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Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians?

Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Aug 2013   #1
On other forum some woman who claimed to be half-Polish wrote that Poles treat Orthodox Christians who live in Poland
with suspicion and even worse than Muslim Tatars. Is it true?
pawian  225 | 27344
7 Aug 2013   #2
It depends. Peasants from rural outback treat everybody with suspicion.

OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Aug 2013   #3
Do you think in Polish majority minds exist some principal difference between Catholic and Orthodox Christianity?
If yes, which exactly? Do Poles believe that Catholic or Protestant denominations are superior to Orthodoxy?
pawian  225 | 27344
8 Aug 2013   #4
Do you think in Polish majority minds exist some principal difference between Catholic and Orthodox Christianity?

In Polish majority minds some principal difference doesn`t exist. Simply speaking, most people who are Catholic here don`t care about Orthodox/Greek Christainity because they have no real contact with each other. As I suggested in my post before, combined Catholic and Orthodox people occupy outback regions of the country and they constitute more or less less than 1% of the society.

Do Poles believe that Catholic or Protestant denominations are superior to Orthodoxy?

Yes, they sort of do, naturally, because Roman Catholic denomination is prevalent in Poland. Check google for statistics.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Aug 2013   #5
This one pic is taken from which movie?
pawian  225 | 27344
8 Aug 2013   #6
What makes you think it is a movie and not real life drama?
29 Oct 2014   #8
seriosuly what the hell?
A lot of people know, read my threads if needs me.. I am a nationalist, know a lot of people in the structures etc... nobody has nothing about Orthodox Christianity, heck Ive been in a cerkiew couple of times in my life. Your churches are beautiful :)

About the Tatars.. even more what the heck.. everybody in my surroundigs have huge respect to the Tatars for what they have done for the Crown and the Republic :)

They are Poles, not some crazy Salafis or Wahabis, no problem with them whatsoever, i remember there was that attack on a mosque somewhere in Eastern Poland .. this year or last cant remember.. it was done by a minor group of ignorants that think Muslim=Bad... the outrage started from within the Right winged community, these people were kicked out and probably got a good beating for attacking our Brothers.

Honeslty only true ignorants that dont know history can dislike the Tatars, and the Orthodox Christians? they are so close to Catholicism that I dont even perceive as alien etc... much better marriage sacraments and mases than us ;) more majestic in a way.
Bobko  27 | 2161
26 Mar 2023   #9
Poland missed a huge opportunity by deciding to be Catholic. One may argue that all the problems Poland has encountered, is because they decided to join the ranks of the Roman schismatics. In this way, Grace was lost.

Any person with a brain understands that through apostolic succession the Orthodox Christian Church is the spiritual successor to the original body of believers in Christ that was composed of the Apostles. This apostolic succession manifests itself through the unbroken succession of its bishops back to the apostles.

Quoting from Orthodox Wiki here:

The unbrokenness of apostolic succession is significant because of Jesus Christ's promise that the "gates of hell" (Matthew 16:18) would not prevail against the Church, and his promise that he himself would be with the apostles to "the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).

By reading pre-schism Fathers, such as Saint John of Damascus, or Saint Basil, specifically what they wrote about religious rituals - you can see that the Orthodox Church is the only modern church which can claim to still follow those traditions.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
26 Mar 2023   #10
join the ranks of the Roman schismatics. In this way, Grace was lost

Bobko talking about theology. Well I never!

Any person with a brain

Be careful. Reason is the Devil's greatest wh0re, as one German monk aptly noticed. If you rely on it too much it can lead you astray towards many heresies and away from the True Church. I made this schoolboy mistake once. :-/

Suspend reason, Bobi, embrace faith, forget the plethora of those tiny, puny "autocephalous" churchlets, all those "Orthodox" (Microdox, more like) rebels and join the greatest in the world, Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church...

Bobko... I am your father.
Bobko  27 | 2161
26 Mar 2023   #11
Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church...

This is what I am reacting to!

The only thing you have going for you is what Jesus happened to say to Peter at some point, in passing.

We have 2,000 years of tradition and everything else.
pawian  225 | 27344
26 Mar 2023   #12
Poland missed a huge opportunity by deciding to be Catholic

Of course not. We gained new LIFE by joining the Western christianity instead of the Eastern one. If we hadn`t, today we would be a shythole like Russia is now. :):):)

We have 2,000 years of tradition and everything else.

You mean Russians?? Stop this bollox. :):):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
26 Mar 2023   #13

To which Microdox churchlet are you referring to as "we"?
Bobko  27 | 2161
26 Mar 2023   #14

Hahaha! One of them, the one my family happens to belong to, is 200M people strong. Is that Microdox? Your Big Brother Church is of course bigger... but only because it subsumes the planet.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
26 Mar 2023   #15
it subsumes the planet

Of course it does. Just like Jesus Christ.

200M people strong

:D 200 million - that's cute. We are 1.4 billion and growing.

