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Poles turn their backs on organised religion.

Crow  154 | 9475
6 Feb 2021   #31
He's cleaning up corruption and he's returning the Church to the values promoted by Jesus.


But he didn`t go to apologize in Jasenovac, for more then 1. mil Serbs killed (in most bestial imaginable ways) in genocide organized, led and perpetrated by Vatican, together with deluded and indoctrinated locals. So, no sincerity in him. Only calculations. You may say, sure he calculates, its Rome, the Vatican. Exactly, only business, no deep spirituality. Even when he wash lags, its just business. What Papacy have with Jesus? Nothing. Constantinople? Nothing. When did you heard in your life that Patriarch of Constantinople said a word of compassion for 800.000 Slaveno-Serbs killed in genocide by Greeks after WWII. Never for sure. Ask Patriarch of Constantinople as a journalist, he would return question to you and ask what you talking about.

Those are Christians? Man, they are satanists.
rtfm  1 | 62
7 Feb 2021   #32
Ironside, it seems English is not your mother tongue which is why you can't comprehend what I wrote. I would also say you are probably not a Christian due to the way you conduct your conversation with others. I am more than happy to reply in the same manner.

Maybe you are a little bit on the adhd spectrum as your posts certainly come across that way, quoting only the first part of a sentence possibly because your attention span waned a few words in and you got confused and angry and threw your tippy cup at mommy?

I could try and clarify my earlier post a bit more but it is difficult as you appear to be an angry simpleton so i suggest you take some English lessons, maybe read the bible a bit and get your adhd medicine reviewed.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Feb 2021   #33
A fact he has a nice car is not a sign that he is greedy.

You don't know your religion, do you?

Like others, you appear to have difficulties with the life of Lazarus.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Feb 2021   #34
exactly crow how can both Vatican and Polish people just turn their backs on the Serbs or pretend those massacres didn't happen?
Crow  154 | 9475
8 Feb 2021   #35
Vatican is Vatican. Poland is Poland. Non in Poland pretend. People there is also historically molested from west and east of Europe and its just too cruel to realize that your own religious center represent point of truly worse possible evil on this Earth, let`s say comparable only to madness of worse Islamic preachers, mujaheedines and lunatics. If you are Slavic either you are with Vatican and die when it suits to purpose of Vatican or you are not with them and you are target for extermination in the first opportunity. And its not some meat grinding machine of past. It works even right now.
Ironside  50 | 12969
9 Feb 2021   #36
I could try and clarify my earlier post

Stop backpedaling like a weasel. You know and I know what you posted. Only for some reason you want to pretend it was something else. A good natured concern about a state of religious awareness amongst the clergy or some other weaselly nonsense like that.

The bottom line here is that you have problem with that priest having a nice car and that is that. Prolly cause you are jealous.

Envy is a sin. lol

adhd spectrum

I have been diagnosed with ptsd but that was about 20tish years ago and I'm doing fine, thank you.

You don't know your religion, do you?

No, I do. You are the one who doesn't have a clue.
kondzior  11 | 1026
9 Feb 2021   #37
Atheists have no principles beyond hating Christians

If you have less than three minutes to spare, I invite you to see a most satisfying spectacle: an atheist fraud got caught in his own web of lies, squirming and sweating, and eventually getting into such a state that he actually claimed the Founding Fathers of USA said that we were given unalienable rights by evolution.

Also, the youtube id for this video is id=OC53AHXNNIc;list=PLU-nJq1k5wmgTmwvHMXBq8jew-8LpfDSh, so I knew I had to post it. Deus Vult.
Novichok  4 | 8836
9 Feb 2021   #38
Atheists have no principles beyond hating Christians

Atheists don't have the monopoly on hate. There are deeply religious people who hate Christians. Atheist means that the person doesn't believe in god. That's it.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
9 Feb 2021   #39
hating Christians

You assume all atheists are from/in Christian environments.

Most people are to a degree agnostic anyway.
Novichok  4 | 8836
9 Feb 2021   #40
Because we are born that way - unaware of god and the related concepts. Is a three-year-old kid who was never told about God an atheist, agnostic, or something else?

Agnostic - a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. That definition does not fit because that child doesn't claim anything since claiming requires action.

The same with atheism. Atheism - the rejection of all religious beliefs. Again that child does not reject anything. It wants to play with his truck or doodle.

This means that the correct definition of an atheist should not demand any action on his part and that all claims belong solely to the religious people.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
9 Feb 2021   #41
This priest is greedy, selfish and a bad Christian.

They don't all vow poverty, you know...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 Feb 2021   #42
Well no, we all know how one church Elder clearly got involved so he could help himself to the roof repair funds.
Crow  154 | 9475
9 Feb 2021   #43
Beautifull, ah. Something our, not Jewish, Greek, Roman, and globalistic, with all due respect on them all.

Native Polish Church, Rodzimy Kościół Polski


based on the concept of henotheism, and a mixture of pantheism (or even panentheism) and polytheism on the other - i.e.

