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Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?

Novichok  4 | 8836
9 Mar 2024   #61
Depends what you count as living.

Living as opposed to dead.


How long can a stillborn baby stay in the womb?
Most pregnant people with a stillbirth have their providers induce labor soon after they learn of their baby's death. If you decide to wait to go into labor on your own and it doesn't happen by 2 weeks after your baby's death, your provider may induce labor to help prevent dangerous blood clots from developing.

The woke moron who wrote this couldn't possibly leave good enough alone and came up with "pregnant people". No, azhole, we call them "pregnant women".

But the idiot slipped badly with that "baby"! Three times!!! Even when the "baby" is dead!!! It's still a baby...Amazing...

Now back to me...

Inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.
pawian  225 | 27331
9 Mar 2024   #63
absurdity of your all of your

This is absurd. Stop stuttering when talking to me. What are you scared of???

that you've used such comedies for self-learning.

Exactly!!! They taught me a lot of useful things. Replay, replay!!!!! hahahaha buhahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8836
9 Mar 2024   #64
Continuing that gallery...
There is no such thing as lesbians. Only ugly men with vaginas.
pawian  225 | 27331
26 Dec 2024   #65
As a feminist male, I do a lot of chores before Christmas to relieve the women in my family. It is enough they live in Poland and are exposed to hardships of everyday life and unfair treatment from patriarchal society.

clean my room
clean the toilet
clean the bathroom
clean the windows everywhere
do the shopping
buy, kill (10 years ago), cut up, fry fish for Christmas.

I also do some minor repairs. E.,g, this year I glued a drawer in my wife`s bedroom.
Novichok  4 | 8836
26 Dec 2024   #66
clean the toilet
clean the bathroom

I have 4 of each...You are welcome to clean mine.
Alien  25 | 6366
26 Dec 2024   #67
I have 4 of each..

Why do you need so much? You need some Mexican cleaning lady.
pawian  225 | 27331
26 Dec 2024   #68
I have 4 of each.

Do you keep guns in each in case intruders surprised you while taking you know what??? hahaha buhahaaha ale Witz!!!
Where do you keep the iron?? Under the seat??? Be careful or you might accidentally shoot off your dick or balls. hahahaha buhahaha Ale Witz!!!!

Mexican cleaning lady.

Nobody will do the job with such gun peril.
Alien  25 | 6366
27 Dec 2024   #69
with such gun peril.

In Mexico it's normal.
Novichok  4 | 8836
28 Dec 2024   #70
Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?

...because women are nuts...

They march for Hamas and for "transgender women" - their worst enemies.

Sane people support their friends but that bit of wisdom is beyond their ability to understand.

No further proof is needed.

Novichok  4 | 8836
28 Dec 2024   #71
Be careful or you might accidentally shoot off your dick or balls

Accidently is better than stupidly...See 200,000 Poles dying because some azholes decided to outsmart the Red Army in August 1944.
Ironside  50 | 12969
28 Dec 2024   #72
Accidently is better than stupidly.

Casse toi, balai de chiotte! Quelle andouille!
Lyzko  45 | 9750
28 Dec 2024   #73
I recall seeing a photograph of a billboard in the Polish news magazine "Wprost", I believe, several years back,
to the effect that women in Poland still feel helpless if their husband comes home drunk and
becomes physically abusive!
pawian  225 | 27331
28 Dec 2024   #74
yes, there was a famous campaign in 1997 and its main slogan was: Because the soup was too salty.

  • a
Ironside  50 | 12969
28 Dec 2024   #75
Because the soup was too salty.

Because BS is too thick.
pawian  225 | 27331
28 Dec 2024   #76
Yes, we know you denigrate women by your nature. :(:((
Novichok  4 | 8836
28 Dec 2024   #77
If women were that oppressed they would hate no-fault divorce.

Instead, they love it because 80% of divorces are filed by women for no good reason other than they got bored or don't feel that "connection".

Then they hit the wall and want their husbands back. Too late...They found replacements that are younger and prettier...
gumishu  15 | 6227
30 Dec 2024   #78
I recall seeing a photograph of a billboard in the Polish news magazine "Wprost", I believe, several years back,

it wasn't "several years back" - the campaing was in the late 90's - domestic violence was a taboo topic back then for the most part - things were exacebrated by the general economic crisis which even resulted in police often ignoring phone calls from victims of domestic violence (I have experienced it first hand on a couple of occasions) - things have changed a great deal since then in this area (police response to reports of domestic violence and generally the law concerning domestic violence)
pawian  225 | 27331
30 Dec 2024   #79
things have changed a great deal since then in this area

Exactly. Thanks to such campaigns, among others. However, a lot has to be be done to achieve perfection.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
30 Dec 2024   #80
The campaign was indeed in the '90s, however the article
was from several years ago, as it was a retrospective on women's
rights (or the lack thereof) in Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8836
30 Dec 2024   #81
The problem is that women often refuse to testify against their abusers and come back to them even if they have other options.

