Hahah. I don't think many people on this planet take a "gay Polak" seriously
Can someone tell me about the reason behind being gay in Poland being wrong
Bartkowiak 5 | 114
30 Nov 2015 #92
No real Pole likes gays.
I bet €100 that you want lesbian porn. so that would make you a fake Poles.
No real Pole likes gays
Except maybe for the gay ones...
No real Pole likes gays.
What do you mean? I'm puzzled by your post. Anyway gay in Poland keeps mostly to themselves expect for few clowns who are flaunting their sexuality in the media for their own advancement.
Anyway gay in Poland keeps mostly to themselves expect for few clowns who are flaunting their sexuality in the media for their own advancement.
So basically just like anyone else.
Well, it had been such a long time since we had anti gay messages in PF! ;)
6 Dec 2015 #98
Back when Lech Kaczyński ruled over Warsaw, he forbade two "Equality parades" citing traffic law. He went on to become a president of Poland, then died in a controversial plane crash. Brother of Lech Kaczyński - Jarosław - is currently the leader of the ruling party. He's the power behind the throne.
What I'm trying to say is that Poland had very high ranking officials with very negative attitude towards gay people. This lives on, because Jarosław's view aren't much different. Homophobic people feel supported.
What I'm trying to say is that Poland had very high ranking officials with very negative attitude towards gay people. This lives on, because Jarosław's view aren't much different. Homophobic people feel supported.
Jarosław's view aren't much different
The old adage springs to mind of "It takes one to know one."
7 Dec 2015 #100
My take on being gay in poland (or being gay in a polish family) is that the teachings of the roman catholic church say that it is wrong to be gay (Sodom and Gomorrah and all that).
The catholic church also says it is wrong to persecute or to harm someone , so the upshot is you can be gay in Poland (But people will judge you as a wrong doer) but there again they would be in the wrong to cause any harm to a gay person. so many gay people in Poland stay under the radar and keep their sexuality to themselves.
I have noticed once that Polish gay people move to the UK,Holland, Germany etc they quickly embrace the more tolerant culture and don't hide their sexuality as they did back home.
The catholic church also says it is wrong to persecute or to harm someone , so the upshot is you can be gay in Poland (But people will judge you as a wrong doer) but there again they would be in the wrong to cause any harm to a gay person. so many gay people in Poland stay under the radar and keep their sexuality to themselves.
I have noticed once that Polish gay people move to the UK,Holland, Germany etc they quickly embrace the more tolerant culture and don't hide their sexuality as they did back home.
I have noticed once that Polish gay people move to the UK,Holland, Germany etc they quickly embrace the more tolerant culture and don't hide their sexuality as they did back home.
That's especially true for people from out in the sticks where there's not much privacy anyway.
I knew of him as a person before I knew of him as a politician (before he even stood for any office) and the less said about that here the better...
the less said
Who cares about anybody's private life and their loves..........?
Unless they turn the water cannon on innocent party-goers that is!
Pure scum.
He was famously outed on TV by President Wałęsa and I fully expect that if his party try any funny business this time it will all come out in the wash. Nothing dreadfully scandalous, just seedy stuff. In Poland they aren't really used to people from that community fighting back, however that does now seem to be happening.
He was famously outed on TV by President Wałęsa and I fully expect that if his party try any funny business this time it will all come out in the wash. Nothing dreadfully scandalous, just seedy stuff. In Poland they aren't really used to people from that community fighting back, however that does now seem to be happening.
If what you are implying is true, nobody cares, and an assumption that if somebody is gay he/she automatically has to embrace all that nonsense that is associated with a political gay movement is not only wrong but erroneous.
If you think that rumors that he is a gay would change the way he is being seen, you don't understand Poland. If anything he would gain sympathy.
Anyway all that chit chat and gossip makes no difference, gay-parades as well as privileges for gays are utterly redundant.
Well, bimbos don't form political movements and don't demand privileges,.
If you think that rumors that he is a gay would change the way he is being seen, you don't understand Poland. If anything he would gain sympathy.
Anyway all that chit chat and gossip makes no difference, gay-parades as well as privileges for gays are utterly redundant.
So basically just like anyone else.
Well, bimbos don't form political movements and don't demand privileges,.
nobody cares
His party practically obsess on that issue.
If anything he would gain sympathy.
That would very much depend on the nature of what was publicised...
