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3 reasons why you hate Poland.

tonykenny  18 | 131
14 Jan 2009   #181
1/ there ignorant people

I couldn't disagree more. I am sure there are some people who would match some of these descriptions, in fact I could name a couple, but, they are in no way indicative of the Polish people on the whole.

OH, but one thing... they cant' seem to organise a piss-up in a brewery!! and that does seem indicative of the people as a whole - in my humble opinion of course!


PS. They're, there & their. I can offer some lessons at my standard rate if you like (wink) :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Jan 2009   #182
Boston is a nice place. My friend is from there.

How dare you criticise Polish farmers as scum. They work very hard here and produce great crops and dairy for peanuts. We can't all command huge salaries. Unlike Scottish farmers who work no harder and have a nice house and 2 cars or more.

Get a grip lad. You seem to have no idea about the realities of Polish life for hard-working Poles. Farmers slave their guts out so people can have their daily staples. A bit of respect, please!!
skrewdriver  - | 3
14 Jan 2009   #183
I couldn't disagree more. I am sure there are some people who would match some of these descriptions, in fact I could name a couple, but, they are in no way indicative of the Polish people on the whole.

OH, but one thing... they cant' seem to organise a piss-up in a brewery!! and that does seem indicative of the people as a whole - in my humble opinion of course!


PS. They're, there & their. I can offer some lessons at my standard rate if you like (wink) :)

sometimes english spelling can become or mean one or the other '' glad u knew what what was said .. dont descreminate .. << could be with a 'y' english thick as a brick can spell what needs to be understood .. thing u need to learn is your roots .. or when something will dig deep into your soul.. and hurt u may say summit
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Jan 2009   #184
I was just thinking the same. Why, even a 5-year old boy could understand what he said. Run out and find me a 5-year old boy, I can't make head nor tail of what he said (Marx brothers).

Screwdriver, you are hardly doing yourself a good service.
McCoy  27 | 1268
14 Jan 2009   #185
In my humble opinion the topic title is as stupid as it could be. There is no reason for me to hate Poland but there are things I dislike about my country and its people. The title of the thread shoud be " The 3 things you hate in Poland".
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
14 Jan 2009   #186
Ahhhhh, in that case my list would contain: Germans, Russians and Jews! wink wink nudge nudge ;)

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have found that they are not so open to foreigners.

I would say that generally we are a very reserved lot. At least until the first bottle of vodka. :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Jan 2009   #187
I can't fault that. The Japanese were the same. Closed until the sake or shochuu came out.
George8600  10 | 630
23 Mar 2009   #188
1. Postal system
2. Postal system
3. Postal system

75% of the letters I mail get returned because there was an "error in delivery" and I have to resend them and what not. AAAGGGH!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
23 Mar 2009   #189
George, when you go to the post office, how do you approach them?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
24 Mar 2009   #190
How dare you criticise Polish farmers as scum

A bit of respect, please!!

Sorry but when their descendants say "Ku*** Ma*" all the time it's kinda hard for me not to look down on em you know.
McCoy  27 | 1268
24 Mar 2009   #191
lets make it the 10 things and add gypsies, gays, blacks, commies, masons, arabs and the rest of non white, polish catholics.
24 Mar 2009   #192
1. When you hold your hand out for your change in the sklep, they put it onto the plate instead.

2. The black porridge-like substance that substitutes for asphalt, commonly used for road surfacing in Poland.

3. The fact that Pork is used in every meal, but they can't get it together to make proper bacon.
Juche  9 | 292
24 Mar 2009   #193
3 reasons why you hate Poland.

1. increasingly lack of architecture socialistic in nature
2. lack of discipline in society
3. not enough monument
Seanus  15 | 19666
24 Mar 2009   #194
Not enough monuments? There are quite a few here in Gliwice

Lack of discipline? What on earth does that mean? I don't see much of this.

Who wants socialist architecture anyway?
Juche  9 | 292
25 Mar 2009   #195
Lack of discipline? What on earth does that mean?

it mean Polish when in crowd or group behave like unruly aemeobas incapable of marching in straight line union or working in work gang without brutal supervisions, even then many problems.

