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Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up

Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Jun 2013   #1
Something misnamed 'women's congress' opened in Warsaw, purporting to speak on behalf of Polish women. The show was run by the liles of Środa, Szczuka, Nowicka, Holland and others. Why is it that the Parliamentary Women's Group and conferences such as this tend to attract mainly professional feminists, man-haters, family alternative, genderists, leftists, pro-abortionsits and anticlerical with whom most Polish women do not equate. A typical Polish woman is a Catholic who believes in traditional family values and is too bsuy raising her family and holding down to a job to become involved with the know-all professors, paid agitators and idle elitists who populate such media circuses.
Polson  5 | 1767
14 Jun 2013   #2
A typical Polish woman is a Catholic who believes in traditonal family values

That's less and less true. What is 'typical' anyway? Do you think a woman from Warsaw is the same as a woman in a little village close to the Ukrainian border?

Anyway, I think we should wait for PF (Polish) women's opinion about that.
sobieski  106 | 2111
14 Jun 2013   #3
A typical Polish woman is a Catholic who believes in traditonal family values and is too bsuy raising her family and holding down to a job to become involved with the know-all professors.

Like getting involved with some PolAm guy looking for a virgin?
Let me guess...traditional family for sure excludes having a beer with friends...going to a pub....
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
14 Jun 2013   #4
Something misnamed 'women's congress' opened in Warsaw, purproting to speak on behalf of Polish women.

Ah yes, the viral social disease of feminism and all its hypocrisies rears its ugly head almost everywhere. I'll believe women want "equality" when they clamor to become 50 percent of all long-haul truckers; oil rig operators, roofers, welders, bomb disposal technicians; hazmat divers, timber workers...etc......well, you get the point.

There are no feminists on sinking ships. When ships like the Titanic (and others) begin to sink, it seems that the 'ladies' fervently believe in the concept of "women and children first" when it comes to life boats. (Of course they don't realize that they equate themselves with being on par with children).

Well, lets hope that Polish women attempt to use logic in their endeavors and don't follow in the footsteps of their western sisters who have hijacked feminism and turned it into into philosophical deformity based on male hate. Hopefully, these women won't endorse "slut walks" :)
sobieski  106 | 2111
14 Jun 2013   #5
He is only interested in women who go to church, they have to be virtuous as a rule :)
Somehow I think he has no idea what makes women tick :). But then again, the duck does not know either :)
Ironside  51 | 13127
14 Jun 2013   #6
, purproting to speak on behalf of Polish women.

They are not speaking for Polish women.
Lenka  5 | 3549
14 Jun 2013   #7
paid agitators and idle elitists who populate such media circuses

Well, I didn't know I'm not a Polish woman. Thanks for making me realise it.

They are not speaking for Polish women.

True, noone can really speak for all Polish women.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jun 2013   #8
Do you think really think most Polish women identify with leftists, alternativists, pro-abrotionists and anticlericals?

only interested in women who go to church

Some are interested only in women from escort agencies. To each his own!
Lenka  5 | 3549
15 Jun 2013   #9
I don't know the exact number- noone does but I think they have support of some Polish women. Probably more among young women but not only.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jun 2013   #10
No-one claims no Polish women support the Środas and Szczukas of this world. But they are not representative of most Polish women. If this is important to you, maybe some CBOS poll might indicate the kind of support they enjoy. CBOS over the years has surveyed people on most every topic imaginable.
Lenka  5 | 3549
15 Jun 2013   #11
There isn't even one women group that would represent most Polish women. Be it conservative, liberal...they just get support from some small percentage of Polish women. Why? Because most ppl are more busy with they day to day life and don't care.
Barney  19 | 1765
15 Jun 2013   #12
when they clamor to become 50 percent of all long-haul truckers; oil rig operators, roofers, welders, bomb disposal technicians; hazmat divers, timber workers...etc......well, you get the point.

Yeah the point is that you can't have it both ways can you name a more dangerous job than prostitute?

The gender rolls created are not exclusively the work of women men had a bit to do with that as well.

Pol3 you want people to respect your views and the Church but respect goes both ways.
jon357  72 | 23711
15 Jun 2013   #13
Yeah the point is that you can't have it both ways can you name a more dangerous job than prostitute?

Agreed. Hard to think of a more wretched one either. Joke about them, despise them, shun them, lock them up; few of us would want to change places with one.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jun 2013   #14
respect your views and the Church

Do you contend that these feminist groups and conferences represent the views of most ordinary Polish women rather than a small caste of academics, female politicians and professional activists? This was not a question of resepct but of establishing how representative they were.
jon357  72 | 23711
15 Jun 2013   #15
Do they claim to? Or are they just getting together to articulately express their point of view?
Barney  19 | 1765
15 Jun 2013   #16
This was not a question of resepct but of establishing how representative they were

It's hard to say exactly how representative any group is but people who look at things in a different way are to be respected or at least given a hearing.

