Actually, if the mayor of that German town is right about women and parking, bringing in the female racing driver to give women advanced driving skills and also boost their confidence would be a much better way to help them drive better than designing special, extra-large parking bays.
Oh yes, my good fellow! Zooming around a race track in a vehicle doing 300 km/hr is so much like parking in a confined urban setting that I'm surprised no one except you has seen that correlation. Splendid!
Generations of conditioning have led girls and women to believe they are less capable, inferior, marginalised and generally inferior to men; this has been reinforced by legal and other constraints preventing them from doing certain things.
Generations of conditioning led (past tense) girls and women to believe certain things that I'm not going to pretend I know.
This used to be reinforced by laws that have simply changed.
In any situation there will be someone who is more capable and someone who is less capable. We've all been on both sides of that ratio and that's called life so suck it up and quit feeling sorry for people who don't give a damn about you and need to learn what they can and can't do like the rest of us. The problem is you seem to actually view women as inferior to you and therefore dependent on you to somehow right all the compounded wrongs of the past. You see yourself as a white knight and feminists just see you as a sucker.
Do you really resent feminism's attempts to change [that]?
Feminism has changed that.
They wanted equality in the work force? Well now they can do just about anything they want if they can make the standards.
What if they can't make the standards? That's fine, if you're a woman they won't lower the standards for you, they'll "change" them.
They wanted equality in courts. Things are so good now, they're more equal in the courts than you or I will be based on gender and nothing more. You hear them rioting about that very often?
They wanted equality in sports. Well now things are so equal that in some places that if not enough girls are interested in a sport then the boys aren't allowed to do the sport either. You think that's fair?
They wanted equal pay. They got it.
They wanted equality in schools. They got it.
The fatal diseases women can only get are given prominence whereas the fatal diseases men can only get are ignored by comparison.
So where is this inequality that women are suffering in Western countries?
How is it any worse than the inequality suffered by men there?