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remember that old guy on here

23 Jan 2024   #1
who claimed chicks in poland dont care about age or dont mind age difference? why is this only true in warsaw? I literally only see trashy teen chicks in lodz hanging out wiht literla white truash drug addicts and none of them want to improve their life or be with an older guy even 30. some of them like college age ar ehanging out with africans as well.
23 Jan 2024   #2
and why is it only with foreign guys form rich ass countries? in lodz oyu never see this just blacks or white trash.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #3
All women gossip and obviously you have a bad reputation in town.

That's why you can't score with any of them. You've been blacklisted.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jan 2024   #4
drug addicts and none of them want to improve their life

You fit right in with that rift raft
Is your mom still supporting you ?

in lodz oyu never see this just blacks or white trash.

Just in the ghetto neighborhood that you live in, Mike.
The rest of Lodz is pretty nice.
23 Jan 2024   #5
Polesie and central or centrum where all the parties or clubs are Johnny. Did you see the thread I made showing how the chicks look like aorund here with cut off eyebrows? thats literally how they all look and act here including the smug and rudeness. theyll say **** you to you to your face just walking by for no reaosn because you say hello or look at them or something. and you know the types of guys they choose? literally hooligans and dealewrs. Same with the chicks you gind in the pubs on piotrkowska. and also super ageist or age phobic while at that.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #6

Women can also smell that you don't have any money to spend on them.

Drug dealers have money. So do foreigners since if they didn't they wouldn't have been able to travel all the way to Europe whether legally or illegally.
23 Jan 2024   #7
i used to have money i got a big fat bonus of 5 thousand zloty right before i got laid off a year ago. I still wasnt able to get any and would spend on shots buying the teenagers at the ukrainian club them all the timne yet they would jsut make out with ukrainian boys their own age later next to me even. same thing with the polish 16 yr olds on piotrkowska street. whenI had money they would jsut get me to buy them cigarettes or these little setki or vodka bootles than go to some littl eboys in the side street with them isnetad of axctually sitting dowen to talk to me. whats up with that? Just looking for suckers or frajery instead of doing what chech chicks do on oldje dot conm for money?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #8
whenI had money they would jsut get me to buy them cigarettes or these little setki or vodka bootles

whats up with that? Just looking for suckers

Yes, they played you. Many times over and over by the sound of it.

23 Jan 2024   #9
Never said they didn't I just don't get how those old guys in Warsaw don't get played or the guy who posted here or the grandpas on oldje. It would be easier to just join **** or pay up front? Dont you think those old grandpas on oldje have it so much easier than me or live better? all they have to do is wait for them to show up and they dont even have to talk to them or find them. Do you think something eists like that in Poland or should? a website like oldje? and am I too young for them to hire me or what should I do to find ones exatly as young or who look like that?
23 Jan 2024   #10
it would be so much easier to just join **** and theyd even pay me. who has a betetr job than those grandpas get licked by 18-22 yr olds? name me one better job>
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #11
Like I said, they know you don't have money. No where near enough to take care of them first.

If you don't have a job they very likely know this too.

If you don't come off desperate to them then they will see you as unstable and unreliable.

That's why they would prefer older men with money. They got their act together. And if they are really old then these women will count on them getting sick and dying soon so in the long run they are getting played too.
23 Jan 2024   #12
no the thing is the 16-17 yr olds in ldoz literally go after little boys or thug or hooligan wannabes. THis term drille ris popular with some gangsta wannabe rapper type who they also go for. I literally saw one time some thuggish dude in lodz walking with three teen chicks. They dont really look like they have money. the older ones like 20 go for that but im tlaking about the trashy dudes 16 yr olds go after instead of me a guy with a place of my own at least.
23 Jan 2024   #13
some of these thuggish homosexuals or little boys they like have even like teeth missing in Lodz and this is what they go for.
23 Jan 2024   #14
the weird thing in lodz is they have this projekt melanz thing which is like club night for 16 yr olds or so but its only limited to like 22 and below. like they wont let you in if you look above 22. everything is so segregated li8ke all the clubs are seperated by ages like some of them like antrakt or pewrex are all for older people. only the ukrainain club is. mixed and when 16 yr olds come they also hang with these young dudes who have literlaly no money. and jsut try tog et free stuff off older dudes and just hang with and kiss the young dudes. what gives? In warsaw its not like this as they actually go with the old dudes there.
23 Jan 2024   #15
they even go to the pubs like this m14 place some of the 16 yr olds and even get or have tatoos and show off their bodies on instagram and look like even those chicks on oldje but wont even look at me or give me a chance depsite me lookign at msot 30 what gives? then theh would ask me if i have drugs. its like all they care about if some dude ahs drugs or not.
23 Jan 2024   #16
makes no sense this chick straight looks like a **** star or ho and claimed to me to be 16 but when i showed up at the pub i assumed she was at she pretended to not know me or it wasnt her until ia sked someone else if that was her naame and it was and this chick looking like a frekaing **** star treated me like some old guy or oldje and it makes no sense i mean looka t her and she didnt mind a bunch of dude sin their ealry or mid 20s barely looking younegr than me going up to her friend and her and tlaking to them so why treat me that way? the enxt day her friend asked me if I had drugs and apparently those guys gave themd rugs at this palce calle dinfinity so its like why would they treat me like this?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #17
what gives?