Who wants socialist architecture anyway?

the working class wants and demands this, and the vanguard of the Party will give it to them.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Mar 2009   #196
Everything is relative, Juche. You can't always measure people by your own standards. NK is not the benchmark here. Unruly and crowd often go hand-in-hand. They can't march straight because they are drunk ;) ;)

The architecture is as it is. Funny, I'm not aware of any voice calling for the Party to give this to them.
Juche  9 | 292
25 Mar 2009   #197
The architecture is as it is. Funny, I'm not aware of any voice calling for the Party to give this to

this is because the voice of working peoples is not listened to and not adhered to. your architecture is as it is because only the voice of the capitalist is heard and these lecherous class of society prefer glass skyscraper and shopping mall which is disggusting product of mass consumption culture. It has been proven favourably that working peoples prefer structure of reinforced concrete coupled with bunker-style architectural solutions, and must of couesr include necessary monuments.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Mar 2009   #198
True enough, Samo Obrone is not in power. They appeal to the farmers and other agricultural workers. I also agree that capitalist structures represent greed and profit, thus I'm not keen on them.

However, whilst reinforced concrete can of course still be used, it is largely a choice of the past. Have you been to Bytom, Juche? Come to Silesia, there are buildings which you may like and quite a lot of monuments.

Btw, it's not my architecture as I'm not Polish.
Juche  9 | 292
25 Mar 2009   #199
Have you been to Bytom, Juche?

yes, and I have marvelled at the tear-inspiring architecture including monumental buildings for common use and the abodes of the working class. this city is represents a true advance in urban architecture and shouls always be used as working model for all future generations, a feat which will allow to instill proper mindest in cadres building a vanguard.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Mar 2009   #200
There is a tank near the middle of Gliwice, I bet you'd like that. A must-take photo for you when you visit.

Can I ask you, why does NK attach so much priority to having a strong army?
Juche  9 | 292
25 Mar 2009   #201
Can I ask you, why does NK attach so much priority to having a strong army?

same as israel - because we are being surrounded by the enemy who never ceases to march.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Mar 2009   #202
Would this be China? Do you really think they are gonna attack you? Or South Korea? Why would they do that?
Castanea  - | 75
26 Mar 2009   #203
And this man or woman idolized the north korean dictator? Thats a joke..right?
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Mar 2009   #204
They are causing problems. If it isn't already abundantly clear, I'm a big fan of Japan and I don't appreciate what NK is threatening.

Sorry, Juche. You are probably a good guy but you come across as righteous. Let us make our own decisions. SK and Japan don't like your heavy-handed and dictatorial stance.

Don't forget, America has a base in Iwakuni (near Hiroshima), Japan and I guess in SK. They will react, mark my words!
Juche  9 | 292
26 Mar 2009   #205
They will react, mark my words!

and so shall we with SCUD missiles and even pick axes and shovels - the same ones with which we build gloriuos monuments - if they dare attack us in effort to interupt our drive toward full socialism inspire - Juche ideology. Japane, America, South Korea - we want to be friend to such peoples who are surerly also dreaming of taking over means of production but imperialist aggressors do not want friendship, they only want to wreck what we build (including our monuments) and replace evetyhing with fast food hamburger chains, video rental shoppes, and private health clinics where pharmaceutical companies can wreak havoc on our lives. Also Wal-Mart is another scourge which American brings everywhere with him.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Mar 2009   #206
SCUD missiles are the technology of yesterday. They are not that devastating! I also wouldn't be for the forcible taking of NK. That just won't happen tho.

Is NK language much different from SK? Do you say 'annyong haseyo?' too? How about kamsamnida?
Juche  9 | 292
26 Mar 2009   #207
We say "Glory to the Dear Leader in North Korea," and sometimes we say "Break the Chains of the Capitalist Puppeteer," that is a full enough repertoire of the common man woman and child in our country.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Mar 2009   #208
How do you plan to do that? You operate pretty much solely within the confines of your own country.
Juche  9 | 292
26 Mar 2009   #209
we are everywhere where you not think. our network of sleeper agents is full in place. in fact, the person you think of as your boss for example could be one of our secretive shock troops who lies in waiting, ready to strike at the neck of the pupetmasters and their running dog lackeys who benefits directly from their lechery. for example I have visit Poland many times unbeknown to anyone, as I arrive in secret by way of one-man submersible craft, washing up stealthily on beach at Ustka or Sopot undercover of night and undetected by drunken youths who lick eachother amorously.
Vincent  8 | 797
26 Mar 2009   #210
Could we please get this thread back on topic again. Thanks

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