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Racism in Poland - the future

pawian  225 | 27331
18 Aug 2023   #301
I'd not heard that

The opinion I quoted comes from the years when Polish immigrants started settling in GB.

claims of racist behaviour among Polish children and their parents. Headteachers reported that pupils were moving their desks away from Asian and black children in fear and saying that white people were superior.

In one case Polish children drew pictures of apes sitting in palm trees and claimed this was what their black classmates looked like, while in a school in Acton, west London, a group of teenagers hurled daily abuse at non-white staff and pupils.

A lot has changed due to contacts of Poles with the world but this racism is still there, hidden in souls and minds. Racists are especially males, women are more broad-minded.
amiga500  5 | 1508
18 Aug 2023   #302
PF is not distinguished by the purity of language.

Looks like everyone needs to drink some Brand-X

  • ebe46b_8e4b39c1bb5b4.jpg
jon357  72 | 23426
18 Aug 2023   #303
Headteachers reported that pupils were moving their desks away from Asian and black children

Acton, west London

This is key.

Remember that a significant proportion of kids whose Polish parents came to Britain after 2004 came from villages or small country towns, often in the hinterland between Poznan and Szczecin or from the far South East where there weren't jobs and moved to urban places in the UK where the jobs were. The places they moved to were far more multicultural and it must have seemed to the teachers that the kids had stepped out of a Time Machine from the early 50s.

Fortunately, schools there have decade of experience combatting racism.

I've even heard Poles on Ryanair to the UK saying "I don't like them" ('them' meaning people with darker skin than them) in English. Hopefully their kids (who identify primarily as British now) don't share those sentiments.

With time and effort, attitudes change.
Alien  25 | 6366
18 Aug 2023   #304
In Poland, children were scared of "czarny lud/ black man" who would come and take them away. No one would have thought then that it could be racist.
pawian  225 | 27331
18 Aug 2023   #305
children were scared of "czarny lud/ black man" who would come and take them away

While in Church they hear that Jews killed Jesus. And it is easy to guess why they are such racists and antisemites.
Alien  25 | 6366
18 Aug 2023   #306
While in Church they hear that Jews killed Jesus.

What church did you go to? I haven't heard anything like that. And anyway, Jesus wasn't even a Catholic.
pawian  225 | 27331
18 Aug 2023   #307
I haven't heard anything like that.

Coz you don`t listen carefully. I do and heard it a few times already.
Besides, kids learn about it in religion class.
amiga500  5 | 1508
18 Aug 2023   #308
What church did you go to?

Isin't it obvious? Pawian is a pious member of the Church of Satan. (woke schism)
jon357  72 | 23426
18 Aug 2023   #309
Church of Sata

They're generally very right-wing aynrandy libertarians.
amiga500  5 | 1508
18 Aug 2023   #310
Sounds just like dear baboon to a T. He literally posted poor people shouldn't have children and the state shouldn't support them.
He's all for gay rights but if a gay teenager can't afford to pay rent, fekk em! he worked hard for his money after all. "I got mine so fekk you!"
Novichok  4 | 8836
18 Aug 2023   #311
As a fascist, you are also a racist and antise

Pawian, show your usual class and don't do this - unless in terms of endearment.

the racism in Poland isn't as bad as

Are you, guys, talking about racism by individual people or by the government and other institutions?

Also, if by individuals, are we talking about the passive racism of avoidance or the active kind to inflict mental stress or physical harm?

My question still stands unanswered. Let's assume that Poland is known to be a racist country where non-white foreigners feel they are not welcome.

Where is the downside to Poland and Poles? How are fewer blacks, Asians, or Hindus a problem for Poles?

but this racism is still there, hidden in souls and minds.

So what? Did you ever meet a person of any race who is not a racist in his soul? If so, how did you know he was not a "racist"? Did you ask?
Ironside  50 | 12969
18 Aug 2023   #312
show your usual class

what class?
Novichok  4 | 8836
18 Aug 2023   #313
I pray every day to be least once...Never happens. In fact, every time I lift a rock things are ten times worse than I suspected.

That's why I can't stand Civics 101 bootlicking morons here.

Back to racism in Poland...What is the downside?
pawian  225 | 27331
18 Aug 2023   #314
What is the downside?

The downside is that Poles who stick to racist attitude and acts break Christian and Jesus` requests to love thy neighbour like yourself. Being racist, they doom themselves to Hell instead of Heaven. Then, when I go to Hell for my whole sinful life, I will have to meet those primitive racists. This will be ultimate torture for me.
Novichok  4 | 8836
18 Aug 2023   #315
OK, let me rephrase it...

