Forks for the French or Enigma for the British. Any other trendsetter from Poland?
Trendsetter from Poland.
Disco polo?
Polish nobility already in the 15th century wore the hairstyle that Kim from North Korea wears today.✂️
hairstyle that Kim from North Korea
I'd keep quiet about that one...
Nobility or szlachta?
I always think that the early portraits of magnaty resemble r*ssian Boyars.
I hope that the Poles were the first.
"Prince Polo" is for decades a trendsetter in Iceland. Every Icelander knows it.
The new Panther shows some similarity to Polish tank PL-01 Concept from 2013. Trendsetter?
"Prince Polo" is for decades a trendsetter in Iceland. Every Icelander knows it.
The new Panther shows some similarity to Polish tank PL-01 Concept from 2013. Trendsetter?
Disco polo?
Sorry, but I absolutely hate it.
It's even worse than British disco music of the seventies!
And that is going some LOL!!!!!!
Anyone who professes to be a fan of Disco Polo should be immediately taken out the back and shot.
Easy to dance to and very popular still in Poland.
That is true.
But it is still absolute crap!
But it is still absolute crap!
99% of popular music is crap: but after a few vodkas the ugliest woman in the room becomes shag gable.
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
20 Jun 2022 #11
Discopolo is utter crap and anyone who doesn't think so is a debil!!!
You haven't met my mother.
You haven't met my mother.
Discopolo is a phenomenon of pop culture. That matters.
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
20 Jun 2022 #13
Discopolo is discopolo. I've noticed a few on here who like it. That is an incorrect opinion. It is vile and should be wiped from earth.
But, you're the OP, Alien. You're above a lowly peasant like me, what you say counts more.
But, you're the OP, Alien. You're above a lowly peasant like me, what you say counts more.
Well, at least you are the only one who feels respect for the Alien.🥶
Like a strong word.
It's kitsch, it's fun, it's easy to dance to, goes we all with vodka and for a lot of people in Poland, it brings back happy memories.
The sheer volume of disco polo that's produced each year (and the tinny sales of most of it) suggest that it's a genuine grass roots thing. There are several TV stations in Poland that play nothing else.
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
20 Jun 2022 #16
I do, it's deserved.
As someone with taste, I find it personally offensive. It isn't really easy to dance to, it's hard to keep track of to count because it gives headache.
I do, it's deserved.
As someone with taste, I find it personally offensive. It isn't really easy to dance to, it's hard to keep track of to count because it gives headache.
it's hard to keep track of to count
It's four to the floor dance music. You don't need to count. Just stamp your feet, wiggle your pendulous bosom and try not to throw up the bigos and vodka.
As someone with taste
We all have taste however few are personally offended by genres of music we dislike.
Anyway, disco polo is great fun.
The ban on abortion is probably also a new trendsetter from Poland, at leadt in the USA. We still have Polish vodka, which is expensive and sells well.
Cargo pants 3 | 1425
13 Sep 2022 #19
Belvedere,Chopin Family Reserve Vodka.
...Marcella Sembrich, Jan Kiepura ("The Polish Caruso"), Marie Curie (nee Manya Sklodowska), Andrzej Wajda......
Apropos comestible items, Wedel Czekolada and Krakus cookies, pickles etc.
Apropos comestible items, Wedel Czekolada and Krakus cookies, pickles etc.
@Cargo pants
Chopin Family Reserve Vodka is "only" a potato vodka but despite that is very exclusive and expensive.
Chopin Family Reserve Vodka is "only" a potato vodka but despite that is very exclusive and expensive.
From Soul of Poland to a mere potato vodka?
Man, how the mighty have fallen LOL
Man, how the mighty have fallen LOL
Those 'fancy bottle' vodkas are overrated. It doesn't actually taste of anything and Wyborowa is as good as any.
I used to like Siwucha but haven't seen it for a while.
I used to like Siwucha but haven't seen it for a while.
Yes, I've even seen the former in the States, about two years or so ago, when we were shopping in Greenpoint:-)
I've even seen the former in the States
We used to get it in the UK where it was highly regarded. The distributors should understand that it's still a respected brand there and a good alternative to R*sski Standart or Stolichnaya now r*SSia's star has fallen.
People in PL think it's a little odd to bring Wyborowa to a house since it's seen as old fashioned and not as heavily marketed now as Sobieski etc however the label looks nice and it's a quality product.
With Chopin or Belweder, you're paying for the bottle, the marketing and the opportunity to show your guests that you paid more.
You're paying tor the name, you mean.
That and its brand image. It isn't significantly different from any mainstream vodka. Just diluted spirytus.
Of course.
Let's not forget about the beautiful Polish girls. They are also trendsetter and that on many points.
Which ones, Alien? Perchance Miss Poland?