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Why is women-hatred and stereotyping so popular in Poland?

Novichok  4 | 8844
13 Sep 2023   #121
Yes, for example by playing chess.

Chess is not a sport. It's a skill.
Sport = a competitive activity where physical strength or endurance are essential.

Men are not allowed to compete with women in chess.
Novichok  4 | 8844
13 Sep 2023   #122
Did they undergo the operation and become women as a result?


Declaration only. Not even a statement from a doctor. Nothing beyond saying this: I am a woman. That's it.

All transgender "women" are men. Mutilated or not, they are men.

The rules are available on the Internet.
Novichok  4 | 8844
13 Sep 2023   #123
Today, I offered a $500 one-time award that will be paid to the student who will write the best essay with the title:

Should men be allowed to compete with women in historically women-only sports?

Since the trans morons already perverted English here to make common sense definitions useless, I will use what's on the birth certificate to define "man" and "woman", not what some trans hole says.
Alien  25 | 6369
14 Sep 2023   #124
Men are not allowed to compete with women in chess.

If this is true, it is racist because it suggests that women are less mentally capable than men.
Novichok  4 | 8844
14 Sep 2023   #125
My reaction exactly. Now we know that women are wired differently.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Sep 2023   #126
Men are not allowed to compete with women in chess.

They are.
Novichok  4 | 8844
14 Sep 2023   #127
In a local park...Not at the world championship level.

Your "they are" shows that you are (1) ignorant, (2) a liar, (3) playing word games, or (4) just obstinate for the fun of it. Just like your male copy, the LGBT guy.

Find one guy there. Yes, I know...Guys can but won't out of respect for women.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Sep 2023   #128
Your "they are"

I actually misunderstood what you said. I took it to mean that men and women are not allowed to compete against each other in chess competitions.
Novichok  4 | 8844
14 Sep 2023   #129
One more time: Men are not allowed to enter and compete in the Women's World Chess Championship.

...but allowed to compete in powerlifting. Go figure...
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Sep 2023   #130
One more time: Men are not allowed to enter and compete in the Women's World Chess Championship.

That's not what you said in the first place, so it's not a case of 'one more time'.

Why do you keep asking these tedious questions on this forum? Why don't you ask these question of activists, especially American ones, especially ones in California, which is where most of this nonsense seems to go on?
Novichok  4 | 8844
15 Sep 2023   #131
That's not what you said in the first place, so it's not a case of 'one more time'.

Do you know of a women's chess competition open to men?

Women are allowed to compete with men in open tournaments. When they do, they get beat so very few do.
Alien  25 | 6369
15 Sep 2023   #132
they get beat so very few do.

Women don't think strategically the way men do. For example, a man will sacrifice a knight to gain an advantage on the field in another way, and a woman will not sacrifice him because... he is so pretty.
Paulina  17 | 4471
15 Sep 2023   #133
a woman will not sacrifice him because... he is so pretty.

Alien... ;D

There's this conviction that women are inherently worse at chess than men, but I'm not sure if that's true. I think many factors may be at play here. I mean, I know that there are differences in the brains of women and men that result in them excelling at different things. For example, women are better communicators, they are better at social interactions, at listening and at languages. Men are usually more introverted than women and dominate in IT jobs, for example.

However, it was me and my female cousins that were more into playing chess when we were kids than the boys in our family (in the end only girls ended up playing chess, because boys got bored, I guess). And it is those two female cousins of mine that have more "scientific" minds than men in our family - one works in IT and another one ended up with a PHD in biotechnology and doing scientific stuff.

First of all, there are more male chess players than female chess players and this may simply account for that phenomenon of male chess players being "at the top of the game":

Quote from the article:

"A 2008 study led by psychologist Merim Bilalić points out the logical flaw in citing differences in top rankings as evidence of inherent differences: If one group (female chess players) is much smaller than another (male chess players), then just by chance, one would expect that the best member of the larger group outperforms the best member of the smaller group."

The thing is, there are also many more male chefs working at restaurants than female chefs and I don't think that anyone would claim that women are inherently worse at cooking than men :)))

So why are there less female chefs? I've watched once a documentary about female chefs and one (Western) male chef working at a restaurant in some luxurious hotel in China was asked this question. They asked him whether women are worse at it than men. He said that no - they're great. They're actually better employees than men, because they're more hard-working, diligent and they don't get drunk at work. So they asked him why there are so few female chefs. His answer was: "They get pregnant."

And another quote from the article:

"But in math - a field much like chess in several ways - a fascinating "natural experiment" occurred when Germany split into East and West Germany. The gender gap in math ended up being much smaller in East than West Germany, arguably because the East's radically egalitarian system encouraged girls' self-confidence and competitiveness in math. This demonstrates that gender differences in intellectual performance can be caused by society-level beliefs."
jon357  72 | 23426
15 Sep 2023   #134
Women don't think strategically the way men do

In Bridge, there are mixed tournaments, men's teams and women's teams.

Of the four main tournaments, two are mixed and two are single sex.
Ironside  50 | 12969
15 Sep 2023   #135
Why is women-hatred and stereotyping so popular in Poland?

Why do you think so? I think that is not true and you are simply trolling. If not you must be an idiot.
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 Sep 2023   #136
Men are not allowed to compete with women in chess.