Clubs are businesses. They are there to make money. If they have nights with age restrictions it's because they want to cater to that particular demographic. They don't want to have a 22 and below night only for someone like you show up. You will scare many of them away and the club will lose money that night. Lots of it.
23 Jan 2024   #18
basically i accidentally ran into her on snapchat and said i was at a pub and she was like me too and i randomly showe dup to that m14 place where i guessed she might be at as that pub has a bunch of youth or younger people and she rpetended it wasnt her but at one time made eye contact slight smike than played me. But when those dude sin their ealry 20s sat inf ront of them theyw ere all smniles and giggles and shet. im not even old wtf gives? Than later she was liek your not 25 like you said. make sno freaking sense why would they make a bgi deal about some dude being slightly older than he looks and many people still give me 25 btw when those dudes wer ein their 20s and she looks like a frekaing ioldje **** star and does drugs? I found out the enxt day as the boucner in infinity was in front of the othe rpub tlaking to her friend syaing it looks like you guys were doing drugs scolding the friend.
23 Jan 2024   #19
" If they have nights with age restrictions it's because they want to cater to that particular demographic. They don't want to have a 22 and below night only for someone like you show up. You will scare many of them away and the club will lose money that night. Lots of it."

Im not even old. Like I am telling you those dudes on oldje are twicemny age and have chicks just as young in fact the best looking young women in he world better looking than almsot anyone in a lodz or polish clubs younger looking too or similar to the 16 yr old with tats i posted above. So where do I find ones like that in poland or lodz? I mean where do they even find them who dont even care about age? Secondly, in waraw at those meetups they have odl men showing up all the time and dont scare any of them away ask jon like at those profesisonals inw arssaw events. way odler than me and they still show up and come many good looking so why not in lodz?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #20
im not even old wtf gives?

If you're not in their age group then to them you are old. You may not feel old in your mind but you look old. That's why she blanked you when she was around her own peer group.

Not only are you old but you don't have enough money to make or keep them interested in you.
23 Jan 2024   #21
see thats the thing why is it something that doesnt scare them away at meetups would scare them away at clubs or does it depend on culture? city? country?
23 Jan 2024   #22
and im telling you in warsaw i would not be old and many huge age diff couples bigger than me and a 16 yr old I saw there. Why not Lodz?
23 Jan 2024   #23
I saw a guy doing shots with a 16 soon to be 17 yr old who was well dressed and claimed to be close to 50 and i think lied claiming he was her dad in warsaw because he didnt even know her name or referred to her all the time near me as coreczka but did not call her by name. It was at that nowy swiat new pijalnia wodki place he was buying rounds of shots for her and i jokingly asked if he was polanski and he revealed then later her age first she lied 18 but later was like almsot 17 and also he claimed i think leid to be ehr dad but visiting his fmaily from like norway or some bs. but i was thinking why are you doing shots with only your daughter thana nd where is the rest of your fmaily.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #24
it depend on culture? city? country?

You're going to face the same thing everywhere in Europe.

You are only going to see mixed age groups at public events like a cinema or christmas market and even those are dying out if they haven't already.

When it comes to clubs and girls effectively high school age they aren't going to be interested in someone like you. You have nothing to offer them materially nor talk about anything they can relate to.
23 Jan 2024   #25
and no matter what you say about my age i am at leas tno patologia with missing teeth and no future. at least i have my own palce paid for and an educaiton form california a place they only dream of visiting once or touching so shouldnt i be a step up at least for those patologia 16 yr olds form polesie who go after thugs or dudes with missing teeth?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jan 2024   #26
All women gossip and obviously you have a bad reputation in town.

Rumor is that he has herpes and sex warts.

That's why you can't score with any of them. You've been blacklisted.

That makes total sense.
I bet you could find his picture with his name on the Polish woman's website of the DO NOT DO
23 Jan 2024   #27
I have a place of my own they can runa way to and take a break form their fmailies or parents and a place to chill at. Plus I can give them akcohol and cigarettes and if I really wanted to drugs as well as I got connects. Plus Im ahndsome as hell and look hella younger and look like ana ryan and have all my teeth unlike the patoologia they go for. and i am an artist and traveled the world and have a lot of good conversaiton to offer them like picasso or polanski did their age groups.
23 Jan 2024   #28
and if what you say is true why is chech republic so diff why so many super hot attractiv ebarely out of high shcool females are **** stars fomr there and not poland? also russia and hungary? Would the solution be simply to go there or join ****? I mean im too young too join oldje right and for some reason that website has the hottest women or teens even form the slavic world as crow would say. so whats the islution beside smoving and waiting 20 yrs and joining **** to get ones like they get and how do they evenr ecurit them or find them?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Jan 2024   #29

They would probably be interested if you could take them back to California. But since you've been deported because of a criminal record (and I'm sure that would come up in conversation) they are going to give you a pass. Even if they say they are interested in the whole thug-convict scene. That's just them playing make-believe off of what they see in music videos and tv shows. If you are an actual convict and out of work then they will pass you over.

You desperately want them but they don't need or want you.
23 Jan 2024   #30
do you think if i say you gotta give me something for something like suck my d in the abthroom at a club and offer drugs it would work?

Home / Life / remember that old guy on here

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