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What do Poles really think about cats?

pawian  220 | 24842
28 Jun 2024 #361
men with dogs have a better chance to get laid..

Of course not. Men keeping cats have a permanent contact with pussy.
pawian  220 | 24842
28 Jun 2024 #363
Why do you hate pussies so much???
Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #364
Ugh! Cat lovers!

I have a friend who said cats are very delicious.
pawian  220 | 24842
28 Jun 2024 #365
I have a friend

An alien called Alf.
Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #366
No. One Chinese on neighboring market place.
pawian  220 | 24842
28 Jun 2024 #367
You`d better keep all cats and dogs close to home within your sighting distance. One never knows......
Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #368
He says they are so nice and crunchy.
jon357  73 | 22632
28 Jun 2024 #369
a friend who said cats are very delicious.

There was that scandal in the wholesalers that made Sajgonki, just south of Warsaw. They were getting pussies and doggies from the animal shelter and kept going back for more. The shelter phoned the Straż Miejska about it and they analysed the delicious spring rolls. They'd been selling them for ages and nobody had noticed...
Crow  154 | 9098
29 Jun 2024 #370
Horrendous story. And before going to sleep
pawian  220 | 24842
29 Jun 2024 #371
they are so nice and crunchy.

Horrendous story.

That`s a bit inconsistent.....
Crow  154 | 9098
29 Jun 2024 #372
Why? It wouldn`t be horrendous to my friend.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
1 Jul 2024 #373
Men with cats also show they are willing to put work into a relationship, as cats make us work for their love, trust, and affection

My cat loves me and I love him.
He trusts me 100% and you can see in the picture how abused he is tucked in sleeping on my lap, in my recliner.
Fresh tuna fish every day with kibbles and fresh water.

pawian  220 | 24842
1 Jul 2024 #374
Fresh tuna fish every day

Do you catch it yourself???

They are deliberating over a dead bird which I found next to the house.

Today I ran into a live mole. It was on the ground, swirling like crazy. I had never seen anything like that before - my jaw dropped. I took it home to show to the cats and the Baby turned into a blood thirsty predator. But I spared the mole and took it away across the road.
pawian  220 | 24842
17 Aug 2024 #375
Devil enjoys the shelf with a carton shelter which I made for the cats.

pawian  220 | 24842
18 Aug 2024 #376
This photo shows the difference in size between Black Pearl and the Baby.

Black Pearl is aware of this difference, hence her I`m big, too act.

pawian  220 | 24842
19 Aug 2024 #377
Devil enjoys the shelf with a carton shelter which I made for the cats.

And sometimes looks down on me, especially when I am eating.

Alien  22 | 5456
21 Aug 2024 #378
And sometimes looks down on me

Then he looks like a dog.
pawian  220 | 24842
22 Aug 2024 #379
No, he looks like a skunk when he walks nonchalantly with that bushy tail upright.

pawian  220 | 24842
1 Sep 2024 #380
After a week of a serious disorder, Black Pearl is getting better. Last Sunday we took her to the vet when we had seen blood in her urine. She also refused to eat and drink and got visibly weaker. If she ate or drank anything, she vomited an hour later. The vet prescribed antibiotics and put her on the drip. We came twice a day for drip sessions. Nothing worked for a few days but yesterday he applied a different antibiotic and it seems to be working coz Pearl started to nibble at food at last. Shyly but still.

Luckily, there are two vets within 5 minute drive from our house. We use the one who opens on Sundays.

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