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Poles - the Nation of Liars?

boletus  30 | 1356
4 Dec 2011   #361
The Canadian expat Poles on this forum never cease to amaze me, so out of touch.

Your prerogative.
grubas  12 | 1382
4 Dec 2011   #362
There is a certain amount of ignorant Polish people who think that everything is perfect in foraign countries but like I said they just ignorant.The train broke down?So what?You can try to tell me that no train ever broke down in UK but I won't believe it because I know stuff brakes from time to time and it's nothing unusuall.Few years ago a Greyhound I was on caught fire and burnt and didn't I notice any embarased Americans nor did I feel superior because no PKS with me on board ever caught on fire in Poland.

On a side note I really dislike the kind of Poles you described,they are ******* scum with no self respect.
strzyga  2 | 990
4 Dec 2011   #363
Thats all fair enough Strzyga, but why are you turning this into a personal vendetta against Wedle?

A vendetta, really? It's just what I was feeling/thinking when reading Wedle's posts. As for you, I am aware that you're the author of this thread but first, you've already explained a few times that it's an old thread, and second, I've been reading your posts for a couple of years now and I know that you're sort of blowing hot and cold. I think I've got used to it.

Youre taking this whole thing in a very bad way, look if you said to me as a Brit

A revenge? Self-gratification? Personal attack? No, WB, none of this. I'd even say it's just the opposite.
Yes, we have corruption in Poland, the football association being the latest example. I'm not going to deny it, but that's not the point. If people in this thread were just discussing examples of corruption and dishonesty, I couldn't care less and probably wouldn't even bother to join. The reason I did is something else. It's the self-righteous, patronising attitude that comes up again and again in various threads, no matter what the subject of the discussion, be it corruption, WWII or Polish grocery shops. It's too tiresome. And it's exactly this type of attitude that I have issues with, not the subject of this, or any other, thread.
Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Dec 2011   #364
The biggest Polish lie is them pretending to be homogeneous.

Harry would no doubt have sth to say here.

Magda, when you hear 'we/us Poles', what do you think?
OP Wroclaw Boy
4 Dec 2011   #365
The train broke down?So what?You can try to tell me that no train ever broke down in UK


Honestly, I wouldn't know where to start... and where to end. And I might offend. Most British institutions seem completely topsy-turvy to me. I tolerate their workings but that's about it.

Ohh crap - what you didnt get your boiler fixed for 10 months, if your boiler didnt work you WOULDNT have hot water.

I'm done with this one for the night.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
4 Dec 2011   #366
Magda, when you hear 'we/us Poles', what do you think?

I don't have any special thoughts, why do you ask?

what you didnt get your boiler fixed for 10 months, if your boiler didnt work you WOULDNT have hot water.

Do you honestly think I sat around and waited 10 months for a pathetic cowboy boiler guy to come over and fix the problem? When he didn't show up the first time, I took matters into my own hands of course. I am Polish, after all ;-p
OP Wroclaw Boy
4 Dec 2011   #367
I took matters into my own hands of course. I am Polish, after all ;-p

Well, i can certainly vouch for that.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
4 Dec 2011   #368
Polish are very capable of fixing things

...and another generalisation has just entered the conversation... ;-p
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
4 Dec 2011   #369
Foreigners must bear in mind that Poles are well aware of what goes on and they voice their opposition in their own way.

that sums things up. Poles are very aware of what is going on, yet when the discussion happens, they become defensive, because many are part of that corrupted system.
Cheery  10 | 126
4 Dec 2011   #370
I admit that I am a liar.
Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Dec 2011   #371
You sinner, you ;) Repent right now ;)
oh dear! Whatsoever next?
Wedle  15 | 490
5 Dec 2011   #372
oh dear! Whatsoever next?

wildrover  98 | 4430
6 Dec 2011   #373
I admit that I am a liar. do we know that statement is true then.....?
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Dec 2011   #374
Hehehe, top riposte! He might be a part-time liar. In which case, we are left guessing as to which part ;)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
7 Dec 2011   #375 do we know that statement is true then.....?

