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What do Poles really think about cats?

Miloslaw  20 | 5113
5 Jul 2021   #91
Hate cats.Love dogs.
If I did a
BBQ cats would be on them...... LOLL!!!!
pawian  225 | 27331
5 Jul 2021   #92
Hate cats.Love dogs.

Yes, I thought so. Cats are prefered by intelligent decent people.

BBQ cats would be on them...... LOLL!!!!

Aaah, so it is you who creates bad reputation for Polish people in the UK! You ate that poor swan in one of London`s parks.... Now we have found the perpetrator. Ha!
Miloslaw  20 | 5113
5 Jul 2021   #93
Polish people in the UK

You are confused.
Polish people in the UK fish illegally.
pawian  225 | 27331
5 Jul 2021   #94
Maybe but you catch and devour cats and swans. :(:(: You must be partly Asian, not only Polish. :):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5113
5 Jul 2021   #95
LoL Pawian!

You must know that I am kidding......why take it so seriously?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
5 Jul 2021   #96

Very arrogant pet though,we have one,I hate him but still wife and daughter love him choice.
pawian  225 | 27331
5 Jul 2021   #97
You must know that I am kidding

I was also kidding. No offence. :):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5113
5 Jul 2021   #98

None taken, it is all a bit of a laugh really.... LOL!!!!
Crow  154 | 9475
6 Jul 2021   #99
I want new cat at my weekend house. It should save me from some rodents.

But, Chinese eat cats. And dogs. They say `Dog meat good, cat meat good but dog meat better.`




See, another continent.
pawian  225 | 27331
6 Jul 2021   #100
But, Chinese eat cats. And dogs.

This is still acceptable. We eat pigs which are also highly intelligent animals. However, Chinese cooks tenderise dog meat by beating poor animals before they are slaughtered. That is barbarism and I have to say sincerely - the Chinese who condone such practices are nasty barbarians.
Ironside  50 | 12969
7 Jul 2021   #101
cats furs are very good for alleviating sciatic nerve pains.

hey just don't hunt down cats for furs, they are rather useful creatures while they are alive.
pawian  225 | 27331
14 Jul 2021   #102
hey just don't hunt down cats for furs

No, we don`t. But I remember we had a cat skin in early 1980s - my mum borrowed it from her-I-don`t-know-who and put it on her back to alleviate kidney problems.
15 Jul 2021   #103
johnny reb  49 | 8005
15 Jul 2021   #104
cats furs are very good for alleviating sciatic nerve pains.

This is 2021 I.S.
Let the pussies keep their fur.
Today it is CBD gummies.
The new CBD technology offers safe, fast acting relief from Nerve Pain, arthritis, aching joints, inflammation, and dozens of other ailments; and the best part comes in the form of a delicious gummy and a new delivery system that's up to 450% more effective than other CBD's.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Jul 2021   #105
Yeah,WTF is with that,I see CBD stores everywhere in Poland and States.As you get past these stores you smell marijuana.I had a tenant who had very successful business but he lost it cuz of his domestic problems.

I still would prefer legal medications then this sh*it.
pawian  225 | 27331
6 May 2022   #106
Do you remember Greyfuss? He died a few months ago at the age of 14. He was in a terminal condition due to problems with kidneys and lungs so we followed the vet`s advice to give him eternal relief. We all cried a lot. Now we have two cats again.

Some of our kid`s pics contain feline motifs.

  • 1.JPG

  • 2.JPG
Paulina  17 | 4470
6 May 2022   #107
@pawian, cute paintings :)))

Now we have two cats again.

What about that black kitty? As far as I remember it wouldn't meow? What about now?
Alien  25 | 6366
6 May 2022   #108
Alien likes cats.
Alien eats cats.
Alien is Alf. 🐈
pawian  225 | 27331
6 May 2022   #109
What about that black kitty?

She didn`t learn to meow - permament physical disability. She hisses like hell all the time - pshaw! pshaw!.
Novichok  4 | 8836
6 May 2022   #110
permament physical disability. She hisses like hell all the time

Are you talking about your cat or your wife?
Alien  25 | 6366
6 May 2022   #111
Pawian married to common black cat....No, no, it can't be for real. He is surely married to black panther. Yes at least black panther. 🐒🐈‍⬛ pshaw! pshaw! , no meow, meow.
jon357  72 | 23426
6 May 2022   #112
Cats are the best.
pawian  225 | 27331
6 May 2022   #113
Are you talking about your cat or your wife?

The cat who hisses impatiently when she wants to go out into the loggia through my window door. When it is cold outside, I say No! and hear PSHAW! No, you can`t go out! PSHAW! No, it is too cold, you will be returning immediately and I don`t have time to play with this fekking door! PSHAW! Can`t you see I am busy? PSHAW! No and it is my last word! PSHAAAW! Ok, I can`t bear it any longer, go!

When my wife wants to go out, she just does it without hissing.
Miloslaw  20 | 5113
6 May 2022   #114
Dogs I love.
Cats I hate.
Paulina  17 | 4470
6 May 2022   #115
The cat who hisses impatiently when she wants to go out into the loggia through my window door.

If she could, she would be meowing in such situations, but since she can't, she's hissing :)

Cats I hate.

How can you hate such cute furr balls?? :)

Hmm, you've been accused of hate crime against cats! Paws up! You are under purrest! ;):
Miloslaw  20 | 5113
6 May 2022   #116
How can you hate such cute furr balls?? :)

That's exactly what my daughter says!! :-)

But what I don't like about cats is that they are selfish and only care about themselves.

Dogs are.more caring.
jon357  72 | 23426
6 May 2022   #117
they are selfish and only care about themselves.

That's part of what I like. They engage on their own terms.

Dogs are.more caring

Yes. That's part of their appeal too.
Novichok  4 | 8836
6 May 2022   #118
When my wife wants to go out, she just does it without hissing.

...but spends more than your cat. Tell her that cats know how to get food for free so...
What I admire about cats (I am a cat person) is that they have no fear. There are videos with cats chasing bears. Like this one:

Dogs are.more caring.

1. You feel like crap when you have to leave.
2. You feel like crap when you don't walk them because the weather is nasty.
Did you notice what these two sentences have in common?
Alien  25 | 6366
7 May 2022   #119
The dog is man's best friend and the most common domestic animal and.....Aliens don't eat dogs.🥶
jon357  72 | 23426
7 May 2022   #120
Aliens don't eat dogs

Tastier than you'd think. I draw the line at cats although have probably consumed it without noticing. There was that scandal in Piaseczno a few years ago with the wholesale meat products and the animal sanctuary...

Home / Life / What do Poles really think about cats?
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