johnny reb 49 | 8005
5 May 2017 #1
What Pol3 said about America's prisons is true.
You forgot about the major recreational drug abuse in American prisons though Pol.
And let's not forget the American Civil Liberties Union that represent these guys for free if they have a legitimate gripe.
jon is it true what you said in this post ?
Are Polish prisons really as bad as Mexican prisons ?
How much of this is just your creative imagination jon ? or is it first hand experience ?
The luxuries in the prison system
You forgot about the major recreational drug abuse in American prisons though Pol.
And let's not forget the American Civil Liberties Union that represent these guys for free if they have a legitimate gripe.
jon is it true what you said in this post ?
Are Polish prisons really as bad as Mexican prisons ?
I await the day you end up locked away in a dingy cell eating stale bread and rotten onions with Radio Zet blaring day and night and no proper mattress or pillow locked up with lowlife, once weekly showers and a twice monthly visit, all on a miscarriage of justice or momentary lapse of judgement.
How much of this is just your creative imagination jon ? or is it first hand experience ?