since the last summer or so. i think the drugs did this i also fell in love with that ukrianian club 18 now 19 yr old. i think the drugs opened up my emotions or mephodrome but it only comes out like with girls who could be my daughter or 16 or so. like i frekaing just fall head ove rheels for them because i never had a daughter and am looking for a coreczke to even just cuddle with and watch mvoie together snuggling and stuff. I cant even get hard much anymore due to how often i jerk off and i think age.
23 Jan 2024   #43
You can ask some members of this forum they saw me with the 16 yr old last summer this redhead name dominika. I had pics shown on here i believe and snet some to some members. We never had sex just kissed and she just would meet me at this park and get alcohol and cigarettes off me. or have me buy it. shre then ende dup sort of cheating on me with this belarussian film director in ldoz named aleksander who made this documentary called motherland who has this badass place and money and is 33 by the way and she only lives with her mom and sister and i think has daddy issues because of this. i tried to impress her meet some adults or my friend sor older people for her to get to know before later meeting her group and took her to him this badass pad he has only for her and him and this guy whow as taking care of his leg this massageur to exchange number si guess when i went down to get alcohol. i think they tried to close the door to not let me in and have her say there. crazy thing was the dude tried or did give her a massage literlaly in the ebdroom in front of me. I was tlaking to aleksander and i see her go to the room and take some par tof her back shirt off so he could give her a massage and I almsot flipped. i kept checking in to make sure theyw er enot f@king. it was crazy how she refused ot get up was even smiling or laughing at me and i almsot left leaving her there.
23 Jan 2024   #44
this was me and her look how good we looked together and she was so happy i dont udnerstand why she would play me like that i mean it cant be shes a gold digger at such a young age can it? Jej bylo tak dobrze. widac w innych zdjeciach.

she also acted strange once last summer i was at stawy jana and she showed up or actually i came after and ende dup putting my towell near her and her friend and she like barely acknolwedged me and i think only when the friend wasnt lookign barely even if at all said hello.
23 Jan 2024   #45
she was 16 and I was 38 at the time. btw i disagree withy ou saying its all over europe the same or everywhere. For instance phillipines although not europe they ar eknown to be into even old men like way older than me there. what about russia. also look upn tiffany taylor in england and how old the dudes were she went out with or baned for money and didnt discirminate *(even polish hookers do I believe and harldy ecxist in lodz even at 18). I mean look at the way her 38 yr old boyfriend or maybe 47 now when she died at 16 was comapred to me how much betetr looking i am. Why cant sucha. tiffany taylor exist in Poland?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #46
they saw me with the 16 yr old...she just would meet me at this park and get alcohol and cigarettes off me. or have me buy it.

shre then ende dup sort of cheating on me with this belarussian film director in ldoz named aleksander who made this documentary called motherlandwho has this badass place and money

i tried to impress her meet some adults or my friend sor older people[/b] for her to get to know

it was crazy how she refused ot get up was even smiling or laughing at me

Your life is surreal.

Why do you waste your time and your family's money on women of any age when you don't even remotely understand what motivates them and what they think your role as a man should be to them?
23 Jan 2024   #47
her eis what he looks like i mean comapre how ugly and old he looks comapred to me:

also what mad ehim choose such old men since the age of 12? and why didnt her fmialy care? In Poland I wish the peoiple culture and fmaileis were like this isntead of being so parnaoid and focused on dudes ages. i dont get it even in the west it smore acceptable or open same thing in the east liek russia look up masha babko on google i mean enws aritlces about her the dude was 20 yrs older than me and she sucke dhis d-k at 13 apparently and it didnt seem to bother her did it. nor does she feel victimised now inf act she has some sort of a career and is a celebrity in russia for it.
23 Jan 2024   #48
this is the movie that dude made:

he also cock blocked me and sort of maniuplate dme out of my rock of drugs at the ukrainian club to trick or take this 16 yr old home apparenlty he knew or all three of them there while i literlaly cried and left home alone. he sort of snuck out i saw him walking up the stairs with oen of them while her to friends stayed and i ended up just getting mad and leaving. he later also did that thing with the redhead 16 yr old above or his friend did. and she apparently was seeing him or going to him but wouldnt go to my pad even once only when my momw as visiting from claifornia to get money as i told her i have to ask her she came but my momw as sleeping sos he ende dup not going in just waiting outside.
23 Jan 2024   #49
you say these black guys are status symbols yet i think if i was in hitlers time id be also on a billboard. I look aryanic I think. like Germanic.
23 Jan 2024   #50
" Your life is surreal."

