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Poles are not racist

Blackzilla  - | 17
2 Jan 2008   #421
Poles are racist just look on there views about people of colour and this proves this. I think most eastern europeans are like this. What makes me laugh if there country is so great why are they coming to England?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
2 Jan 2008   #422
Poles are racist just look on there views about people of colour and this proves this

the english are racist just look at their views about people from poland this proves it
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Jan 2008   #423
The Poles do have many racists as they are quite a pure nation that has never entertained immigration on a large scale. There is a large following of NS music with all the Hitler salutes that go with it. The average Pole knows better than to be racist for no reason tho
Blackzilla  - | 17
2 Jan 2008   #424
Poles and other eastern europeans have taken over this country. They don't understand that Britain is the most tolerant country in the world and accepts all peoples regardless of the colour of there skin. I know this polish girl who I worked with and she had a mixed-race child and she told me she was scared to go back to Poland so that her son could meet his grandparents. She was petrified. The ones that I have met have dour personalities and still consider all blacks just swing from trees in the jungle. Britain is a great country and the British are tolerant fair minded people which is something that most east europeans will never understand. They are homophobic and racist and have a lot to learn from us Brits.
Polson  5 | 1767
2 Jan 2008   #425
Britain is a great country and the British are tolerant fair minded people which is something that most east europeans will never understand

I don't think so. As Seanus said, Poland never had a lot of immigrates, most of people in Poland are Polish, and if not maybe German or another European origin. Do i have to remind you how were treated blacks by Brits, a century ago ? Poles never treated men like sh!t. It took a long time to Britain to be as "tolerant" as it is today, even if there are still racists.

I wouldn't say that Poland will "never" understand", plus you're generalizing, but people's minds will change as it has changed in Britain.

They are homophobic and racist and have a lot to learn from us Brits

Makes me too sad to answer this stupid generalization.

Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Jan 2008   #426
If the Brits were so tolerant, they'd accept the influx of foreigners
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
2 Jan 2008   #427
Britain is a great country and the British are tolerant fair minded people which is something that most east europeans will never understand. They are homophobic and racist and have a lot to learn from us Brits.

Did someone press an irony button? How can you make sweeping generalizations about eastern europeans and then include yourself in the mix of tolerant fair minded people?

I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but if one reads what you've written then they'd be hard pressed to take what you've written as anything more than lazy reactionary thinking.
vodka  1 | 38
2 Jan 2008   #428
and what about our Tatars. living in Poland form hundrets years. They are muslim and they have mongolian origin.
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Jan 2008   #429
What about these Tatars? I've lived here for over 3 years but u never hear of them. They get no media coverage or have much influence on anything by the seems of it
vodka  1 | 38
2 Jan 2008   #430

go to the part about Polish Tatars
lesser  4 | 1311
2 Jan 2008   #431
What about these Tatars? I've lived here for over 3 years but u never hear of them. They get no media coverage or have much influence on anything by the seems of it

Apparently Polish Tatars are honest and decent people. If you want media coverage, you need to be either absolutely dishonest (politicians), freak or deviant.
vodka  1 | 38
2 Jan 2008   #432
Yes Tarars are simply the best imigrats : loyal ,courage and good in fight ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Jan 2008   #433
I don't make judgements until I at least know a good part of the issue at hand. I guess they are decent. It's good that they are not treated like the Burakamin are by Japanese people, i.e a piece of trash. Did u know that Poles name a cake 'mużyn'? That could be interpreted as being racist in a petty way. I have found some Poles to be quite racist as I've overheard their mutterings in Polish and they didn't know that I could understand it to quite a high level.
2 Jan 2008   #434
I think it is very backward thinking of poles to be racist, especially when thousands of them were being gassed and shoved into ovens in ww2, until britain saved them.

wikipedia - "Nazi ideology stressed the racial purity of the German people and persecuted those it perceived either as enemies or Lebensunwertes Leben, that is "life unworthy of life". (This included Jews, Slavs, Roma and homosexuals(See also Paragraph 175), along with Jehovah's Witnesses, the mentally and/or physically disabled, socialists, and communists.) To carry out these beliefs, the party and the German state which it controlled organized the systemic murder of approximately 11 million people in what has become known as the Holocaust."

poles should not forget history
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Jan 2008   #435
That was a bit strong noimmigration but u will certainly elicit some heated responses.
2 Jan 2008   #436
It was not strong it was historic fact, how can you be racist when thousands of your ancestors were killed because of their race.
lesser  4 | 1311
2 Jan 2008   #437
Did u know that Poles name a cake 'mużyn'? That could be interpreted as being racist in a petty way.

It is ''murzynek" (diminution)

Of course this have nothing to do with racism, knights of PC will always try to spin everything.
Polson  5 | 1767
2 Jan 2008   #438
Nazi ideology stressed the racial purity of the German people and persecuted those it perceived either as enemies or Lebensunwertes Leben, that is "life unworthy of life"

Dunno why, i get the impression you support this ideology...
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Jan 2008   #439
I stand corrected Sir
espana  17 | 951
2 Jan 2008   #440
i get the impression

I get the impression that we talking with a mix of william wallace and vicky pollard

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Dice  15 | 452
2 Jan 2008   #441
Most of Poles ARE racist, there is no doubt. The funny part is that they truly don't understand it; they honestly don't believe you when you point it out to them. Just today I've seen a post here titled "Jews are a problem" or something like that. Do you think that any other Poles objected to that? No. They think it's OK, just "debating", that's all.

And yeah, it is especially idiotic because we Poles are Slavs, an "inferior race" according to the Nazi philosophy.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
2 Jan 2008   #442
Most of Poles ARE racist, there is no doubt.

Oy vey !

They are homophobic and racist and have a lot to learn from us Brits.

You're trying to be funny, right ?
vodka  1 | 38
2 Jan 2008   #443

you are not racist. Polish nation is the same as other nations, some people are racist some are not.
lesser  4 | 1311
2 Jan 2008   #444
Just today I've seen a post here titled "Jews are a problem" or something like that. Do you think that any other Poles objected to that? No. They think it's OK, just "debating", that's all.

Jewish love towards Poles

Learn to read and then if you have something to say, join this debate.
Blackzilla  - | 17
2 Jan 2008   #445
Well looked what happend to Peter Thatchell the gay rights activist when he went over to to support eastern european gays in Moscow. It was hardly a welcoming mat and the Russian police stood there and watched him take a beating from so called friendly eastern europeans. Very open minded society hmmmmm.

Even Putin the Russian leader said that Racism is major problem in there society. Get real mate because I know I am. People of colour beware when you travel to eastern europe because you are a siting target especially at night.

Also the Ross Kemp documentary about gangs in Poland highlighted there xenophobic and nationlists attitudes in Crackove. I was amazed that a polish guy came on camera and said that he told a black man and his white polish girlfriend to leave a bar because he did not like it. Thats caveman stuff honestly.
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Jan 2008   #446
I knew a guy who was brown and gay and he had a hard time of it, or maybe difficult time of it is the better way to put it, hehehe. I do detect an undercurrent of racism here I have to say
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
2 Jan 2008   #447
well yeah but i could go and point out that some people in former zaire were killing eachother with great gusto (as was reported, i have no first hand accounts backing this up). Does that mean anyone central africa is a butcher?
lesser  4 | 1311
2 Jan 2008   #448
Well looked what happend to Peter Thatchell the gay rights activist when he went over to to support eastern european gays in Moscow

What he was doing in Moscow? Nobody taught him before that this is not nice to stick nose into third country internal affairs? He hopefully knows now.
2 Jan 2008   #449
well yeah but i could go and point out that some people in former zaire were killing eachother with great gusto (as was reported, i have no first hand accounts backing this up). Does that mean anyone central africa is a butcher?

generalisations are made from observations that can conclude from varying sources and experiances that a certain culture is more inclined than another to view a matter a differant way.

nobody is saying every single person is racist in poland, they are saying that GENERALLY poles are more racist than their eu counter parts. There is a big differance.

If the eivdence and experiances that lead to that generalisation is accurate then there is no problem with generalising.

your foolish arguemtn is pc rubbish that would lead us to believe that brits dont like a drink because not every single 55 million of them drink (even though the majority drink to excess)

Foreigner4  12 | 1768
2 Jan 2008   #450
Britain is a great country and the British are tolerant fair minded people which is something that most east europeans will never understand. They are homophobic and racist and have a lot to learn from us Brits.

nobody is saying every single person is racist in poland, they are saying that GENERALLY poles are more racist than their eu counter parts. There is a big differance.


i stand by my comments.

"[EU] counterparts[?]" I suggest you follow your own advice there chief. I won't deny there is a different view on a lot of things here in Poland and by Poles themselves. But don't make things out to be anything more than what they are. The points I went after are specifically those that overstate the situation.

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