This is the paradox of Epimenides of Knossos.
3 Aug 2015   #376
Poland is only recantly westernizing.. these things tend to happen in the more eastern European countries.
Wulkan  - | 3136
3 Aug 2015   #377
Poland is only recantly westernizing

What do you mean by westernizing in this context?
Lia_gh  - | 1
16 Jul 2020   #378
They do Lie! ;) I witness this almost every f** day

Sorry polish people, but the experience I have with, is that many polish lie a lot. I may being generalising , but the people I deal with they lie and the thing is that the most of the time I read between the lines and mostly is a lie I even do many research about certain topics spoken with them but normally I find completely different explanations for what was given!!!😰
Ironside  50 | 12969
17 Jul 2020   #379

here some tissue. ..
pawian  225 | 27344
17 Jul 2020   #380
Sorry polish people, but the experience I have with, is that many polish lie a lot.

Yes, I admit it is a recent trend since rightwing party called PiS (Law and Justice) came into full power in 2015. They had gained that power through multiple lies and then have continued that stratregy over the years. They believe that they can lie like crazy in the name of law and justice and they feel good with it. Today, a day without a few lies is a lost day for them.

They have a lot of supporters, over 10 million, who have been learning from them, and you probably met some of them.

Try to contact Polish people from the centre and left, they don`t lie so much as rightwingers. Only a little, from time to time. E.g., they will still tell you you look beautiful today although it isn`t true coz you didn`t have time to take care of your make up etc..
Bobko  27 | 2161
18 May 2023   #381
It is possible that Poles acquired the reputation of a nation of liars, due to long-term occupation by galactic lying power - Russia.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
18 May 2023   #382
Not only possible but certain. We also acquired the reputation of heavy drinkers for the same reason.
Bobko  27 | 2161
18 May 2023   #383

Maybe, maybe not.

A thread called "Poland - Nation of Liars" has 13 pages of posts. Think about that.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
18 May 2023   #384

Because such threads are allowed sometimes (or even posted on purpose) to enliven the forum a bit. A kind of officially supported trolling.

There wasn't always war in Ukraine to ensure traffic for the board. Enough said :)
pawian  225 | 27344
18 May 2023   #385
It is possible that Poles acquired the reputation of a nation of liars, due to long-term occupation by galactic lying power - Russia.

PiS rightists, the most infamous liars in today`s Poland, follow Putinist standards in many ways, not only in lying.
Bobko  27 | 2161
18 May 2023   #386
PiS rightists, the most infamous liars

In America, Democrats accuse Republicans of lying at the same rate that they breathe.

In Russia, the opposition accuses Putin and the security apparatus of lying at the same rate that they breathe.

In Poland, PO-supporters see in PiS the devil incarnate.

Democracy is a stupid system, but perhaps not more stupid than other systems.
Novichok  4 | 8843
18 May 2023   #387
Democracy is a stupid system, but perhaps not more stupid than other systems.

Judging by the results, it's a self-destruct kind.

I read somewhere that the lifespan of democracies is about 200 to 300 years until internal rot takes over like terminal cancer.
AntV  3 | 670
18 May 2023   #388
Democracy is a stupid system, but perhaps not more stupid than other systems.

It's only as stupid as is the stupidity of the people who engage in it, which, I suppose, means it's stupid. That's really not the problem, though. A democracy of stupidity can still be highly reasonable and productive, as long as the rule-of-law remains in tact and the law, which is doing the ruling, is relatively reasonable...or something along those lines.
Bobko  27 | 2161
18 May 2023   #389
A democracy of stupidity can still be highly reasonable and productive

Mmmmm... Can it?

Your caveat seems unfair. How can one expect rule of law in tact and spirit, when everybody engaged in the exercise is an idiot?

I don't need a long lecture, just a set of examples.
Novichok  4 | 8843
18 May 2023   #390
A system without legally binding referendums is not a democracy. It's a farse based on this simple rule:

I will lie to you to get elected and will do whatever the fu*ck I want once in office. If you, stupid voters think that the next guy will be any better, I have a bridge in NY for sale...In the meantime GFY...

A more practical example...You hire a lawyer to legally represent you in a court of law You tell him that you want to plead not guilty. He walks in and says: My client pleads guilty because he did it.

Do you wait four years or do you fire his ass instantly and tell the judge to ignore the a-hole?

That's your stupid "democracy" in action.

Home / Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars?
BoldItalic [quote]
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