I read about Judith Polgar (a Hungarian female chess player) who won against top male players and was ranked 8th in the general chess world ranking
Ironside  50 | 12969
15 Sep 2023   #137
I read about Judith Polgar

Look, he is about gender issues and trans and all that is connected to it. Why you birng some random knowledge that is rather obsolete and boring?
Novichok  4 | 8844
15 Sep 2023   #138
who won against top male players

Male and female distribution curves overlap even in weightlifting. Yet, we separate men and women weightlifters, boxers, sprinters, swimmers...Or at least we used to...

Now the trans freaks and their supporters are doing away with this common sense rule in the name of that idiotic concept of equality and destroying women's sport along with it.

No, men and women are not equal. If they were, there would be as many abused husbands as there are abused wives. Laws are another matter.
Alien  25 | 6369
15 Sep 2023   #139
there would be as many abused husbands as there are abused wives.

How do you know that there isn't? Men abuse women physically, while women abuse men mentally. But the latter is not reported to the police.
Novichok  4 | 8844
15 Sep 2023   #140
while women abuse men mentally.

A man who is "abused mentally" is not a man. He is a pussy.

I am talking about criminal abuse you can report to the police. "She was mean to me" would have you removed from the police station because it's not abuse. Abuse requires physical force. Without physical force, it's a conversation.

The same applies to women.
Alien  25 | 6369
16 Sep 2023   #141
Abuse requires physical force

I assure you my lawyer disagrees.
Novichok  4 | 8844
16 Sep 2023   #142
...but not the cops.

The first question they will ask you will be if she hit you. If you say that she was mean, boohoo, they will suggest counseling and pat you on your convulsing shoulders.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Sep 2023   #143
My friend who came outta Poznan prison told me that at least 50% people in there are held for domestic abuse/violence,then drug related crimes and other.He told me a story of a guy held for over 8 months who was moonlighting as a delivery guy on cash for DPD delivery contractor and was arrested for delivering drugs to someone.They were holding him as he didnt have a legal contract,even though they didnt find his fingerprints on the contents in the box and prosecutor offered him 6 years.His wife and 3 kids have no money to survive.Most foreigners there in prison are from Georgia and Ukraine.Lots of innocent people stories also that nobody drinks herbata they offer as they say they put some drug in it to calm the prisoners.He also said they just got in a 87 yo man for domestic violence too.
Alien  25 | 6369
16 Sep 2023   #144
Lots of innocent people

Didn't you know that only "innocent" people are in prison?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Sep 2023   #145
only "innocent"

Yes,innocent until proven guilty.But according to him they can keep you in jail until you admit.Prosecutor dont want to try the case so you admit and he grants you bail.

He is lucky to be out last month or with this new scandal rocking in Poland he might have been kept for years without bail or trial.LOL but this might be blessing in disguise for the publicity of that Indian movie lol.
Novichok  4 | 8844
16 Sep 2023   #146
Didn't you know that only "innocent" people are in prison?

You can end up serving 10 while 100% innocent when the prosecutor offers you a deal, the alternative being a trial and 20 if found guilty.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Sep 2023   #147
publicity of that Indian movie

lol the fu.ckin movie trailer
Paulina  17 | 4471
20 Sep 2023   #148
Lately a congress of the Patriarchy Foundation took place in Poland. I've seen fragments of the discussions of Polish men taking place during that event and I was... absolutely shocked. It's worse than stuff I heard from the likes of Andrew Tate, etc:

There were Janusz Korwin-Mikke and Damian Adam Marks from Konfederacja present there, among others.

This is what Ronald Lasecki, a journalist who published in "Myśl Polska" (surprise, surprise), among others, said during this congress:

"- Women used to be part of the household inventory with the status higher than animals or movable property, but they weren't nevertheless taking part in the decision making process on equal terms. And this is in fact, if we're talking about the relations between women and men, in my opinion a healthy arrangement. What I mean, the patriarchal system, essentialy - we're taking care of the well being of women that belong to us, but we're treating them not like partners, but as a part of our property."

Well, that's the most honest assessment of a patriarchal system that I've heard from a man lol

Mateusz Curzydło, the founder of Patriarchy Foundation was clearly agreeing with him.

I think these men are evil/psychopaths, btw.

In case you didn't believe he actually said that, here's a video with a fragment of his... utterance :

And there's more - he also pointed out that the prohibition of men beating women is a fairly "new thing", that in Islam the husband is still allowed to beat his wife. He also added that it's the same with any physical contact unwanted by a woman. Mateusz Curzydło (the founder of this foundation) again agreed with him and said that it's also the same with spanking children - it's a completely new thing too!

In an interview with Janusz Korwin-Mikke Mateusz Curzydło stated that, unlike Korwin-Mikke, he not only thinks that women shouldn't have the right to vote, but they also shouldn't be allowed to take part in elections as candidates.

This guy published a video with fragments of those men's utterances that I wrote about:

It looks like that Patriarchy Foundation is a gathering of not only misogynists, but also of psychopaths, potential rapists and wife-beaters.

"Traditional family values" at its best :)))))))
Lenka  5 | 3537
20 Sep 2023   #149
Tbh great- let them make it louder to show exactly who we are dealing with.

We always new they are morons, now they just give us proof
Ironside  50 | 12969
20 Sep 2023   #150
We always new they are morons,

To be honest you are not one to speak, most women today are morons..if you think about it,

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