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Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Mar 2019   #31

benefit of a multicultural education

Lol at that statement ...

Funny how students in Japan s Korea etc dont 'benefit from a multicultural' education yet they score far ahead of western nations


More Jew doublespeak like 'womens health' and 'cultural enrichment.'

We've seen how quickly 'tolerance' turns into having LGBT agendas shoved down children's throats and western nations inundated with turd worlders....

Why is it only white nations that much be 'diverse' and 'tolerant?' no one's going to Saudi Arabia telling them to be 'tolerant' of gays. No one's going to Israel telling them to 'tolerate' Muslims. Same with Asia, Africa, etc.

Nope it's only European countries that are told this nonsense
Spike31  3 | 1485
14 Mar 2019   #32
And that`s very good for you as, being tolerant, you will lead a happier life

Thank you very much but I'm pretty happy without false sense of tolerance :-)

Let's not forget that tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.

When leaving Poland, intolerant guys can be doubly frustrated because racial diversity exists in most attractive countries

Those "attractive countries" are now getting much less attractive because false sense of tolerance has brought a misery to those regions.

Let's not forget terrorist attacks (one has happened on a London bridge not far from my office 18 months ago), "refugee" camps in the centre of Paris, rapes and groping on NYE in Cologne and so on.

I've also been to Athens which, apart of the strict centre, looks a like a city in a 3rd world country, full of Somalians selling smuggled cigarettes on the streets.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Mar 2019   #33
And in a meantime it can be done by Ukrainians on a temporary work visas like it is being done right now.

Ukrainians don't want to pack chickens, not when they have options. That's why chicken factories are for Indians.

Check this article about Polish pupils in the UK

Thank you pawian, most interesting. I caught my 4th class kids once using the word "n!gger" freely, so we had two of our "lekcje wychowawcze" dedicated to the topic. First class was mostly about getting them to use all the word and phrases they know to refer to people of different colour (for that class, they were told explicitly that they wouldn't get into trouble for using bad language). We spoke about it, I asked them if they'd call football players/celebrities "******"and so on, and got them thinking about what they were actually saying. For the second class, I brought in some guests - one guy from Africa who had played football professionally in Poland, one girl who was studying medicine here from the Middle East and one guy from China who was a very successful restaurateur.

Was quite interesting when I pulled out their racist work from the previous class and asked them if they would repeat it to their faces. Let's say the point was made and apologies were given ;) I didn't have any problems with them since then, unsurprisingly.
nothanks  - | 626
14 Mar 2019   #34
Many Asians can't consume dairy at the same amount as Whites, especially Central Europeans. That is just one example. Ethnics adapting our cultural norms isn't the only problem or that simple. Sometimes these norms exist because of geographical and biological reasons.

Another thing: "diversity adds new ideas". This is true and Poland should not be stagnant to the changing World. But we aren't behind an Iron Curtain (actually other extreme we are in European Union) and furthermore we have a very large diaspora population. Thus our Native culture/society is always being shaped. But logically one must make room for new ideas and this requires altering or even eliminating old ones. That is the negative side that Pro-Diversity crowd won't tell you. I.e Supermarkets only have so many shelves and adding in exotic cuisine means replacing other (Native) products.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
14 Mar 2019   #35

I'm simply saying the deck was once almost entirely stacked against dark-complected minorities, therefore ever since then, there are those who are attempting to set things right. Problem is, the latter's "equally" 'unfair', only in a different way! Now, rather than making room for BOTH, certain institutions etc. are excluding the white applicant, candidate, what have you, based on discrimination over past wrong, instead of solely on competence. Just so long as we're clear on that.

@Ironside The Wise Guy,
How could Jews incite anti-Semitism by virtue of being Jews. The issue is ideological, fomented in large part by the Church which deliberately excluded Jews

from full participation in society! Don't give me this, "Oh, Marek. The Jews wanted to remain separate!", If that were the case, there would have been no Enlightenment at all and Moses Mendelssohn would have been a mere footnote in history.

