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Why Poles are so much different than other slavic nations? Poland must return to mother Poland.

Lyzko  42 | 9525
25 May 2024 #31
Neither, Mr. sea slug.
Novichok  5 | 7883
25 May 2024 #32
Once a weasel, always a weasel...
Do you know the definition of a woman?
Novichok  5 | 7883
25 May 2024 #33
Let the record show that Mr. Weasel is unable to choose between 66,000 and 137 dead people. Now we know why 360,000 Jews went to their deaths from the Warsaw Getto to Auschwitz and why the survival rate among those Jews who decided to fight as partisans was higher than among the pacifist sheep that went to slaughter without resisting.

Weaselness is what separated US Jews from Israelis - cowards from heroes...
Lyzko  42 | 9525
28 May 2024 #34
Do you know the definition of an idiot?
Novichok  5 | 7883
29 May 2024 #35
Do you know the definition of a weasel?
Lyzko  42 | 9525
29 May 2024 #36
You don't give up do you.
Remember that Emerson quote
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds".
pawian  220 | 24841
30 May 2024 #37
altough they are a bit cold if they dont know you

Of course. How should one be warm if you don`t know who you are dealing with??? What if you encounter a rightist party supporter????

That is why I also prefer to be cold in the beginning and warm up to the person after I get to know her/him better and am aware they are decent intelligent people who don`t vote for rightists or nationalists.

I suppose it is a completely normal approach here in Poland.

Home / Life / Why Poles are so much different than other slavic nations? Poland must return to mother Poland.

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