Yea it was a horrible feeling. Imagine being treated like this by someone you were falling for or was in love with? Like stabbed in the heart i mean and you took her to this palc eot impress her or meet people not expecting her to behave this way with a guy she abrely met (aleksanders massage friend).
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #51
you say these black guys are status symbols

Yes, that is how they are portrayed in the media and government today support and encourage multiculturalism thought interracial relationships.

Women are the biggest spenders and want choice no matter what the choice is.

I look aryanic I think. like Germanic.

That was a different era where women did not have much choice and the media and governments back then encouraged homogeneity and the nuclear family since the men were the bread winners and women couldn't even open a bank account without their husband's permission.

someone you were falling for or was in love with?

Nah, you were lusting after her in the hope of exchanging sex for cigarettes.

But what was stronger than her nicotine addiction? Hypergamy! Of course she wants to date a film director with money and apartment he bought with his success. It's also peer pressure. She wants to brag to her friends that she dates someone who actually made a film not someone who occasionally makes art as a hobby.
23 Jan 2024   #52
She looked so happy look I mean i dont think we looked bad together. to me when i see thes epics we certianly dont look like a dad daughter but more like a couple no?
OP natomemberfff
23 Jan 2024   #53
well the thing was she or this redhead who was/is 16 and probably cheated on me with the film director or his massage dude he hired to watch over his spraint ankle or leg (this dude is bisexual by the way and i was at his party where he and this other dude had sex or i left when i felt theyw ere about to to get alcohol and later came back). she told me she had like 8 sexual aprtners already but none or she claimed (maybe beside sone or both of these guys i met her with) was over 21. we did kiss and stuff and at one point she told me when i pee in the park to make sure im pointing at her os she could see i assume it was a joke but later i called her over let her looka t it and she touched it and ran back to the bench.
OP natomemberfff
23 Jan 2024   #54
what happened was she stopped seeing me and totally responding to me (her name is dominika reshke or reszke or something on facebook) and all of a suddnen like said hey u wanna meet? she claimed she wasnt tlaking to anyone as she had family issues or some crap. then later it was revealed to me she alsoa dmitted when we did meet again at the park and also aleksander was at this coffee shop iw as at and i told him straight up im not with ehr anymore and he admitted shes sort of niezruwnowazona or also he stopped seeing her at this point he admitted this to me after giving me a hit of meth or mephodrone in this eyedrop thing he does with it. and i was like wow so she started cpoming to your pad? he claimed she would beg him or message him to come over but they never banged and would just talk and she would have to go out of the bolue to do laundry with her aunt or some crap.
OP natomemberfff
23 Jan 2024   #55
anyway what finally did me and her in was the straz miejska caught us dirnking at the park and she panicked and started crying to this manly fmeinist style supercop straz miejska b-ch and tried to sell me right away saying "zobacz co miz orbiles" like blaming it on me when i kept asking if we go to my pad and she refused and wanted to go to the park. like she would go to this dude the film makers pad but not mine.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #56
She looked so happy

No. She's not happy. You don't even look happy.

but more like a couple no?

Nope. Not at all.

like she would go to this dude the film makers pad but not mine.

She was just tolerating you anyway and using you as convenient ATM until someone better with a larger cash balance came along. And they did.

I've heard accounts of young women with loads of student debt dating older rich men, getting them to pay off all their loans, and then dumping them.

Women don't care about men's feelings or needs. Women only care about which man can provide them the most and they never settle because they are never satisfied.
Novichok  4 | 8528
23 Jan 2024   #57
Women don't care about men's feelings or needs.

Women don't love men. They love things.
23 Jan 2024   #58
they seem to use men for personal gain or status.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #59
They love things.

Absolutely correct and that's why they are willing to date much older men or become war brides without the slightest feeling of regret.

they seem to use men for personal gain or status.

They only care about finding the best resource provider and that includes wealth and status.
23 Jan 2024   #60
i still dont see those black dudes with saggy pants providing any positive or menaingful status or wealth to them. but them polish ones seem to love them...

Home / Life / remember that old guy on here

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