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Why oh Why do Poles drive so incredibly poorly

aflyingdutchman  1 | 7
7 Feb 2020   #1
Living now in Warsaw, and having lived all over the world, I must say Poles are the absolute worst drivers I have ever encountered. Never using their signals, or at best using it once they have already initiated a turn or changing lanes. They seem shocked if you honk or dont allow them in. In the spur of a moment they will remember 'oh I need to be on the right lane' and then cross a 5 lane road without so much as a signal. When it rains, which is common, you would think someone died as traffic practically comes to a standstill, they are terrified to drive, and when it snows, also something you would think they are used to, its even worse. And dont get me started about the arrogance when it comes to parking. If they drive a nice car, then they can park anywhere. If their brat needs to be dropped off, they can stop anywhere turn on the hazard lights and let their cargo out, or better if they are hungry, they can park, on the dribving lane, hazards on, and go into the pastry shop, and the rest of us just have to deal with it. The lazy police do nothing. Warsaw could make soooooo much money if they would just start ticketing these jerks, but nothing is done, and everyone seems to accept it, except me, I have almost broken my horn dealing with the incredible stupidity that is driving here!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Feb 2020   #2
All that you say is true, but unfortunately we cannot appoint you the Minister for the Traffic in Poland.
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Feb 2020   #3
Driving is awful in Poland, that is true. As to the specifics- not so much in my experience. I don't know about Warsaw but in my area people drive normally in rain and snow and people don't stop in the middle of the road. More likely they will block the footpath.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Feb 2020   #4
I must say Poles are the absolute worst drivers I have ever encountered.

They are certainly the worst in Europe.Even worse than the French and Italians.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
7 Feb 2020   #5
That's a funny thing: the practical exams are hard AF and yet the process produce one of the worst drivers.
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #6
When it rains, traffic practically comes to a standstill, they are terrified to drive, and when it snows, , its even worse

Stupid remark. One should drive more slowly in bad weather conditions. When you coz an accident due to high speed, only you will be to blame.

I have almost broken my horn

That means you are too temperamental for driving. Such frequent hysteria on the road will finish you off in a few years` time. I suggest you use public transport instead. :))
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #7
I think the test must be an incredibly low standard, tbh. I believe, for example, that the test requires action on a skid pan. What a waste of time, that wd be better spent learning about observations and consideration for other drivers, neither of which seem to exist in Polish driver training.

If i am driving here in the UK I would never overtake a truck with Polish plates, as they have zero awareness of or care about their massive blind spot, and if I see a car with Polish plates, I will hang back or even take a different route so i don't have to drive anywhere near them.

I am not being nasty, just honest.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Feb 2020   #8
One should drive more slowly in bad weather conditions

Agreed.But I think he means that when it rains it seems to cause traffic jams.
This happens in the UK too and I have never understood why.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #9
because people drive more slowly.....
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #10
with Polish plates and if I see a car with Polish, I will hang back or even take a different route .

Exacty. In Poland, when I drive in a big city, I always look at plates. When I see foreign ones, I know I have to be double wary on the road.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #11
oh no we don't have to do that in the UK. There are plenty of foreign plates, and they are fine. It is just the Polish ones that really need avoiding.

Or perhaps it is the mentality, I dont know.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Feb 2020   #12
because people drive more slowly.....

Yes, but not at 3mph!! :-)
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #13
here are plenty of foreign plates, and they are fine.

It is hard to believe. :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #14
is it? why?

I think that Poland must have the lowest driving standards in Europe, from what I have seen.

And yet at the same time, some of the most arrogant drivers. I am honestly curious about it.
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #15
I think that Poland must have the lowest driving standards in Europe,

No, it is only your imagination. :):) It isn`t so bad here. I heard many stories from Poles about crazy drivers in other countries.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #16
who drives in the UK? you or me?
oh yes , it is me. Hardly my imagination.
Your comments merely back up what i said about arrogance.
Maybe some Polish drivers dont think that UK driving rules apply to them, i dont know.
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #17
oh yes , it is me. Hardly my imagination.

It must be imagination and forgetfulness. :)): Namely, you forget that Poles are accustomed to right hand traffic.

Your comments merely back up what i said about arrogance.

From comments by a forum member you conclude that Polish drivers are arrogant. hahaha What is wrong with you today? :):)
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Feb 2020   #18
I sometimes think it's the UK roads that are responsible for better driving- the roads are so narrow most of the time it's almost single lane. You have no choice but to be careful :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #19
If Polish drivers cannot adjust to driving on the correct side of the road for the country they are in, then they shouldnt drive, frankly. I have driven in Czechia and whining 'ooh i am not used to it' is no excuse for poor driving.

And frankly Pawian, you DO sound very arrogant, as ever, just dismissing my experience as 'imagination and forgetfulness'...what kind of response is that?

Not sure where you have stayed Lenka, maybe West Wales...? :D Mostly our motorways and A roads are pretty good.
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Feb 2020   #20
I don't think Polish drivers are the worst... often inconsiderate and reckless, yes, but hardly the worst in Europe (and maybe getting better? I remember when they never looked around while driving but only looked straight ahead - i think it was something they were taught... they seem to show more situational awareness now than in the past)

IME Romanians are no picnic either, though the worst drivers Ive seen are definitely the Maltese, I love Malta but the drivers are purely awful....

I've only been in tourist Greece and the roads were too crowded and so too slow to be that terrible and I haven't been in Sicily (supposedly terrifying).
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #21
And frankly Pawian, you DO sound very arrogant

No, you are again imagining things. :)): It is your bad day today.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Feb 2020   #22
I have to back Roz up here.

As I posted earlier, Polish drivers are probably the worst in Europe and it must be something in Poland causing it.
My dad and all my uncles took their tests here in the UK and were all excellent drivers.
I have driven all over Europe and Poles are worse than the French or the Italians.
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #23
Simply impossibel. :):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Feb 2020   #24

Now I know you are playing....... ;-)

You know it is true, so why not just admit it?
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Feb 2020   #25
West Wales

The motorways are ok but I was talking about general town, cities roads used for everyday driving.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #26
No, you are again imagining things. :)): It is your bad day today.

no, I am merely reporting what i have regularly observed as a long term driver in the UK. Sorry if that hurts your feelz but i cant help that , nor do I care.
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #27
You know it is true, so why not just admit it?

No, I don`t think it is true. I am sure it is a false opinion. Sb has lied to you about Polish drivers and you believed him/her. :))
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #28
oh lay off the smoke, Pawian.
Milo and I see Polish drivers on a daily basis and it's no fun.
Strangely it is never Polish women at the wheel, only men...:)
I suppose I could do some academic research into it, but I doubt I would get the funding, tbh.
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Feb 2020   #29
I am merely reporting what i have regularly observed as a long term driver in the UK.

Ok, if you insist so much, I think I should reconsider the problem of Polish drivers in the UK. :))
One little question - do they all drive badly or just certain percent? What exactly?

What is lay off the smoke?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Feb 2020   #30
'lay off the smoke' = stop smoking marijuana

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