to be honest polish women not so perfect, like i met some and they all have attitude, like come on we could be cousins lol :D
Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?
Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?
What women's rights are not respected in Poland?
What women's rights are not respected in Poland?
What women's rights are not respected
You know it's about the right to abortion. Why are you even asking?
Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?
What women's rights are not respected in Poland?
What women's rights are not respected in Poland?
Here means that the poster is located here aka Poland.
Do I have to explain such banalities to you??? What`s wrong with your "logic" ???
Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?
With rights come responsibilities.
Since women (like children) avoid taking responsibility like the plague they should not expect to have their endless demands for rights to be respected.
rights to be respected.
Darling, they will have their rights respected sooner or later. They will achieve it through ballot cards or whatever you call it. hahahaha
for rights to be respected.
Memo to all dumb screaming broads out there: THERE IS NO RIGHT TO ABORTION!!!
Just as there is no constitutional right to a haircut. Those are for-fee services. Some are legal, some are not.
Stop this useless screaming. No need to holler so much about it when it is too late to abort you. Ha! hahahaha
They will achieve it through ballot cards or whatever you call it.
They are voting themselves out of existence.
Gynocracies don't work.
They are voting themselves out of existence.
Don`t be stupid. It is males who are more vulnerable in this context. Women don`t need males for procreation - they can reproduce on their own. The famous Polish movie proved it long ago. Ha!!!!!
The famous Polish comedy proved it long ago.
And the absurdity of your all of your posts proves that you've used such comedies for self-learning. :)
And the absurdity of your all of your posts proves that
...he is just a useless male cvnt.
I love a good argument but not with a slime like this. It's like beating a 12-year-old girl that never stops giggling...
dannytoro1 5 | 102
9 Mar 2024 #43
It has taken me decades to find a position on abortion. But extremes seemed bad frankly. Adoption is often held up as one solution. As an adoptee who knows many other adoptees; it is not all it's cracked up to be. Especially when the children are stolen from indigenous families. I support abortion for rape, incest or medical endangerment reasons. But then it gets sticky. So I looked around a long time. Medical Science delivers a high probably of infant survival at 28 to 32 weeks generally. I feel at that point the egg donor no longer holds ultimate rights; and the viable child's rights are real and morally protect-able. So at 32 weeks; no it is not a matter of choice only. There is a new entity needing a legal voice.
I support abortion for rape, incest or medical endangerment reasons.
Abortion activists use these extreme and rare cases to push abortion on demand at any time.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2126
9 Mar 2024 #45
It has taken me decades to find a position on abortion.
So if somebody came along to tell you that your head of state should have a right to kill you, cause you make him feel unwell in the morning. You would vote yes for that guy?
It is very simple, if a society had no issue with killing babies, infants or pre-born human beings.
Why would they have an issue with killing you too? Do you have no idea where this mindset leads to? Does somebody have to spell it out for you?!
Why would they have an issue with killing you too?
We could call it very late-term abortion or VLTA or post-birth abortion, PBA.
Hey, danny, I have news for you...Inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.
You are welcome.
dannytoro1 5 | 102
9 Mar 2024 #47
Nope. A fetus has to reach a viable state to survive. At 32 plus weeks; no abortion should be granted. Anything earlier will not form a living being.
What you call it means nothing. Biologically, it's a live human being.
It's live because it's not dead.
It's human because it's not a cat.
It's a being because it exists.
It's live because it's not dead.
It's human because it's not a cat.
It's a being because it exists.
At 32 plus weeks; no abortion should be granted
Why not?
Biologically, it's a live human being.
Then take it out and keep it.
Why not?
Because it's too late. And if it could be delivered and survive there is no point in abortion.
Then take it out and keep it.
I would wait until it comes out naturally...
there is no point in abortion.
Even in cases where the foetus is unviable or will have at best a few wretched days of life?
Anyway, a foetus us no personality, no memory no consciousness or sense of self.
Anyway, a foetus us no personality, no memory no consciousness or sense of self.
An old person with Alzheimer's in a coma has no sense of self.
What an idiot.
You can call it R2D2 but it's still a live human being.
would wait until it comes out naturally...
Well, you never had to even consider having to do that so not a surprise.
Even in cases where the foetus is unviable
That is a different case I would admit. But I still think that 32 weeks gives plenty of time. It's just 5 weeks for term time delivery. Tbh I wouldn't give that much time for non medical terminations anyway.
in a coma
If someone's in an end of life coma, they're already gone.
Well, you never had to even consider having to do that so not a surprise.
Irrelevant. I am not the subject here.
The subject is abortion or terminating human life.
. I am not the subject here.
You said 'I would'. Don't blame me for your own posts.
You said 'I would'.
I said "I would" because YOU addressed ME directly with this:
Then take it out and keep it.
In the meantime...
Inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.
said "I would" because YOU addressed ME directly with this:
I didn't mean you personally. For one you are not a doctor to carry out the procedure.
Inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.
Depends what you count as living. We declare people brain dead on regular basis.
Abortion is inevitable on human society. The question remains what will be allowed by society. I think less restrictive law would find support in Poland.
johnny reb 49 | 8005
9 Mar 2024 #60
The question remains what will be allowed by society.
Christians vs. non-Christians