What is the downside of racism in Poland in numbers? Here, on earth.

Before you reply, try to define the "racism" you and others are posting about.

Are we talking about feelings or actions? If actions...Criminal or just immoral?
pawian  225 | 27331
18 Aug 2023   #316
Are we talking about feelings or actions?

There are both. Media regularly provide news about attacks on dark skinned foreigners. Even in such tolerant cities as Warsaw or Krakow.

the downside of racism in Poland in numbers?

Sorry, me ne comprehende diese idee about numbers for downsides. How kann I diese counten??? I would certainly love to give you hilfe but I kann`t.

if a gay teenager can't afford to pay rent, fekk em!

That sounds really immoral. Where do you get these dirty ideas from???
Alien  25 | 6366
18 Aug 2023   #317

This will be ultimate torture for me.

Well, being in hell is not being on holiday.
pawian  225 | 27331
18 Aug 2023   #318
Exactly. I can agree to standard torture and suffering in the hellish land of the cursed. But do they have to torture me double with the presence, view and contact with Polish rightists and nationalists??? It is simply unfair.
Novichok  4 | 8836
18 Aug 2023   #319
Sorry, me ne comprehende diese idee about numbers for downsides.

I got. It's your way of saying: Don't ask me questions I am not able to answer.

Media regularly provide news about attacks on dark skinned foreigners.

Quote the last case. Where, when, who, and why.
pawian  225 | 27331
18 Aug 2023   #320
Where, when, who, and why.

I feel as if a Soviet NKVD officer was interrogating me before the execution. :):):)

Don't ask me questions I am not able to answer.

Because das was a very strange question. I didn`t comprehende what you were sagen.
Novichok  4 | 8836
18 Aug 2023   #321
When somebody accuses Poland of racism the first step is to demand the definition of "racism" from the accuser. "Racism" could be anything.
The second step is to demand evidence. Third, who is guilty? And the last step is how to fix it.

That's what normal people do. My question was spot on. Why is racism a bad thing? Everybody does it.

I know facts and logical thinking are a bit*ch.
Alien  25 | 6366
18 Aug 2023   #322
feel as if a Soviet NKVD officer was interrogating me before the execution

Is there a lamp shining directly in your eyes?
pawian  225 | 27331
18 Aug 2023   #323
definition of "racism"

Racism happens when a Pole or Poless deem themselves superior to foreigners, especially dark-skinned people.

lamp shining

yes, Novi`s glaring eyes!!!
Novichok  4 | 8836
18 Aug 2023   #324
Racism happens when a Pole or Poless deem themselves superior to foreigners, especially dark-skinned people.

They are.

For one, Poles speak better Polish, make better Polish food, and better know Polish history and customs.

Do you know a reason why Poles should feel inferior to foreigners in their own country?

Please, no "equal" crap. Nothing is ever equal in nature.
Alien  25 | 6366
18 Aug 2023   #325
deem themselves superior

.....but what if they are really superior to them?
19 Aug 2023   #326
The second step is to demand evidence.

Like this sort of thing:,34962,28173002,rasistowski-atak-w-przemyslu-kibole-poluja-na-czarnoskorych.html,1564994

Doubtless, this still won't be enough for you. Don't you have anything better to do with your sad and pathetic life other than to spread hate?
Ironside  50 | 12969
19 Aug 2023   #327
Like this sort of thing:

those need to be vetted. This sort of things are oft made up. Certain newspapaers are more prone than others to do that, or certain organizations. In newspeak fake news.

Today one cann't trust what they show or tell you on the news.

Do you I have to add a disclaimer for morons out there? sure some of them could the factual - we just don't know which are and which aren't without a proper vetting process.
pawian  225 | 27331
19 Aug 2023   #328
This sort of things are oft made up.

Don`t be silly.
Novichok  4 | 8836
19 Aug 2023   #329
Hey, Feniks, since you are into love, do you want more black-skinned men in Poland or fewer?
19 Aug 2023   #330
those need to be vetted. This sort of things are oft made up.

Would you be saying this if those articles were praising Poles? I don't think so.

Whether you like it or not, racism still exists in Poland and in many other countries too. It's always due to a minority of people, it's not the norm and thankfully it is getting better.

since you are into love

I don't recall saying anything along those lines so don't try and put words into my mouth.

Home / Life / Racism in Poland - the future
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