PNC recognizes the highest god to be Świętowit, other names from the highest circles of the Slavic pantheon are commonly used (Perun or Swaróg);

OP jon357  72 | 23426
10 Feb 2021   #44
An interesting article about the decline here:

"47 per cent of respondents now have a negative opinion of the church. And that, combined with the 41 per cent with a positive view, made the church's critics the majority for first time since 1993. Another poll found that, among young people, just 9 per cent regard the church positively."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Feb 2021   #45
Another poll found that, among young people, just 9 per cent regard the church positively

I'm not surprised. They have absolutely nothing to offer young people, and religion classes are treated with utter contempt by schoolchildren in general.

The Spanish and Irish scenario is repeating itself.
kondzior  11 | 1026
11 Feb 2021   #46
Atheist means that the person doesn't believe in god. That's it.

It is fair to say there isn't an atheist argument against religion that isn't aimed at Christianity, Protestants being the first target and the Catholic church only secondarily but I'm assuming that is mostly because English speaking atheists mostly had Protestants to content with.

Other religions are rarely touched, or seen with approval under the mistaken notion they are "free thinking" and not "oppressive", which is false either in regards to Hinduism, what with the caste system and everything and Buddhism which is actually just as harsh as Christianity in its ascetic demands (no free love there lmao).
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Feb 2021   #47
Seems to me most Atheists behave like hurt kids and want to wreck ultra-extremist Protestants most adored "toy" which is religion&faith cause of harsh restrictions.

The more extreme tendencies of religious conservatism the harsher the restrictions: example like not consuming coffein through coffee or even tea.

With their lack of understanding about deeper meaning of faith... many seem to only look at religious institutions as an institution of repression.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
11 Feb 2021   #48
Seems to me most Atheists

Do you think that the only alternative to religiosity is atheism?

absolutely nothing to offer young people, and religion classes are treated with utter contempt by schoolchildren in general.

They went too far.

The Spanish and Irish scenario is repeating itself.

Both countries doing very well indeed.
gumishu  15 | 6227
11 Feb 2021   #49
The Spanish

Both countries doing very well indeed.

youth unemployment in Spain is over 30 per cent (was even higher in 2017)
OP jon357  72 | 23426
11 Feb 2021   #50
youth unemployment in Spain is over 30 per cent

Do you think that's related to the decline of religious influence? As a society, Spain is a healthy one.

Perhaps they could all become nuns...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Feb 2021   #51
What other perspectives are there about the belief of God existing (which I do)

Or an atheist's perspective of denying it?
OP jon357  72 | 23426
11 Feb 2021   #52
@Mr Grunwald
Do people need a formalised perspective?

Stats show that's not working well here.

Other than healthy scepticism and either "hatching, matching, dispatching" done in one religious context, a choice of religious contexts or a choice of religious or secular contexts?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Feb 2021   #53
Faith and scepticism are the opposite of each other. Only those not belonging to a religious community has a need for a secular version on anything really as those who are in a religious community which is based on trust, rely upon each other and good faith.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
11 Feb 2021   #54

What does that mean, and does it require engagement in religious activities?

If it does, then there's not much here given the plummeting church attendance.

Faith and scepticism are the opposite

Can a person of 'faith' not be sceptical of some things they hear and observe?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Feb 2021   #55
If one is sceptical of any institution you tend to avoid it unless you have to contact it to achieve some sort of short term goal. Example being: certain ceremonies which people mix up with cultural norms or social norms.

Depends on the experience and knowledge of a person of faith + perspective and how one treats your enemies.

Just cause somebody says their part of a religion doesn't mean they have a full grasp of it and it's requirements. Plenty of people have gone through religious activities out of habit rather then faith, just as people communicate differently, so do people learn differently.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
11 Feb 2021   #56
sceptical of any institution

Scepticism is general. It isn't about "any institution". An increasing number of Poles, including almost all younger ones are certainly cynical about a particular institution which only 9% regard positively.

Plenty of people have gone through religious activities out of habit rather then faith,

That in Poland, as the figures show, is now ending.
kondzior  11 | 1026
11 Feb 2021   #57
Scepticism is general. It isn't about "any institution".

Atheism, secular humanism, marxism, liberalism, all just tools of the enemies of humanity in their eternal war against Christians and against the seed of Rome. Embrace any branch of their poison at your peril.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
11 Feb 2021   #58
eternal war

What war?

the seed of Rome

Rome is an irrelevance to many Christians, not to mention the majority of people in the world.
pawian  225 | 27331
31 Mar 2021   #59
Religion is the last stop before you cross over from immoral to criminal.

It is funny how a confirmed atheist as you are so zealously supports religion.

That figure is now 41% - the lowest since 1993.

Recently the Vatican banished Archbishop Głódź - accused of protecting pedophile priests and abusive behaviour towards his subordinates in the Church.

Are Polish youth deaf and blind to ignore such facts? Of course they aren`t. The fall of support will continue until the Polish Church works out their own effective methods to deal with immoral acts among their ranks. But it will take a long time and when it happens it will be too late coz the overall support will be below 20%.

Nobody and nothing can stop it.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
1 Apr 2021   #60
Nobody and nothing can stop it.

... and the "church" have only themselves to blame.

Nowhere else than in the ranks of roman-catholic bishops have all the deadly sins been more prominent. They have disgraced themselves and lost all their credibility (if they ever had any) as Christians. People are turning back from this apostate body towards true evangelical, biblical Christianity.

Home / Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion.
BoldItalic [quote]
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