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What do Poles really think about cats?

Miloslaw  21 | 5027
6 Apr 2024   #331
It is decent intelligent people and apes who love cats.

No, only weak morons like you love cats.
pawian  219 | 24792
6 Apr 2024   #332
you love cats.

You aren`t decent or intelligent so you have difficulty in understanding that special bond between such lovely creatures. HA!!!!

Novichok  4 | 7809
6 Apr 2024   #333
That was not fair, Milo... Quoting:

Men who have pets are known to typically be more kind, compassionate, and of course more responsible.
Men with cats also show they are willing to put work into a relationship, as cats make us work for their love, trust, and affection more than dogs.

On the other hand, men with dogs have a better chance to get laid...
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
6 Apr 2024   #334
You aren`t decent or intelligent so you have difficulty in understanding that special bond between such lovely creatures

I don't care what you say, I still hate cats......

When are you going to post some Polish Music?Or are you no longer a patriot?
pawian  219 | 24792
6 Apr 2024   #335
I don't care what you say, I still hate

Yes, that`s why you are what you are. :):):)
johnny reb  46 | 7613
6 Apr 2024   #336
I don't care what you say, I still hate cats......

And we don't care what you say because we love cats.
I bet my cat is smarter than you are.
You are just upset that your new girlfriend isn't here tonight to say, "Great post" to her. lol
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
6 Apr 2024   #337
And we don't care what you say because we love cats.

Another cat lover, another moron.You and Pawian share some things in common......
johnny reb  46 | 7613
6 Apr 2024   #338
You and Pawian share some things in common.....

Yes we both love to garden, love our cats, both have great sense of humors and both enjoy mocking angry little dweebs like you.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
6 Apr 2024   #339
both have great sense of humors

HaHaHaHa!! Neither of you have ANY sense of humour(Learn to spell!) and whilst Pawian does have a garden, or at least an allotment, all you have is a wild back yard.....
johnny reb  46 | 7613
7 Apr 2024   #340
all you have is a wild back yard.....

Prove it.
How many times have you stood in it ? NEVER is the correct answer.
You are jealous that I know my horticulture better than anyone here wilst you couldn't grow a carrot in your back yard even if you had one.

Now take your anger someplace else because we are tired of your immature childish insults day after day after day to get attention.
Got it !
pawian  219 | 24792
13 Apr 2024   #341
Have the forum polluters gone to bed at last????

Let`s indulge in Polish culture, then.

Baby`s safe sleeping again.

johnny reb  46 | 7613
13 Apr 2024   #342
I agree, lets get back to "ALL THINGS ABOUT POLAND".

Have the forum polluters gone to bed at last????

No, I am still here to annoy you.
pawian  219 | 24792
13 Apr 2024   #343
lets get back to "ALL THINGS ".

Talk to Torq about it. :):):)

No, I am still here to annoy you.

Are you going to play Milo while he is asleep??? AmaSSing! Are you twins who take turns in the forum according to your time zones??? :):):)
johnny reb  46 | 7613
13 Apr 2024   #344
Are you going to play Milo while he is asleep?

That is the nastiest thing anyone has ever said to me here.
I am quitting this forum right now !
pawian  219 | 24792
15 Apr 2024   #345
I am quitting this forum right now !

Come on! We desperately need such Polish patriots like you. :):):)
johnny reb  46 | 7613
15 Apr 2024   #346
Well o.k., I'll stay BUT DON'T EVER use my name with Mr. Angry's again.
That was beneath contempt. 🤯
pawian  219 | 24792
15 Apr 2024   #347
Sorry, but you provoked it yourself by saying sth about annoying me. I immediately recalled Milo whose main objective in being a forum poster is insulting and abusing other members. He is really sick, like Novi. :):):)
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
15 Apr 2024   #348
I am quitting this forum right now !

Please do, you won't be missed, most people on here would love to see a slight return to sanity on this forum.

I immediately recalled Milo whose main objective in being a forum poster is insulting and abusing other members

Correction.Only insulting and abusing complete and utter tosspots on here who spew bile and attack and insult other you and Jim.....
pawian  219 | 24792
15 Apr 2024   #349
Only insulting and abusing complete and utter tosspots on here who spew bile and attack and insult other posters.

The logic behind it is that you are also a complete and utter tosspot like them. :):):) Thank you.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
15 Apr 2024   #350
There is no logic in any of your posts and never has been.
pawian  219 | 24792
15 Apr 2024   #351
I see you still don`t understand basic logic. Think about it - you have the whole night for it. :):):)
johnny reb  46 | 7613
15 Apr 2024   #352
Please do, you won't be missed,

Sure I would be.
Remember when I went on my trip to Central America for four months and everyone got worried and started asking about me.
And when you disappeared for a month not a single soul asked about your where abouts.
You are jealous and insecure is your problem.
You are your own worst enemy with that ' I'm a Cowardly Nerd, Kick me' sign on your back. 😄
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
15 Apr 2024   #353
Think about it

I would ask you to do the same if I thought that you were capable of it..... it's obvious to everyone, that you are not!
johnny reb  46 | 7613
15 Apr 2024   #354
it's obvious to everyone,

Who is everyone ? Name three people.
pawian  219 | 24792
27 Jun 2024   #355
This photo shows the difference in size between Black Pearl and the Baby. They are deliberating over a dead bird which I found next to the house.
Did you know that cats can growl??? Ours do when they feel forced to defend their prey.

  • DSCN6034Kopiowanie.jpg
jon357  72 | 22979
27 Jun 2024   #356
Did you know that cats can growl

They fluff out their fur to look bigger. Postural changes too.

I used to have one, from being a kitten to old age, who would do that if she felt threatened. If she was really on one, she'd start turning round sideways in a sort of a spin.

The one we have now growls like a dog when he hears our neighbour (he hates her) coming home from work.
pawian  219 | 24792
27 Jun 2024   #357
growls like a dog

Yes. Not so loud, of course, but still.
Alien  23 | 5539
28 Jun 2024   #358
It's interesting that a cat that wants to be "dangerous" pretends to be a dog.
jon357  72 | 22979
28 Jun 2024   #359
They see them and see how scary they are sometimes. That and growling being inherent to mini lions.
Ironside  50 | 12333
28 Jun 2024   #360
It's interesting that a cat that wants to be "dangerous" pretends to be a dog.

Not really, you must be projecting your attitude.

Some people like cats and dislike dogs some people dislike dogs and like cats some people dislike all animals some people like all animals, and some morons are cruel to animals or some animals be it dogs or cats.,
The worst kind is those who betray animals straightforward nature and trust.

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