Well, bimbos don't form political movements and don't demand privileges,.
Forming political parties and demanding privileges is the Polish national sport.
Merged: Polish Forum's Catholics welcome gay community
I have my share of differences with gay community but I think homosexuals in Poland should not be rejected by church and rather encouraged to participate in Christian traditions. At the end of the day gay people are people like us and should be welcome into the house of God rather than pushed away. Thus, I welcome gay community during this special time to share in the in the spirit of Christianity with all the others.
I have my share of differences with gay community but I think homosexuals in Poland should not be rejected by church and rather encouraged to participate in Christian traditions. At the end of the day gay people are people like us and should be welcome into the house of God rather than pushed away. Thus, I welcome gay community during this special time to share in the in the spirit of Christianity with all the others.
A rightist married couple who brought home-made explosives to an LGBT parade in Lublin will do 1 year in prison. If the bombs had been set off, many people could have been injured, even fatally. "We support Polish family," said the couple during interrogations.
"We support Polish family," said the couple during interrogations.
Yes, it is so sad that some fanatics are ready to murder other people only for being different than themselves. Today they kill LGBT, tomorrow intellectually disabled, in the future physically disabled and so on. The society will be purified of all unneccessary elements at last.
Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
1 Mar 2020 #110
will do 1 year in prison.
...out in 6 months. You should learn from us. That stunt would be classified as an act of terrorism. Add to that the conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism since two persons were involved and they would be looking at 25 to life like that shoe bomber.
At the end of the day gay people are people like us
No **** 'Shamrock'.
ike us and should be welcome into the house of God rather than pushed away.
have you done that pushing or have you seem somebody doing it? If not what are you talking about?
I guess your use of 'gay community' slogan tell us you only reacting t o the ideologically biased narrative in a public space.
There is no gay community unless you are talking about ideologically driven political movements and those as such shouldn't be embraced by any Christian or a sensible person.
Whilst those movements are so called processive offspring of Marxism that stands against anything dear to a liberal not to mention a Christian.
They are full chock of anti values.
If anything the Church should stand firmly against it and do not confuse people by sitting on the fence. The RCC after 60' went a long way into remaking itself. It is not all good - some would say that it is following into Protestant's footsteps which will lead into the same dead end alley.
Thus, I welcome gay community during this special time to share in the in the spirit of Christianity
Thus that is nonsense.
If we are talking about individuals that happened to be homosexuals the Church doors are open to those. Not unlike a club membership as long as you agree to obey by the rules you can be a member. If not ... hasta la vista baby.
A rightist married couple who brought home-made explosives
Have they check them on account of a mental illness or a provocation? I guess not!
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
2 Mar 2020 #112
I think homosexuals in Poland should not be rejected by church and rather encouraged to participate in Christian traditions.
I can't imagine why any 'gay' wd want to be involved with the catholic church, tbh, or indeed any church.
johnny reb 49 | 7993
2 Mar 2020 #113
Because we are all sinners Roz and 'gays' are not exempt.
Doesn't mean 'gays' don't believe in God.
Doesn't mean 'gays' don't believe in God.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
2 Mar 2020 #114
You missed my point JR..
and if you believe that whole thing about some skinny blonde guy with blue eyes, whose mother was a virgin, being nailed to a cross in the Middle East, (strange colouring for the area) a mere 2000 years ago, 'for our sins' then you will believe anything.
The problem is , this religion is used by many as an excuse for intolerance and hatred, when neither of things were what the skinny one preached.
Of course, if one were to choose to live ones life according to the teachings of Jesus, that wouldn't be a bad thing. SAdly, that is pretty rare, especially among so called 'Christians'.
I mean, if having a big imaginary friend in the sky helps you through life, like a toddler scared of the dark without a nightlight, then carry on.
and if you believe that whole thing about some skinny blonde guy with blue eyes, whose mother was a virgin, being nailed to a cross in the Middle East, (strange colouring for the area) a mere 2000 years ago, 'for our sins' then you will believe anything.
The problem is , this religion is used by many as an excuse for intolerance and hatred, when neither of things were what the skinny one preached.
Of course, if one were to choose to live ones life according to the teachings of Jesus, that wouldn't be a bad thing. SAdly, that is pretty rare, especially among so called 'Christians'.
