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When will SMOKING BE BANNED? (from public areas in Poland)

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
30 Jan 2017   #31
Yeah. And the Earth is flat, man never put his foot on the Moon and Marijuana has been proven to heal cancer.
cms  9 | 1253
30 Jan 2017   #32
it's quite old data from 2009 but in a full GHk/Eurostat survey Poland spent 2.8bn złoty on treating smoking related disease and collected PLN 13bn in excise on tobacco.

I doubt the ratios have changed - in 2015 the excise was PLN 18bn and VAT on cigarettes a further PLN 4bn. that enough to fund 45 percent of Poland's total Health budget.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
30 Jan 2017   #33
Polish govt came out with new legislation and now all cigarette packs have to show pictures of people harmed (sometimes seriously) by smoking tobacco. According to Marsupial it's all about making people smoke even more!
Lyzko  44 | 9738
30 Jan 2017   #34
Hmm, tough call here! Although I'm bascially a non-smoker (yet far from abstinent in terms of drinking either), having lived for a while in Europe, I DO feel that smoking has its place, albeit the wafting of a neighbor's inconsiderate tobacco fumes bothers me as well:-)

Wasn't in Poland for that long, but when last in Germany some twenty years back or so, nearly EVERY public area was filled with smokers, aggressively pursuing their right to puff, and heaven help anybody, particularly a foreigner, for objecting!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
30 Jan 2017   #35
I quit smoking 10 months ago and now after that relatively short time I'd be happy if smoking was entirely banned. :)
Lyzko  44 | 9738
30 Jan 2017   #36
I certainly can sympathize, though somehow, I find it unlikely that this will happen any too soon, in Poland or any place else:-)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Jan 2017   #37
Have you seen the new e-cigarettes that you can buy cannabis oil vials for.
The vials fit into the e-cigarettes perfectly.
They cost about $90 for 125 single hits. (and all you need is one hit I hear)
What makes them so popular is that they produce ZERO smell because the smoke is vaporized.
The State of Colorado is making a fortune on them where they are legal.
So my question is that if the smoke is vaporized and there is no smell why should the tobacco ones be banned in public areas ?
Lyzko  44 | 9738
31 Jan 2017   #38
'Cuz it's THE IDEA od tobacco smoke the Feds think is dangerous:-) Even if there's no smell, it's sort of like non-alcoholic beer or the like; the thought of kids drinking is bad enough, even if the stuff ain't real!

Make sense, kinda?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Jan 2017   #39
There is no smoke, it is all vaporized.
You've never seen an e-cigarette work ?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
31 Jan 2017   #40
@johnny reb
There doesn't have to be any smoke for material to release toxic particles into the atmosphere.
mafketis  38 | 11288
31 Jan 2017   #41
There doesn't have to be any smoke for material to release toxic particles into the atmosphere.

Start reading this blog:

It will make you re-think everything you thought you knew about tobacco (and alcohol) addiction and harm reduction and government policies.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
31 Jan 2017   #42
No Thanks. I avoid conspiracy theory sites like that.
Lyzko  44 | 9738
31 Jan 2017   #43
Oh, I've seen it, Johnny, I've just never smelled it:-)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Apr 2021   #44
In NJ even smoking/buying tobacco products age is 21 for the last 3/4 years now.

Home / Life / When will SMOKING BE BANNED? (from public areas in Poland)
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