If you knew the language and culture as well as I do, you would know this is not always the case.
yeah you're probably right, my Polish is still too bad to read Polish newspapers so i'm sure to miss a lot of stories that would give me a more balanced picture of Polish people. ;)
They used to be, but they are changing ;)
Might be true, but you really should compare it to public transport in western Europe. After living there you will be surprised that Poland's public transport is so safe and clean.
In Belgian and Holland city buses you will find coloured youth gangs in the back seats looking agressively, cutting the seats or sticking their chewing gum on it. Many seats and windows show signs of vandalism, graffiti everywhere, bus drivers get spitted at regularly (in 99% of the cases by coloured youth), many people who put their mp3 man on the highest volume, people who occupy 2 seats and don't care to share. Of course you will find this everywhere, but in Poland it's nothing compared to the big cities in NW Europe.
They will eventually. The EU traitors will force them to. Racism will end when we're all part of a coffee-coloured (probably Islamic) race, won't it? So much for "celebrating diversity"! ;)
You create diversity at the price of attractiveness. Now that makes sense! ;)
Remind me NEVER to go to Bellium if that's true!!! :D
Really, every official document that i got so far was painless. Maybe i'm lucky in this, but i expected that in Poland most experiences with officials would be frustrating, slow and painful. It wasn't.
I thought you were describing London for a minute, most people are great round here :)
F*** it, I'm going to Costa lol
where is here? :)
if i remember well, you live in Norway?