I don't like the Church but do recognise how they are important to people and Poland I don't see any point in disrespecting them even when they talk rubbish.

It's the role of academics and opinion formers to put their views out there they are not all opposed to your views.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jun 2013   #17
I don't like the Church but do recognise how they are important to people and Poland I don't see any point in disrespecting them

Not everyone on PF is that subtle about it. A certain small but loud-mouthed clique prefer tio ride rough-shiod over the Church, Catholicism and devout Catholics. Any semblancde of respect on their part is in extremely short supply.
Barney  19 | 1765
15 Jun 2013   #18
Don't make it an us and them thing that's silly.....I do know what you are saying though but as I said respect goes both ways.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jun 2013   #19
The question is: why don't they make it more representative by including Catholics women's groups, pro-family associations, etc. and not just leftists, feminists and pro-abortionists. Otherwise, they should not call it the Polish Women's Congress but Polish Feminist Forum or something along those lines.
Polson  5 | 1767
15 Jun 2013   #20
Polo, I think you care more about this than 99% of all Polish women.
qqa1168  - | 2
15 Jun 2013   #21
women is the core of the family
sobieski  106 | 2111
15 Jun 2013   #22
Some are interested only in women from escort agencies. To each his own!

You seem to have an obsession with women, and especially the majority of them who yes work very hard, no do not always have kids and yes in their spare time like to go out.
15 Jun 2013   #23
Something misnamed 'women's congress' opened in Warsaw, purproting to speak on behalf of Polish women.

Why does this bother you so much? Personally I can't see anything wrong with it. Maybe some women want a bit more out of life than being chained to the kitchen sink and going to church. And since when was equality such a bad thing?

Why is it that the Parliamentary Women's Group and conferences such as this tend to attract mainly professional feminists, man-haters, family alternativists, genderists, leftists, pro-abortionsits and anticlericals with whom most Polish women do not equate

Why is it that your views on women are so extreme? Sounds to me like you have very little respect for females in general, unless of course they're ' fresh, wholesome lasses'.
sobieski  106 | 2111
15 Jun 2013   #24
He has a complete warped view of females. I think he never went out with girls, never dated one, never was in a relationship. Hard to understand such a mentality.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jun 2013   #25
you care more about this than 99% of all Polish women

I care about everything that affects the family, the core of any society. Some people care only about their own, narrow, selfish, personal interests and forget the wise words of Dr Albert Schweitzer (a Protestant pastor BTW): 'Remember, you are not alone in this world. You're brother is here too.'
Magdalena  3 | 1827
15 Jun 2013   #26
The question is: why don't they make it more representative by including Catholics women's groups, pro-family associations, etc..

All those groups are probably free to join, except for the tiny fact... that they probably don't want to!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jun 2013   #27
You seem to have

Again ad personam. That's been your tactic all along: skirt the issue and avoid formualting a thoughful response by focusing on the person raising some issue. That proves absolutely nothign except that you've got nothing meanningful to say. The thread was about a misnomer. Polish Women's Congress clearly suggests it isi being held on behalf of Polish women, whereas it is represents only a certain section of Poland's female population. Feminist Forum, Leftist Women's Convention or even Progressive Women's Conference -- OK, so as not to mislead the public. The Środas and Sukas of this world or often spouting off on TV and there too they always act like the official spokespersons of the female half of Poland.
Polson  5 | 1767
15 Jun 2013   #28
I care about everything that affects the family, the core of any society.

Yeah, I think you already quoted this elsewhere, or you just copied it. Anyway, it's not you to decide what people should or should not do with their lives.

Btw, I don't really see the point of quoting this here. How is it relevant to the subject? Women who want to have a life that is not just what Pam said -kitchen and church- are selfish?

The problem with you is that you always blame everyone who disagrees with you for being 'haters' and such, but you obviously 'hate' a lot too. Any reason is good.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jun 2013   #29
Why does this bother you so much?

I do not like deceptive euphemisms and try to expose them and urge people to think for themselves. Some people are content with empty slogans and trendy buzzwords. Don't you think it's sometimes good to analyse things a bit?
Ironside  51 | 13127
15 Jun 2013   #30
Yeah the point is that you can't have it both ways can you name a more dangerous job than prostitute?

The point is that is not really an honest job. That is either calling or a perfect example of falsehood of a modern secular society.

Otherwise, they should not call it the Polish Women's Congress but Polish Feminist Forum or something along those lines.

Bolsheviks have been always know for making outlandish, untrue claims just to gain upper hand in a propaganda war. They are following well traveled track of their fathers.

Why does this bother you so much?

Probably because it is all BS and propaganda set to fool people and one which doesn't have women interest at heart.

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