You made me smile, rebel. When you decide to join the right side of the force, let me know.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
27 Mar 2023   #16
I just saw a video about reasons for Orthodox church and Catholic church to split. Basically it was done and caused by the sin of a Emperor wanting power

Then you have a monk who abandoned his oath to God and took fate in to his own hands, then we got Anglican church with a head of state taking matters in to his own hands and nurishing his ego instead of following Christ.
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Mar 2023   #17
caused by the sin of a Emperor wanting power

More about the arrogance of Cardinal Umberto?

a monk who abandoned his oath to God

Or following God.

taking matters in to his own hands and nurishing his ego i


Or avoiding the political and economic control of France and Spain who politically dominated the Vatican.

And of course there was a time during the Great Reformation that much of Poland was free of Vatican influenc.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
27 Mar 2023   #18

I don't see how any political arguments would concern any religious believes, unless one is a materialist
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Mar 2023   #19
I don't see how any political arguments

It didn't affect religious belief since the core beliefs are the same.

As you may know, the Vatican and the Papal States were dominated by Spain and France and constantly interfered in political matters.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
27 Mar 2023   #20
Living in the truth compared to not living in the truth, and deciding for oneself instead of listening to God is quite an important difference I would say.

Again, I don't understand your point regarding which culture, which cardinal had the most to say in the Vatican to do with anything.

I personally wouldn't want to jeopardise my path to heaven, by what language or what country the current or future pope comes from or uses or is closest to
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Mar 2023   #21
the truth

Who decides what that is?

I don't understand your point regarding

Looks like there's confusion. Read about Cardinal Umberto and his (entirely political) role in the Great Schism.

jeopardise my path to heaven

Do you think that depends on which religious denomination someone follows?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
27 Mar 2023   #22
Do you think that depends on which religious denomination someone follows?

How can it not...
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Mar 2023   #23
Very easily.

Are they not just different ways for humans to look at that which is greater than them?

And the argument that only one religion among many is absolutely right and all the others not is frankly a bit weak.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
27 Mar 2023   #24
That's the point, it's not up to humans but, up to God.

Seems like most Anti-Catholic bias stems from people thinking that it was solely a human decision
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Mar 2023   #25
up to God.

Exactly. Human institutions and interpretations are human. It really doesn't matter what one does on Sunday (or Saturday or Friday). How one treats others (and animals and the world) matters more.

Anti-Catholic bias

I don't know what the 'bias' is that you mention, however if that particular religious denomination caused a bit less harm to people, there would not be as much understandable hostility, would there?
Bobko  27 | 2161
27 Mar 2023   #26
That's the point, it's not up to humans but, up to God

How the hell do you explain things like Vatican 2, then?

The Orthodx Church is THE church because it has barely changed, whereas the Catholics are only a few steps behind their Protestant colleagues in rewriting the book. One of the reasons the Orthodox Church is unchanging is because of its conciliar form of government. Everybody has to agree for a change to be made, and that never happens.

The next reason is because of all the churches listed in the Bible, only one remains in the West and all the others are still Eastern. So if 80% of the churches still follow something, then it must be the other one which is too smart for its own good.

In addition to the above, Tradition anchors the Orthodox faith, passed down by the Fathers, not some Pope.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
27 Mar 2023   #27
it has barely changed


You want to tell me that the fishermen who followed Jesus wore intricate chamber pots enamelled with jewels on their heads...

... preached in palaces dripping with gold and called themselves all those bombastic titles? Interesting :)

Sure, RCC is guilty of the same thing but at least we don't claim that we haven't changed. Orthodoxy is so obviously corrupt, greedy, servile towards the state and dripping with gold and jewels that they put even our clergy to shame with their pomp and bombast. I wouldn't like to be among this golden-chamber-pots brigade when Christ returns to judge us. God have mercy on them.

passed down by the Fathers,

One thing that strikes me about the Church fathers, both Greek and Latin - and you will have to accept this fact as a quality historian - is that there wasn't a single Russian among them. :)
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Mar 2023   #28
is THE church

Any two or three Christians who gather together are 'THE' church, and it's very worth mentioning that the concept of a curial 'church' or even the word 'Christian' did not exist in Jesus' earthly time.

Twats calling themselves 'patriarch' while wearing gold watches or fannying around in gold robes while their employees are cruel to children are entirely human. If people like them, so be it; the evil that emanates from that is however nothing to do with God.
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Mar 2023   #29
Any two or three Christians who gather together are 'THE' church,

Spot on. Jesus said so Himself, 'Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am among them'.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
27 Mar 2023   #30
@Atch & joun

Jesus said so Himself, 'Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am among them'.

Yup, Matthew 18:20
Parable of, "A brother who sins against you."

it's very worth mentioning that the concept of a curial 'church' or even the word 'Christian' did not exist in Jesus' earthly time.

Is that what the Jehovah Witnesses teach you joun ?

I can show you much scripture in the Holy Bible that mentions the curial church while Jesus walked the earth.
Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

I can show you scripture that mentions Christian also.
1Peter 4:16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.

And all the people on the Polish Forums said, "AMEN"

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