Are you honestly such a jerk or are you faking? How can anyone be that stupid, except maybe, and only maybe, they're actually an agent provocateur!
OP pawian  225 | 27344
14 Mar 2019   #36
Reason No 4 - Diversity makes people smarter

No need to eleborate, just read this article:

Being around people who are different from us makes us more creative, more diligent and harder-working

Yes, I can see it in my school which is attended by 2 Ukrainian students. I don`t teach them but was told by our Polish teachers that they like classes with Ukrainian students because they always ask a lot of questions and seem really interested, which positively affects the rest of the group. Most Polish students believe they know everything about their culture, literature and language so they don`t care. When juxtaposed to inquisitive foreigners, they realise how wrong they were.

Now, can you imagine a situation when a black/Asian student stands up and recites classic pieces of Polish literature? Polish students would never forget the experience, I think it might give them a proper boost to study harder.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Mar 2019   #37
Now, can you imagine a situation when a black/Asian student stands up and recites classic pieces of Polish literature?

Been there, seen that. I invited a black guy to the school where I work to perform a reading of part of Pan Tadeusz (in English). Quite good fun, because it was a novelty - even other teachers were captivated by it. He was very well spoken, and he read the poem beautifully. I found him in some local theatre club, and he was more than happy to do it.

Showing kids about the world is so important, IMO.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
14 Mar 2019   #38
"Oh, Marek. The Jews wanted to remain separate!"

Some Jews did, some did not. I remember having been extremely surprised later in adulthood at the fact that Julian Tuwim was a Jew!

Stoi na stacji lokomotywa,
Ciężka, ogromna i pot z niej spływa:
Tłusta oliwa.
Stoi i sapie, dyszy i dmucha,
Żar z rozgrzanego jej brzucha bucha:
Buch - jak gorąco!
Uch - jak gorąco!
Puff - jak gorąco!
Uff - jak gorąco![...]

[poem by Julian Tuwim which is known to every Polish child schooled in Poland]
Spike31  3 | 1485
14 Mar 2019   #39
Diversity makes people smarter

Here's a link to a map of countries ranked by IQ:

A very homogeneous nation-states like South Korea nad Japan occupy top of the list. Poland occupies the 8th place with an average IQ of 99.

Now my question is: how is importing halfwits from Middle East (with an average IQ around 80) and Africa (with an average IQ of 70) going to make Europeans smarter?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Mar 2019   #40
IQ tests are not a reliable measure by any account, especially as the Asian culture is orientated heavily towards test-taking and not on real world abilities.
mafketis  38 | 11162
14 Mar 2019   #41
IQ tests are not a reliable measure by any account,

they're pretty good at predicting life success in the US.... (and while I think a bunch of country scores are probably distorted and too low... the scores correlate pretty well with prosperity and civic values).

Asian culture is orientated heavily towards test-taking and not on real world abilities

Success in the modern world correlates strongly with test-taking ability...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Mar 2019   #42
In life, though? Poles are great at tests, but it doesn't reflect their ability in other areas, such as keeping outdoor areas clean or behaving with respect towards others, yet they're essential when it comes to quality of life.

I went to Belarus last summer, and it was remarkable just how clean everything was. I stopped in Łuków on the way back, and it was just so dirty in comparison.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
14 Mar 2019   #43
A nice post, Ziemowit!

This should prove once and for all to the naysayers out there, here on PF and beyond, that the notion of the Jew as some sort of foreign, unassimilable body, is pure rubbish.

While we're on the subject, Jan Brzechwa, a half-Jew on his mother's side, penned the most famously difficult of all Polish tongue twisters, often featured here on this Forum:-)
mafketis  38 | 11162
14 Mar 2019   #44
such as keeping outdoor areas clean or behaving with respect towards others, yet they're essential when it comes to quality of life.

they certainly help, and things are better now that 10-15 years ago in terms of things like litter... and manners have also greatly improved (in general with irritating exceptions.... that reflect back to previous norms)

I went to Belarus last summer, and it was remarkable just how clean everything was

So? The PRL was in many ways cleaner than late 90s Poland... that didn't make it a better place to live...
Vlad1234  16 | 883
14 Mar 2019   #45
Far not only IQ level does have serious influence on life standards. And not only IQ level could be inherited. But also bunch of very important qualities. For example genes can influence such issues as:

1) Level of crime and corruption.
2) Level of freedom in society.
And many other important qualities.

So, it is always gets boring and one-sided when it comes to IQ level measurements.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
14 Mar 2019   #46
Let's not forget that tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.

