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Things that annoy you in Poland.

anton888  - | 82
5 Aug 2009   #31
Personnally I found it very annoying that many people think they are smarter than others by showing it on the road, breaking all the traffic rules, most of the times putting others in danger to gain a few second. Parking on the pavement right outside a parking that cost a few zloty.

Is there any particular reason for this kind of behaviour?? I found it very amasing to see this in a country which they always call themselves one of the most educated in Europe.

I bet someone is going to say it is much worst in india, china and of course russia.
tj123  - | 85
5 Aug 2009   #32
I found it very amasing to see this in a country which they always call themselves one of the most educated in Europe.

They 'call' themselves a lot of things. You will find in common practice as you have seen its quite different. About their driving habits...its funny how they have more training than most nations required to get a license...but then they drive like nutters. It really is a mystery.
mvefa  5 | 591
5 Aug 2009   #33
Must be all the vodka :P, germans, italians, and eastern europeans call us dutch pussies, because we drive carefully haha people is never happy!!!
anton888  - | 82
5 Aug 2009   #34
You will find in common practice as you have seen its quite different

I can't agreed more!

they drive like nutters

they also don't know how to park the car properly, always at their own convinence on the expense of others; such as right in the middle of 2 parking spaces or on the pavement where people walk (go near a church on Sun). maybe in school they were not taught that it is wrong?? :-)
dxx  12 | 108
5 Aug 2009   #35
I found it very amasing to see this in a country which they always call themselves one of the most educated in Europe.


Nice one...
Tun Phat
5 Aug 2009   #36
That's just too funny!

Just because you can put a car in gear and move it down the road doesn't mean you know how to drive guys! And driving with your lights on doesn't make you a better driver either!

How many people die each year on Polish roads - does anybody know what the stats are?
tj123  - | 85
5 Aug 2009   #37
I found it very amasing to see this in a country which they always call themselves one of the most educated in Europe.

This notion is at the root of why I dislike so much about Poland. No other place I have ever been or lived has felt the need to constantly tell everyone how 'intelligent' or 'relevant' they are. Do they really no understand that people find this incredibly annoying and it goes a long way to how opinions are formed about Poles? If they would just do rather than tell everyone how special they are that would truly change perception.
welshguyinpola  23 | 463
5 Aug 2009   #38
Polish ppl love to talk in superlatives, 'the best', 'the longest', 'the most ......' etc without showing any evidence of any of this
Tun Phat
5 Aug 2009   #39
I don't mind them doing that, it's not a problem, but could they at least admit they do it and that they are not always right!
tj123  - | 85
5 Aug 2009   #40
That's like trying to get a brick wall to write poetry. Admitting faults and taking personal responsibility for anything is not common at all here.
5 Aug 2009   #41
Admitting faults and taking personal responsibility for anything is not common at all here.

You mean like taking personal responsibility for not having a residency permit when required to do so?
tj123  - | 85
5 Aug 2009   #42
No I mean like when those who you should be able to trust lie and scam you like goes on commonly here. I also mean like the workers in the immigration and labor offices who don't follow the rules....oops...Hairy Pinnochio fails again....but what's new eh?
TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Aug 2009   #43
because we drive carefully

You cannot drive faster simply because you're towing your caravan all the time... ;-)
mvefa  5 | 591
5 Aug 2009   #44
haha true, but we need it, its filled with tulips, wooden shoes, marihuana, dropjes and cheese...we cant live without it ;)

haha joking
sledz  23 | 2247
5 Aug 2009   #45
we cant live without it ;)

what about the red light district:)
5 Aug 2009   #46
I also mean like the workers in the immigration and labor offices who don't follow the rules

As requested countless times before, go into detail about this. Or we'll just assume that you're lying as usual.
mvefa  5 | 591
5 Aug 2009   #47
what about the red light district:)

HAHAHA we actually dont care about it, it's a touristic thingy, the whole district is filled with brittons,spaniards, australians, USArs, chinese, you won't find many dutchies there...weird eh?
polishmeknob  5 | 154
5 Aug 2009   #48
Can't drink the water: it's a real *************.
dcchris  8 | 432
5 Aug 2009   #49
got to agree. seems like one of the basic needs of a society. to provide drinking water for the people...
dnz  17 | 710
5 Aug 2009   #50
The roads, People who don't accept responsibility for their actions when things go wrong, The terribly corrupt police force, Dual pricing for foreigners as they think we are wealthy, Bureaucracy and the fact that most of the food is utter shite.
gumishu  15 | 6227
5 Aug 2009   #51
Can't drink the water: it's a real *************.

it has been advised on this forum many times before to drink only water bought in plastic bottles in supermarkets - it is not expensive - 5 litre bottle costs about 1.6 zl - it is no mineral water but water pumped from clean areas

another thing: the smaller the town and the further from major river the better the tap water

where I live now (small place) tap water is perfectly drinkable but used to live in places where tap water was terrible (Wrocław and Brzeg)
Pierogi  - | 42
5 Aug 2009   #52
Dual pricing for foreigners as they think we are wealthy

Examples, please.
6 Aug 2009   #53
More polish peasants goes to other countries too fool..

anton888  - | 82
6 Aug 2009   #54
Examples, please

Taxi at the airport
6 Aug 2009   #55
it has been advised on this forum many times before to drink only water bought in plastic bottles in supermarkets

And no matter how many times it is advised, it still isn't true. The tap water here is perfectly safe to drink.

Taxi at the airport

Taxis at the airport cost the same for foreigners and Poles. Get the ones which are right outside the building and the ride costs exactly what it should. Get one from one of the drivers who stand in the lobby and it costs five times what it should, no matter whether you're a Pole or a foreigner!
anton888  - | 82
6 Aug 2009   #56
who stand in the lobby and it costs five times what it should, no matter whether you're a Pole or a foreigner

Yes, I know it and the Poles know and will not take this kind of taxis but not the foreigners. I don't think that there is a notice in the airport informing visitors about this? What kind of authority will allow this kind of taxi driver to stand in the lobby of an international airport (at least this is how it called) to rid off foreign visitors? Pls, is in the airport, not somewhere on the street. You think that this is OK??

The tap water here is perfectly safe to drink

It only depends on your standard. In many places in this world there are no clean water and compare to that, of course you can drink the tap water here.
frd  7 | 1379
6 Aug 2009   #57
And no matter how many times it is advised, it still isn't true. The tap water here is perfectly safe to drink.

That depends where you live, I wouldn't recommend drinking tap water in Silesia, I've already said that in the "tap water" thread. It's ok after filtering/boiling or both.
6 Aug 2009   #58
I don't think that there is a notice in the airport informing visitors about this?

There are.

What kind of authority will allow this kind of taxi driver to stand in the lobby of an international airport (at least this is how it called) to rid off foreign visitors?

They don't. However, the lobby is a public place. There are periodic raids/inspections by the police but there's not that much they can do. However, there are certainly a lot fewer of the mafia drivers now than there were ten years ago.

And it's not as if Warsaw is the only city in the world with this problem. A Polish man I know was last year charged £175 for a mini-cab (not a black taxi) from Heathrow to Chiswick!

It only depends on your standard. In

Drinking water in Warsaw is not harmful for your health at all.
Logga  1 | 14
6 Aug 2009   #59
And no matter how many times it is advised, it still isn't true. The tap water here is perfectly safe to drink.

What's your source of information? If this is true then I'll save a lot of money on bottled water!
6 Aug 2009   #60
What's your source of information?

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