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Public Masturbation now allowed in Sweden, Would this work in Poland?

19 Sep 2013   #1
Just reading the papers today and am delighted by the news that public masturbation is now allowed in Sweden as it has always been one of my favourite holiday destinations and with the new laws that now allow Masturbation on beaches and public places it seems like it could turn a good holiday into a great one.

Do you think Poland will ever adopt this policy?

Personally i feel that places like Lodz and Katowice could really benefit from the extra tourism this would generate, This could also improve things on the trains in poland and possibly on other forms of public transport.
19 Sep 2013   #2
Do you think Poland will ever adopt this policy?

Every time I do it, all the shoppers in Empik start complaining :-(
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
19 Sep 2013   #3
wow .... can't you people wait until arriving to a private room/hotel/home etc ? it's really not a pleasant scene to see someone masturbating in public .
19 Sep 2013   #4

dany! You've been here long enough to know better!

4 eigner  2 | 816
19 Sep 2013   #5
Public Masturbation now allowed in Sweden, Would this work in Poland?

Why are you asking Chris, are you about to visit Poland? ;-)
SeanBM  34 | 5781
19 Sep 2013   #6
A COURT IN Sweden has found a man who masturbated in public not guilty of criminal charges, as he was not pleasuring himself at anyone in particular.
The ruling comes after a 65-year-old man took off his shorts and began masturbating on a beach in Stockholm.
He was charged with sexual assault, but found innocent last week as his act was not "targeted", The Local reports.

What about indecent exposure? must have been decent enough.
Nile  1 | 154
20 Sep 2013   #7
. Topics as this one `Public Masturbation....` could totally upset her, if alive

There is no need to be upset but simply carry with you a set of pliers.
mochadot18  18 | 245
20 Sep 2013   #8
Masturbation on beaches and public places

Only beaches...... I always thought that the 4th grade was to late to be teaching kids about the birds and the bee's I think its only appropriate to let them see some things first hand out and the beach when they are 5 and 6 and such. and even though now allowed at beaches it may still be considered "disorderly conduct."

There is no need to be upset but simply carry with you a set of pliers.

Or just work on a good kicking leg with a good aim :P Time to work on kicking some... soccer balls ehhh

  • Soccer.jpg
pierogi2000  4 | 226
20 Sep 2013   #9
Been reading about the Rape epidemic in Sweden.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Sep 2013   #10
Which was already comprehensively debunked for one simple reason - Sweden reports sexual crimes differently to most countries.

Do try harder with your racism, and preferably keep it to Stormfront.
Crow  155 | 9716
20 Sep 2013   #11
There is no need to be upset but simply carry with you a set of pliers.

my grandmother? no, no, old lady wasn`t that radical.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
21 Sep 2013   #12
Which was already comprehensively debunked.

21 Sep 2013   #13
People have no jobs and the governments are enslaving the human race and idiots think about masturbation in public places.. Wake up!
Polson  5 | 1767
21 Sep 2013   #14
Well, it was not serious. Don't worry. Masturbation in public places shouldn't be allowed too soon, in Sweden or anywhere else.
Englishman  2 | 276
30 Dec 2013   #15
I think it's probably OK for women but not for men, as they can do it more discreetly and without leaving a mess. However I suspect that female masturbation is still slightly taboo in Poland, due to the misogynistic influence of the Catholic Church, despite the Bible condemning male masturbation but saying nothing against women doing it.
legend  3 | 658
31 Dec 2013   #16
Sweden has become so liberal and passive
the vikings must be rolling in their graves.
Many rapes happen there and no one can do anything because its "racist" to report the culprit.

They can thank people like Barbara Spectr for destroying their pride.
OP Chris_Bradbury
2 Jan 2014   #17
Thanks to all who joined in yesterday!

It seems the message is going worldwide, 518225.html

Great result!
Marek11111  9 | 807
2 Jan 2014   #18
Do you think Poland will ever adopt this policy?

only if E.U. will adopt it
jon357  72 | 23658
2 Jan 2014   #19
No need. Jarosław Kaczynski and the rest of that party do it every time they open their mouths in the vicinity of a microphone.
OP Chris_Bradbury
24 Jan 2014   #20
We are having another event this Sunday, Same time and place as before! Look forward to meeting those who came last time again and hopefully some new faces, Don't forget your condom!
Crow  155 | 9716
24 Jan 2014   #21
No need. Jarosław Kaczynski and the rest of that party do it every time they open their mouths in the vicinity of a microphone.

he, he,... i love this forum. Many crazy jokes here. So relaxing
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
24 Jan 2014   #22
Amusing to me that the State Church hasn't cracked down a bit. Spilling seed and all that...
Such a double standard.... *Guess we're no ones to talk:-)
Kowalski  7 | 621
25 Jan 2014   #23
Authorities in Krakow are warning tram users
to keep their eyes peeled for a man who
has taken to masturbating whilst traveling.
According to Fakt, the skinny man is aged
around 30-35-years-old and is working the
number 13 tram line.
When approached the offender is said to
have replied "girls like it because they never
Police are asking for any help which may lead
to his identification.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
27 Jan 2014   #25
But apparently it is still not legal to get your McRib out in Florida...

There are better things to do with your time while waiting for the McRib.

Spencer Toner, 79, was caught red-handed in a McDonald's parking lot, watching púrn and masturbating in his car, police said.

A witness reported the Bonita Springs, Fla., man on Thursday for allegedly viewing púrnographic photos on his laptop while children were around.

Maybe  12 | 409
27 Jan 2014   #26
I remember years ago when my wife and I were on the SouthBank in London one evening and as were returning towards Waterloo Station an IC3 male was standing in a bush furiously w@nking with his T shirt held up under his chin. At the time both of us thought we were hallucinating and were in total disbelief at what we had witnessed and just carried on walking.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
27 Jan 2014   #27
I Ihave to report that a couple of weeks back, before the woman in Tommy Hilfigger gear incident, dog caught some bod who was taking rather long if all he was doing was ******* in the forest in full view of moraine valley houses. I gave the geezer the benefit of the doubt, but as Warsawski pointed out on another thread, dog knows a willy wonker when he spots one.

I kid you not, he nipped him on the wonger - the dog did the biting, not the man. He was clearly a plonker, because he retreated up the hill still adminstering to his front end.

Three showers and carbolic soap in the muzzle later, I let the dog back into the living room. For a couple of nights I slept with the bedroom door locked just in case he had got a taste for it.

IC3 male was standing in a bush

Hang on - that must have been a very small bush - a bird in the hand and all that. I wasn't able to find any bushes on the Southbank back in the eighties. But I hear other bushes are back in vogue.
27 Apr 2014   #28
We have just had another meetup and it was a great success! over 30 people turned up (Would post pics but keep getting a message saying that it isn't allowed) Same time and same tram next sunday! Lets see if we can get over 40 attendees!
9 May 2014   #29
Slight change of plan for this sundays meeting, We have had to change tram route for various reasons.

We are going to meet on the number 10 tram at Oseidle Gorczewska and travel the whole way down to Wiatraczna, So far numbers are around 30 - 35, We are aiming to get numbers up to at least 50 per meeting and then we will look at hiring our own tram.

Thanks to all the PF members who have supported our events by attending.

Everyone is welcome!
9 May 2014   #30
We are going to meet on the number 10 tram at Oseidle Gorczewska and travel the whole way down to Wiatraczna

Good luck with that: tram number ten doesn't go to that side of the river.

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