Poland as a mono-ethnic state is in fact an invention of comrade Stalin who decided to move Poland westwards after the end of the WW II. Since the reign of Casmir the Great who died in 1370, Poland was always a multi-cultural, multi-ethnical and multi-religious country where tolerance was a great virtue observed by society as a whole and its main political forces. This has ended in 1945 and ever since the younger generations increasingly think of Poland as an ever homogenous state.

Si non iurabis, non regnabis - said Jan Zborowski, Court Hetman of the Crown, to Henri de Valois (future king of Poland), who did not want to assure to the kingdom the freedom of faith, conscience and speech as guaranteed to its citizens by King Henry's Arlicles of 1573 (essentially a first constitution of Poland).
Spike31  3 | 1485
14 Mar 2019   #47
Poles are great at tests, but it doesn't reflect their ability in other areas

Poland has one of the best programmers in the world. And that's what's going to count the most in the future
OP pawian  225 | 27344
14 Mar 2019   #48
Dear guys, thank you for your abundant contribution. I haven`t had time to reply to your comments and opinions yet because I have been incredibly busy in other threads. I will certainly do it, soon.

So far I have suggested 4 reasons for the need of racial diversity and run out of ideas. Are there more or 4 is the final fantasy? Drop me a line and I will develop your clues when I find more time.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Mar 2019   #49
This has ended in 1945 and ever since the younger generations increasingly think of Poland as an ever homogenous state.

Exactly. And youth are the future. Vast majority of poles don't want a multi kulti country with a bunch of mosques and ninja women
Lyzko  45 | 9750
14 Mar 2019   #50
While I can't blame them, we also have to analyze the misguided policies which has brought both Britain and much of the
continent to this point. The answers are clear, the solutions, less so:-)
Shitonya Brits
14 Mar 2019   #51
Diversity teaches tolerance


In Terms of Diversity Initiatives, Tolerance is Not Enough

- tolerance is not enough. It's not a start in the right direction. If not properly defined, it is limiting and demeaning.

- Valuing and appreciating is a better place to begin.

being tolerant, you will lead a happier life.


Read the article above. You didn't define what "being tolerant" means. Even without a definition, if other members on PolishForums said they can "tolerate you" do you really think that would be a compliment? (Hint: it wouldn't be a compliment.)

I pointed out previously how in America diversity is enforced through laws and policies. Having to tolerate someone or something because there will be consequences if you don't is a severe and unnatural stressor. When this condition is chronic it does not lead to a happier life. If anything it leads to an earlier death.

Most Poles are tolerant about other races

That's easy to say because most Poles don't even encounter other races on a daily basis so they are not put to the test.

But why do you think Brexit happened? For decades Britain boasted about being oh so tolerant of others. But their tune quickly changed when millions of migrants from all around the world were allowed to flood in.
Shitonya Brits
15 Mar 2019   #52
I invited a black guy to the school where I work to perform a reading...Showing kids about the world is so important, IMO.

That's nice. So when are you going to personally invite Dr Bawer Aondo-Akaa to give a lecture to the students in your school?
Ironside  50 | 12969
15 Mar 2019   #53
Julian Tuwim was a Jew!

He was, he was also a native speaker of the Polish language. You seems to confound it with his cultural roots.

A good call. It is difficult to gauge what kind of diversity pawian wants. Mostly likely he is only virtue signaling rather that presenting his well thought over opinion.

I hope I'm stating the obvious by saying that Poland doesn't NEED diversity.

To suggest that there is some kind of imperative or want or benefits that would be bestowed upon Poland if the country would become diverse for the sake of diversity is just a folly.
OP pawian  225 | 27344
15 Mar 2019   #54
I hope I'm stating the obvious by saying that Poland doesn't NEED diversity.

Hmm, shouldn`t you emphasizedoesn`t instead of need ?

It is difficult to gauge what kind of diversity pawian wants.

I thought it was clear. Racial diversity which means that apart from white guys, who make a vast and dull majority now, there are also people of other races, in greater number than current statistics show, so they are visible in streets, schools, workplaces, and they all live happily ever after because they are tolerant towards each other, not due to enforced antidiscriminatory laws but out of personal free choice.
mafketis  38 | 11162
15 Mar 2019   #55
. Racial diversity...and they all live happily ever after

how are they going to to do that when you (presumably want to strip their culture and legal heritage from them)?

