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Poles - the Nation of Liars?

AntV  3 | 670
18 May 2023   #391
How can one expect rule of law in tact and spirit, when everybody engaged in the exercise is an idiot?

Your error is the claim that everybody engaged in it is stupid. That obviously is not the case. Certainly there are plenty of lawmakers, judges, lobbyists, etc who are stupid, but most are pretty smart. They tend to think through the ramifications of laws--that's not to say that it's always perfect and not stupid, but democracies have been able to thrive and be highly productive in spite of the occasional stupid law, lawmaker, or law lobbyist.

That was a very long way of saying that democracy sucks.

No, it was a short-ish way of saying democracy is imperfect yet pretty damn good...and vulnerable.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
18 May 2023   #392
Really tired, folks, of all this antiPolish stuff! It is merely attention getting nonsense.
Bobko  27 | 2161
18 May 2023   #393
Really tired, folks, of all this antiPolish stuff!

Be quiet, Lyzko, if you know what's good for you.

Your error is the claim that everybody engaged in it is stupid.

I'm realizing you said something very smart, which I wasn't able to fully appreciate/absorb at first reconnaissance. I need to think about what you wrote before I can say anything further.
AntV  3 | 670
18 May 2023   #394
I need to think about what you wrote before I can say anything further.

Me too! :D
Novichok  4 | 8844
18 May 2023   #395
is imperfect

Imperfect? Was that lawyer in my last post "imperfect"?
Are the million crossing our Southern border because Americans invited them?
Did Poles invite millions of Ukrainians or were they lied to along the way about their numbers, cost, and crimes?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
18 May 2023   #396
It is merely attention getting nonsense.

Yes. Bobi is resurrecting all the Polonophobic threads in vain hope of hurting our feelings. We, however, remain as unflappable as Buddha himself. :)
Novichok  4 | 8844
18 May 2023   #397
Polonophobic threads in vain hope of hurting our feelings.

Those are PF threads. He didn't create them.
pawian  225 | 27344
18 May 2023   #398
He didn't create them.

Resurrecting isn`t creating, actually. :) Read your holly script for details.
AntV  3 | 670
18 May 2023   #399

That lawyer you created may exist, but he isn't representative of the whole.

I'm not big on broad strokes, reality is more smaller strokes and nuances.
Novichok  4 | 8844
18 May 2023   #400
reality is more smaller strokes and nuances.

No amount of soft pedaling will change this:

I will lie to you to get elected and will do whatever the fu*ck I want once in office. That's not a representation.

That's what they all do. Nobody ever got elected by being honest. Never.

Are you by any chance a bootlicking, Civics 101, Democrat-voting naive sucker who still waits for Santa in December?
Bobko  27 | 2161
18 May 2023   #401
Nobody ever got elected by being honest. Never.

Come on. You gotta leave some crumbs out for the kids that want to go into public service.

Was Lincoln happy with his reward of a bullet to the head, for making his way to the "trough" of government?

Was FDR a lottery winner when he was steering America through the Great Depression and the World War?

Hamilton, JFK, Carter - US history is full of idealists that paid a high price.
AntV  3 | 670
18 May 2023   #402
That's what they all do. Nobody ever got elected by being honest. Never.

Trump was pretty honest. He pushed for the things he said he would during the campaign.

Plus, what Bobko said.
Novichok  4 | 8844
18 May 2023   #403
I hate idealists. They think they are special on a mission from God himself. Like those damn billionaires today...
Just make sure nobody dies for sh*it and the books are balanced. We will take care of the rest.

Trump was pretty honest. He pushed for the things

Not hard enough. When he signed a bill with more than the Dems ask for, he became my enemy.
AntV  3 | 670
18 May 2023   #404
I hate idealists.

Just how many entries are in your Book of Things I Hate? :)
Novichok  4 | 8844
18 May 2023   #405
As many as stupid people, mainly women, "love". Today, we "love" everything.
AntV  3 | 670
18 May 2023   #406
So you arbitrarily hate to counter-balance the aribitrary love?
Novichok  4 | 8844
18 May 2023   #407
Excessive is a better word.
Poland Expat  - | 7
21 Mar 2024   #408
I came here by searching "are all Poles thieves and liars"

Why did I ask this terrible question? When I arrived in Poland, I had very kind thoughts toward the Polish people. As a British American, I considered some things to be good in Poland, and had no preconceptions about Poles.

