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Jewish culture in today`s Poland

Novichok  4 | 8843
10 Apr 2024   #91
How can you possibly assume that a moron like Poloniusz is always right?

Because he and I agree 99% of the time.
That makes him a genius.

Now, if you have any evidence that Poloniusz is not a genius, please tell him.
Alien  25 | 6369
10 Apr 2024   #92
That makes him a genius

There is another possibility.
OP pawian  225 | 27344
10 Apr 2024   #93
A female Pole in English is merely "a Pole",

No, it is a Poless coz we are using it all the time. We are setting new trends in the language! Ha!!!

He nominated himself to be the class clown

hahaha Yes, I did a few decades ago,. Thanks to it, I have had fun most of my life. And I have made a good living off it. hahahaha

when he asked how it can't exist in English after using it so extensively.

Now you aren`t a decent Jew coz you are allying with a Jew hater like Novi against a decent Pole like me. Shame on you, Lyzko! Ha!!!! Why are you doing it???? Is your life at stake like it happened to Jewish traitors in Jewish police who colluded with Nazis during WW2??? No, it isn`t. So???
Feniks  1 | 787
10 Apr 2024   #94
I assume that Poloniusz is always right and go from there

Given that he lives in Canada, doesn't speak Polish and has never been to Poland, I find it hard to believe that he knows more about Poles and their attitudes towards Jews than Pawian who is Polish, lives in Poland, and converses with Poles on a daily basis.

That is simple deduction. One does not have to be a genius to work that out.
OP pawian  225 | 27344
10 Apr 2024   #95
Given that he lives in Canada, doesn't speak Polish and has never been to Poland, I find it hard to believe that he knows more about Poles and their attitudes towards

It wouldn`t be a problem if he tried to be a decent poster who sticks to the truth in his posts.
The real problem is he is lying all the time. E.g, I have kept asking him to show us a vandalised Polish grave in Israel. He hasn`t and still repeats his old lies. How sad! :(:(:(:(

vandalizing of

johnny reb  49 | 8005
10 Apr 2024   #96
Given that he lives in Canada,

Not when I talked with him.
Maybe back when you were a Mod you traced his ip:# wrong.
OP pawian  225 | 27344
10 Apr 2024   #97
he is lying all the time.

To Poloniusz`s lies
Our answer is:
Pawian`s Production!

Here you are:

Grafitti I miss you, Jew in dozens of places all over country.

I showed 4 pics with the slogan I miss you, Jew. