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Poles opinion on Sweden, Bavaria, Greece, Czechia?

20 Jul 2021   #1
What are Poles view on my other favorite countries - Bavaria (not the whole of Germany, just Bayern), Czech. Rep., Sweden and Greece?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
20 Jul 2021   #2
Max86, pay me for a camera, microphone, recorder and rest of any necessary equipment to record a conversation. Ill go around ask people in the streets ;)

(Now you don´t need to trouble us with such questions anymore! ) :D
OP Max86
20 Jul 2021   #3
wow, that's aggressive.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
20 Jul 2021   #4
If it was aggressive, I would come with personal threats. So far I have only demanded necessary equipment I would need if you truly meant what you wrote
Alien  25 | 6397
20 Jul 2021   #5
Bavaria - not entirely German, Czech - pivo and dumplings/knedliky, Sweden - IKEA, ABBA and strong drinks. Greece - wonderful landscapes and wonderful people.
OP Max86
20 Jul 2021   #6
Wonderful people? Really? They're fakes. I love the country but not the Greek.
Alien  25 | 6397
20 Jul 2021   #7
I love the country but not the Greek.

I love Greece but not Greek ? It's like I would say I love America but not Americans or I love Israel but not Jews or I love Serbia but not Serbs.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
20 Jul 2021   #8
He probably linked

Otherwise, his statement doesn't make any sense
Lyzko  44 | 9713
20 Jul 2021   #9
Bavaria is the most traditionally pictaresque region of the country, yet also, the most rock-ribbed conservative!
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Jul 2021   #10
Rural and inbred. Picturesque (for town-dwellers) but stifling to be in.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
20 Jul 2021   #11
True. Often, the prettiest regions are the most stultifying-:)
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Jul 2021   #12
It's often a trade off against the scenery.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
20 Jul 2021   #13
Does picturesque win out?
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Jul 2021   #14
For holidays It's nice to be somewhere that there's scenery and human activity. Warsaw has the latter but not the former.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
20 Jul 2021   #15
Heard Cracow's the best for that.
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Jul 2021   #16
Nothing special in terms of scenery, though one or two pleasant river views. Not especially old-looking either for people from where I come from. Płock has some of the best landscape/city combinations in PL. A really nice river escarpment
24 Jul 2021   #17
Really, Plock? Too flat, there are more hills in Karlovy Vary and even Northern Bavaria.
24 Jul 2021   #18
I love Greece but not Greek ?

I love the ancient monuments in Athens, not their ugly women or lazy and lying-in-business men.
Crow  154 | 9535
25 Jul 2021   #19
ugly women or lazy and lying-in-business men

How good description. Perfect

I love the ancient monuments in Athens

Many were erected thanks to profits from slavery on ancient Slavs ie Sarmats. There started Era of slavery on original native Europeans.
Alien  25 | 6397
25 Jul 2021   #20
They gave us Democracy and Greek tragedy
Novichok  4 | 8485
25 Jul 2021   #21
...that turned into a Be A Good Boy And Press This Button Here comedy.
Crow  154 | 9535
25 Jul 2021   #22
They were first to steal Slavic history and I f*k them

They gave us Democracy and Greek tragedy

Let me put it this way. Slavs ie Sarmats are only Whites that never used slavery and never had internal slave markets for exchange of slaves among themslves.

That for starter just to illustrate logic of Slavs and Greaks. Then, same as Romans, Greaks were destractors of Slavic ie Sarmatian urban centers that were older civilized centers then Hellenic one. Therefore, Greaks stolen knowladge of Democracy (AGORA is Slavic word, same as POLIS) from Slavs even in antiquity already. That is why we see medieval Polish Sarmatism as supreme Democracy and Freedom unknown to Greaks and western Europeans, similar only to organization of Slavic societies, same as Serbs had ancient principle `Even a slave is a slave no more if come to Serbian land`. Where did you ever heard of this among Greeks or on the west of Europe? Nowhere.

For example, Troy was a Slavic ie Sarmatian urban center destroyed by Greaks, while Egtruscans (RASI, RASENI as they called themselves, exactly same designation as medieval Serbs used paralel with ethnic name of Serbs) were urban Slavs ie Sarmats destroyed by Romans. Principle was- kill, enslave, loot, steal knowladge, assimilate, declare its yours, steal history.

Sounds familiar?

Sure. Western Europe, Germanics, Anglois, via Roman Empire and Greaks adopted the same principle and live it even today.
28 Jul 2021   #23
Yeah, they're sneaky. I only like Athens, their other towns are terrible (street view the town called Drama - yuck!) And Greek women are some of the ugliest in Europe.
Ironside  50 | 12946
29 Jul 2021   #24
What are Poles view

different you would need to ask them work from there ,,,, Not like majority of people anywhere including Poland really think much about those kind of things.

I guess what you ask about are stereotypes.. I don't think there is any except maybe Czechia....
13 Feb 2023   #25

What do poles think about those two countries(Hungary and Greece)?

Hungary and Greece?
Do you like visiting the beuaitful Budapest (more beautiful than Vienna IMO) and ancient Athens?
Do a lot of Poles go to work there?
13 Feb 2023   #26
Excuse my mistake.
To be honest I find Hungary more beautiful than Slovakia. Like Budapest is more beautiful than Bratislsva but even their small towns look friendlier, less drab than ours.

As for Greece, just looking at the Acropolis on its hill is amazing, Bratislava and even Košice can never compete.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Feb 2023   #27
To be honest I find Hungary more beautiful than Slovakia.

There are both pretty and dull parts of both places.

Really, Plock? Too flat,

Płock is the opposite of flat. Have you been there?

  • Screenshot2023021.png
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
14 Feb 2023   #28
To be honest I find Hungary more beautiful than Slovakia. Like Budapest is more beautiful than Bratislsva

Yes, Hungary can be more beautiful than Slowakia in places, but as Jon says, both have their pros and cons.

It rather depends on what you are looking for.
In terms of countryside I think they are pretty even, but Slowakia might just edge it.
But for cities, Hungary wins bands down!

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