However, within the first few months I began experiencing dishonesty at every level of Polish society, from the poorest to the governments. The first time, I brushed it off, the second time I began to get suspicious, but by the third, fourth, fifth, etc time, I realized this is just a way of life for Poles.

I googled and found a joke saying "has your car been stolen? Go to Poland, it will surely be there". Funny thing about cars, never ever trust a car in whatever condition, whether it's $500 or $15,000, it doesn't matter. Many of these cars are rebuilt salvages from the US, sold at the price of an immaculate car with no problems. Make sure to search the VIN online, but if you are unlucky you won't catch it. Just assume every car sold at any price has been totalled, that's a good starting point.

No, cars was not my only experience. From medical practitioners, to state-run governmental organizations, to banks, nearly everyone is a scammer, a liar, and a thief.

The most honest service I received was a tailor. They didn't do what I wanted (was tailored in regular fit instead of slim fit, and they didn't understand), but they refused to take my money, even though I considered the amount rather low priced, so I couldn't complain. They said no I won't take your money, and were quite kind about it. They offered to fix it multiple times. They continued refusing to take my money. They were not trying to scam me. I didn't let them fix because I didn't think they could do what I wanted. But nonetheless they were very honest.

But guess what, they were Belarussian, not Polish.

As for Poles, they would threaten to call the police and threaten fraud if you leave an honest review that isn't positive after you learn they were trying to scam you - and these are high-end medical organizations with the highest-end equipment charging rates that would make an American's eyes bleed. Yet still a scammer, and the reason for 5 stars is because they simply threaten everyone who leaves a negative review and lie to google to get it removed. Never trust Polish reviews.

Is that all? No. Rentals, even banks will lie to your face. Almost everything I ordered through Allegro was either broken or had a hidden flaw. Don't buy through OLX, even OLX will let you be scammed. OLX gives you 24 hours and even if it is listed as perfect condition and you document everything and file the claim, they will deny it. They know Poles are scammers, and if they don't allow the scams they won't make money in Poland.

My best online experience was Amazon. They will return fraudulent items. Allegro too but Allegro has a rather short return period.

Universities will rob you blind any chance they get to. If you have money coming from abroad they will keep part of it. This is for the top universities in Poland. I don't know how much worse the little ones are.

Overall, my experience in Poland is that they are almost all thieves and liars. Not all of them, there are a few good ones. But if you err on the side that there is an almost guaranteed certainty you will be defrauded, it will serve you well in Poland.
Torq  8 | 956
21 Mar 2024   #409
Many of these cars are rebuilt salvages from the US

Nonsense. There are very few US built vehicles in Poland (for obvious reasons).

Almost everything I ordered through Allegro was either broken or had a hidden flaw.

I've been on Allegro almost from the very beginning (for 21 years) and bought literally thousands various items there. I had problems in two cases, both of which were solved quickly by the seller.

Universities will rob you blind any chance they get to. If you have money coming from abroad they will keep part of it.

What? Please, tell us how universities will "keep part of your money coming from abroad"? How will they even have access to your money?

Overall, my experience in Poland is that they are almost all thieves and liars.

Overall, my experience with PolishForums is that various haters and trolls are allowed to roam free here, scaring away decent users.
Poland Expat  - | 7
21 Mar 2024   #410
Weird since out of the 100 I looked at, 99 were US salvages.

Anyway, to see how Poles are liars, just look at the lies in that guy's response.
Poland Expat  - | 7
21 Mar 2024   #411
Anyway, it was my honest response, but I changed my mind and don't want to post it but it's not possible to remove it now.

Mod can you remove my posts because I decided not to post it.
Bobko  27 | 2161
21 Mar 2024   #412
just look at the lies in that guy's response.

This is the most honest guy on the forum.

I'm much more inclined to believe what he says, rather than your diatribes.