Most British people either really don't care that FGM happens in their country (or they avidly support it). Do you want a bunch of little girls' private parts attacked with rusty razors?

Most British people either really don't care that people from some parts of the world like to bring along de facto slaves with them (or see nothing wrong with slavery). Do you really want an invisible slave class in Poland?

Most British people either really don't care that people from some countries are prone to see children as possessed by evil spirits that must be exorcised by horrific physical abuse (or think that's the right and honorable thing to do) Do you really want children being abused to rid them of evil spirits in Poland?

The only way to prevent that is to allow racially diverse people and to be draconian in depriving them of their traditional culture. Are you up to that?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Mar 2019   #56
Racial diversity which means that apart from white guys,

Wtf are you talking about? The vast majority of the world is non white. Real diversity would be more white people, not less.

and they all live happily ever after because they are tolerant towards each other, not due to enforced antidiscriminatory laws but out of personal free choice.

Except historical evidence shows us that doesn't work. Modern day w Europe is the perfect example. The countries who embraced multiculturalism saw their rape rates, terrorism and violent crime skyrocket, tens of billions spent on people who don't want to work and expect everything for free and have turned parts of the country into no go zones. They don't even have enough respect to not litter the streets and not defacate/urinate in public.

Meanwhile Poland Hungary etc who have resisted multiculturalism haven't experienced terrorism, skyrocketing rapes, ridiculous unemployment among migrants etc. Poland took in 1-2 mil ukrainians and guess what they're not causing problems. Germany took in the same amount, but from turd world backwards countries with low average iqs and now theyre dealing with problems they've never had before.

Multiculturalism is an abysmal failure. And even a decade long Harvard study proves it causes more harm than good.

If you're going to push multiculturalism you should do it universally. Tell Israel to take in Muslims and feed and house them. Tell Africa to take in whites and provide for them and cover up rape stats. Tell Saudi Arabia to 'tolerate' gays. Let's see how that works out.

But no, to you only whites have to be multicultural. Do you hate your skin or heritage that much where you want fellow Europeans to suffer? Because news flash they are and an ever increasing amount don't want multiculturalism. Especially in Poland. If you respect democracy you'll respect the Polish majority's wish to remain homogenous and not take in turd worlders. But you won't because you think you're some Savior and everyone is wrong hut your multicultural agenda is right.
kaprys  3 | 2076
15 Mar 2019   #57
Just because a given country is racially diverse, it doesn't mean everyone lives happily together.
I used to live in the UK and I heard different xenophobic remarks from people of different ethnic or racial backgrounds, for example, Brits complaining about Poles or black people complaining about Indians or Poles complaining about Muslims or Muslims complaining about white guys in tight pants cycling in their district. .. The list goes on. Or the attacks on synagogues in France etc. Isnt France racially diverse enough?

As for gene mixing, Poland was quite ethnically diverse before WW2 - lots of Poles mixed with Germans, Ruthenians, Jews, not to mention other nationalities. Think about the migrations that took place right after the war. People moved to different parts of the country due to resettlements or looking for jobs. People still move to different cities and countries to go to university, to work etc. It's natural, it doesn't have to be obligatory.

Of course, there are also marriages or relationships of Polish people with people from different countries who live here they and their children are part of our society. Just because it's not very common, it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Mar 2019   #58
Just because a given country is racially diverse, it doesn't mean everyone lives happily together.

True. Usually the racial, religious and cultural tensions are quite strong. Have you heard about any such tensions in Japan, which is 99% Japanese?

Multiculturalism wasn't invented to make us all happy but to destroy the traditional order in ethnic countries.

xenophobic remarks from people of different ethnic or racial backgrounds

Even from the same/similar racial backgrounds. I've heard in London racial remarks from Nigerians directed toward Somalians
Lyzko  45 | 9750
15 Mar 2019   #59
Diversity is seen as something imposed from outside, without plebiscite, and forced upon countries such as Poland etc. without the latter having
been consulted for discussion about the entire matter. Sorry if this sounds naïve.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
15 Mar 2019   #60
What makes me curious from purely neutral point of view: if there exist so many white racists who are enraged their countries become more and more racially diverse, how is that possible no one came up with idea to create a floating country for whites only? A huge floating country on water somewhere in neutral ocean?

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