I mean, if having a big imaginary friend in the sky helps you through life, like a toddler scared of the dark without a nightlight, then carry on.
johnny reb 49 | 7993
2 Mar 2020 #115
And I think you missed my point, Love.
This thread is not about bashing the Church of Poland, it about the reason Poland (the Church) feels about being gay is wrong.
My point was that gay people belong to churches and worship the skinny guy just like the straight people do.
Being gay is not a sin, practicing homosexual acts are a sin.
We ALL sin, we all have our pet sins yet that is no reason not to attend a church to worship the skinny guy.
To stay ON - TOPIC my answer would be that being gay in Poland is not wrong, being a homosexual in Poland and the rest of the world is.
The name of the thread is a loaded question and should read: "What is the reason behind sinning being wrong in Poland."
This thread is not about bashing the Church of Poland, it about the reason Poland (the Church) feels about being gay is wrong.
My point was that gay people belong to churches and worship the skinny guy just like the straight people do.
Being gay is not a sin, practicing homosexual acts are a sin.
We ALL sin, we all have our pet sins yet that is no reason not to attend a church to worship the skinny guy.
To stay ON - TOPIC my answer would be that being gay in Poland is not wrong, being a homosexual in Poland and the rest of the world is.
The name of the thread is a loaded question and should read: "What is the reason behind sinning being wrong in Poland."
it is so sad that some fanatics are ready to murder other people only for being different than themselves
But the Polish government says that it is the LGBT who constantly attack and want to destroy Polish families.
this religion is used by many as an excuse for intolerance and hatred, when neither of things were what the skinny one preached
Yesterday I saw a three-hour documentary "The History of Slavery" on TV and it was simply unbelievable to realize that Christian states, Christian kings and Christian people made the crime of enslaving and forcing people to work on plantations an organized and legal business going on for several years.
A truly hideous example of how enslaved people were treated came from the US where a slave woman was sentenced to death for killing her "owner" raping her on a regular basis for consecutive three years.The court admitted "her" owner behaved in a very cruel way, but as a slave she had no right whatsoever to defend herself. Thus she had to receive capital punishment for her crime.
It seems that people tend to instantly forget about "some skinny blonde guy with blue eyes, whose mother was a virgin" once greed and abuse is involved.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
2 Mar 2020 #117
And I think you missed my point, Love.
sweetiepie, as you have the mental development of a toddler, and arent really capable of making your own points without referring to your big imaginary friend in the sky, don t bother attempting to discuss anything with normal thinking people.
all this crap about 'sin' and 'sinners' is just a way of making people feel better about themselves. That is why there is 'confession', where i believe people go and talk to a man in a frock about what they have done wrong, and he tells them to go off and mutter some incantations, and everything will be OK!!
Such a load of old tosh, and such a cop out.
Exactly Zeimo., the Atlantic slave trade is a prime example.
As for being gay in Poland being 'wrong', it's just a more old fashioned kind of place, in the grip of the church. It wasnt so v different in the UK and Ireland when I was a child, but times changed v quickly.
Anyone who starts blithering on about how being gay is a 'sin' is usually uncomfortable with their own sexuality, IME.
johnny reb 49 | 7993
2 Mar 2020 #118
Anyone who starts blithering on about how being gay is a 'sin'
Do I need to repeat that "Being gay is not a sin, practicing homosexual acts is a sin."
So far your nasty guilt trip has bashed the church, bashed me and you talk about discussing with normal thinking people ? (puts his face in his palms and says a prayer asking for patience)
The question of the OP has been answer repeatedly.
If you don't agree with the answer that is your prerogative but it gives you no uncivilized right to bash normal thinking people.
all this crap about 'sin' and 'sinners' is just a way of making people feel better about themselves.
There you go, you of anybody here should maybe give that crap a try.
A normal thinking person that smiles would think a normal thinking person would have caught onto that by the time they reached your age.
Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
2 Mar 2020 #119
It's the sinners who make life interesting. If nobody sinned, we would go nuts from boredom.
I don't know if gaying another guy is a sin or not, but it's a fact they both are biologically useless and should not qualify for any taxpayer funded benefits, no matter how many times they say "I love you".
I don't know if gaying another guy is a sin or not, but it's a fact they both are biologically useless and should not qualify for any taxpayer funded benefits, no matter how many times they say "I love you".
LGBT who constantly attack and want to destroy Polish families
would you give same sex couples right to adopt children? if so why?