Coming myself from a country that's always accused of thievery, I have no sympathy.
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Mar 2024   #413
As a British American

What is a British American??

out of the 100 I looked at, 99 were US salvages.

That's odd, unless you were looking for American cars - or something with an enormous engine. If you just search for a European or Japanese make of car you'll find that a lot of them are imported from other European countries, not from the US. In fairness, the used car market is pretty dodgy but it's not as bad as you think.

I've also used Allegro for dozens, if not a couple of hundred purchases and I only had a problem with them once.

I wouldn't say that medical services are scammers but they're not as professional as one would hope for. I once had to have a visual fields test at LuxMed and I thought the girl performing it seemed a bit inept. I engaged her in casual conversation (that in itself is a feat in Poland) and managed to find out that she'd had very little training in using the equipment and that her last job was as a dental hygienist. I'd expect a nurse or properly trained technician to be carrying out such an important test.

But, Poles are definitely not all thieves and liars. They're a mixed bag. They're not the 'nicest' people but not the worst either. Poland is a lottery, and your chances are absolutely fifty-fifty down the middle as to what kind of experience you have in any given situation. It can be just fine or a shambles. Are you still in Poland?
Alien  25 | 6369
21 Mar 2024   #414
casual conversation (that in itself is a feat in Poland)

No, it's not, Poles are very talkative.
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Mar 2024   #415
Oh Alien, please. They are not talkative with strangers, as a rule.
Novichok  4 | 8844
21 Mar 2024   #416
Nothing works as well as a critical generalization to start a good argument.

Overall, my experience in Poland is that they are almost all thieves and liars.

...who can't put a sentence together without two or three kurwa's...

BTW, I quoted the above to show you that I read your post in its entirety.
My reaction: I trust every single word of it.

So, unless you are a woke azhole who thinks that men can be pregnant and should be allowed to compete with women in women's sports, we will be very good friends here.
Alien  25 | 6369
21 Mar 2024   #417

It may be a language problem, but among 'their own people' they have no inhibitions.
Bobko  27 | 2161
21 Mar 2024   #418
among 'their own people' they have no inhibitions.

It's the same with all "Eastern Europeans".

Some American will tell me, "Such a gloomy people. No smiles. No hellos. I feel so utterly lonely."

Then I go home, and I can't get my taxi driver, bank teller, or doctor to shut up for just a few moments of peace.

I think people there are just inherently suspicious, or simply not confident around foreigners.

Between locals: b*tching and moaning about everything is totally the norm.
Torq  8 | 956
21 Mar 2024   #419
to see how Poles are liars, just look at the lies in that guy's response.


Look, maybe you're being honest; maybe somehow - against all odds - you only met mountebanks and liars in Poland. Highly unlikely, but maybe you were just unlucky (very unlucky).

I don't like what you wrote. It sounds like trolling. However, because I am generally positively disposed towards foreigners in Poland, I shall give you a brilliant lifehack: in Poland you have to approach people in a humanly way (po ludzku). If you treat them po ludzku, like human beings, they will reciprocate also in a humanly way. If, on the other hand, you try to be a very important American, looking superciliously at them, you shall be f*cked in every British-American hole. That's just how it is. Życie.

P.S. But I would still like to know though how on earth did any university "take your money coming from abroad". That just doesn't make sense.
Bobko  27 | 2161
21 Mar 2024   #420
If, on the other hand, you try to be a very important American, looking superciliously at them, you shall be f*cked in every British-American hole.

Just as you constantly remind me that you don't give a f*ck if I will nuke you tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, but just wish I would get it over with...

Nobody cares about Americans. Nobody cares about what you have in America. Maybe this is not politically correct - but nobody cares about how much America invests/provides - because it is assumed it's done out of self interest.

If you behave like a white Christian missionary disembarking off of a ship in Tonga or Fiji, people will treat you like an idiot.

On the most practical level - many people in Poland/Russia are simply much more wealthy and well traveled than you. Despite you having a $2M home the mortgage on which is underwater, and driving a BMW X7 which you are financing for $900 a month.

Russia and Poland are cash countries :)

Home / Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars?
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