..."but I love him" the line...rinse and repeat...

Another problem: Just as they like picking up homeless kittens, women are stupid enough to try to fix bad dudes...

The most extreme cases are women "falling in love" with death row scum or lifers. Men are seldom that stupid.

Stop that bs about women's rights. In fact, women have more rights...One of them is to retire five years earlier than men.
pawian  225 | 27331
30 Dec 2024   #82
.."but I love him".

That only shows the humanity of women.
While most males are repulsive beasts.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
31 Dec 2024   #83
Some males come by it honestly, Pawian.
In many cases that's because males were abused by their mothers, wives, girlfriends, and controlling Karen's making them repulsive just like the inhumane Karen's are.
Well hell Pawian, we have all seen that right here on this Forum haven't we. Hoot !
Most of us males still love them though even if they do get repulsive abuse back.
Novichok  4 | 8836
31 Dec 2024   #84
While most males are repulsive beasts.

It's the mommies from hell who murder their kids more often than men. Susan Smith and Andrea Yates are good examples... with full premeditation and in cold blood ...

Women abuse their husbands just as often but men don't report this shlt. Women do even if nothing happened because women lie all the time. Ask any cop...It will be version 7 that has some elements ot truth. Men are so bad at lying that they give up lying quickly. Plus they don't know how to dry hoo...

I already posted a list of what is fake about them ... from head to toes...

According to the FBI stats, "he raped me" claims are false more often than ANY other crime. "He abused our daughter" is next - typically at custody hearings.

There is a TV program, "Snapped", documenting women's crimes against their husbands. If you watch a dozen of them, you will never look at women the same way again...

Only women are capable of feeding their husbands anti-freeze and watch them die a slow and painful death while saying "I love you".

At Auschwitz, women guards were more cruel than men.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
31 Dec 2024   #85
Because the soup was too salty.

Here's what really happened: The woman planned to kill her husband with overly salty soup to claim the widow's pension early, but her wise son, rejecting the socialist ideal that seeks to replace the father in the nuclear family with the state, fights back. After a violent struggle that sends them both crashing face-first into the family table her husband bought (of course), she realizes she can't risk alienating her son-after all, what's a widow's pension without a loyal son to preserve the very family unit she was trying to destroy? Who else is going to help her with handy work and extra income once her husband is out of the way? :)
Novichok  4 | 8836
31 Dec 2024   #86
If women were honest, they would not object to paternity tests. They do and vigorously...

They would not produce fake sonograms, either, to trap a naive sucker into paying for the next 18 years for another guy's bastard...
Poloniusz  5 | 970
31 Dec 2024   #87
They do and vigorously...

And most gynocentric regimes in the West back these women up to the hilt by making it all but if not outright illegal to do paternity tests. These mothers and their useful idiots in government and the courts see no problem with an innocent man being financially, physically, mentally and emotionally burdened in what is ultimately the woman's responsibility.
Novichok  4 | 8836
31 Dec 2024   #88
And most gynocentric regimes in the West back these women up to the hilt

Western societies need no-risk targets. This eliminates Muslims, Jews, Asians, blacks, LGBTs,...

Today, it's white men. Everybody else is special and needs protection.

Why women feel solidarity with "trans women" who invade their private spaces and snatch medals from them is beyond my ability to explain.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
31 Dec 2024   #89
Why women feel solidarity with "trans women" who invade their private spaces and snatch medals from them is beyond my ability to explain.

Despite all the "hear-me-roar" feminist claptrap, women will always submit to authority so when the state endorses, promotes and protects any trans agenda then women follow along. They also are easily influenced by peer pressure. It is really a big risk for them to express a contrarian view especially when it is met with shaming and shunning from other women.

Woman are always willing to abandon a belief in the interest of their own self-preservation. This is why so many societies throughout history denied them the right to vote, own property or participate in its defense.
Novichok  4 | 8836
31 Dec 2024   #90
They also are easily influenced by peer pressure.

This is why 25% of HS girls self-id as LGBTs to confirm that this bs is just a fad...Just like those stupid pre-ripped jeans...

"Hear me roar" is reserved for the husband when he is trying to rest. Or when there is 100,000 of them roaring together...

Home / Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?
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