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Solar energy in Poland

jonahsolar  1 | 1
12 Mar 2018   #1

My boss gave me an assigment to do some research about solar energy in other countries in the EU, including Poland.
Since I don't speak Polish I thought this would be the best place to ask some questions!

We need to sell quite a big amount of used solar panels (used in a solar park) mostly for consumers that have a lot of land, however I don't know how to contact these people or how to find the ones that are interested. Does anyone have some tips, links or companies I could check out?

Also, do inhabitants of Poland prefer solar energy as an alternative from fossil energy?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Pfixx solar
cinek  2 | 347
12 Mar 2018   #2
Poland is a cloudy place. Solar panels are not profitable.

12 Mar 2018   #3
Dont talk rubbish. Poland is a good location to generate solar power.
G (undercover)
12 Mar 2018   #4
Yeah, 3h of sun a day, feckin awesome.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Mar 2018   #5
Also, do inhabitants of Poland prefer solar energy as an alternative from fossil energy?

Unfortunately there are bureaucrtic estrictions concerning energy sources, and believe it or not there aren't even smart meters. The coal lobby is powerful in PL.
OP jonahsolar  1 | 1
13 Mar 2018   #6
That doesn't sound good! Is there any chance you or someone else can send me some links of marketplaces where I can give it a shot or to advertise the panels?
cinek  2 | 347
13 Mar 2018   #7
Poland is a good location to generate solar power

Generating solar power is not the biggest problem in Poland. The problem is making any money out of it (as a private person) because you cannot sell your energy back to the system. You can only give them your energy and then obtain some discount (like 80% or so) when buying energy from them later on.

Or, if you want to use your own produced energy in the night you must keep it in some batteries. But the cost of such batteries is even bigger than the solar panels what makes the whole investment completely unprofitable.

14 Mar 2018   #8
Yeah, 3h of sun a day, feckin awesome.

3.6, less than the 5 that very sunny places get admittedly.

But the real issue is the poor Feed in Tariffs offered by the Polish government/
dhjelm  4 | 24
11 Jul 2019   #9

Import solarcell Poland

I have got a decent offer for a solarcell roof from Norway. ( Do we pay import tax, duty, VAT etc for "green energy" products?
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 May 2020   #10
To all of those who still believe in "green energy" here's the latest documentary about that scam. And it wasn't done by some conservative journalist but by a left-wing populaist and socialist activist Michael Moore
jon357  72 | 23654
15 May 2020   #11
Some interesting points here about the documentary:
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 May 2020   #12
To be perfectly clear, before simple minds will start accusing me of supporting all of Moore's econo-political views depicted in this documentary: I don't agree with everything he said in this documentary. I do agree however with the major point of the movie that is so called "green" energy is a scam and is not economically sustainable.

The "green power" doesn't exist without taxpayer [socialist call it 'government'] donations.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 May 2020   #13
That's so funny.
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 May 2020   #14
Yes, it is. I have to make those disclairmers quite often. Simple minds often don't comprehend a concept of critical thinking and making their own conclussions based on source material. Take note for future reference
Joker  2 | 2447
15 May 2020   #15
eft-wing populaist and socialist activist Michael Moore

This fat bastard is totally irrelevant in 2020 but he keeps flapping his mouth. Which is a good thing coz everyone knows hes full of baloney. (literally)

Hes one step below Bill Mahr, who once in a great while makes a good point.

Its totally hilarious the Dems keep bringing these clowns out of hibernation to defend their horrible policies..
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2020   #16
critical thinking

I don't see much in your post; just a reactionary approach to sustainable energy.
Spike31  3 | 1485
16 May 2020   #17
This fat bastard is totally irrelevant in 2020 but he keeps flapping his mouth

Still, if you can use one libtard to put down a couple of libtards that's so much for the better. You got desirable results without even getting your hands dirty.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2020   #18
Still, if you can use

Except they don't, of course.

Funny though to watch some lame-brained person try to pretend that sustainable energy isn't hugely on the rise..
5 Sep 2024   #19
Solar power is not going to work in Poland. If you are going to install it on your roof, it may revoke your home insurance. But ultimately, the cost is definitely not worth it and you may break even in 10 or 20 years. Perhaps a new-generation equipment will make things better, but it may take another decade to find out.
5 Sep 2024   #20
they won't revoke your insurance, you just need to tell them
isn't the cost a price worth to pay for cleaner air? As someone who can afford to take a marginal loss on solar, i'd rather do my piece to help clean up the foul air in this country
5 Sep 2024   #21
ME: I'm going to install a solar panel on my roof.
INSURANCE: Sure! Go ahead. We in the EU are so Eco-friendly! It will only cost you 20% more of this year's premium.
jon357  72 | 23654
5 Sep 2024   #22

It's normal to inform your house insurance provider if there's any significant changes.

the cost is definitely not worth it

Ours is pretty good.

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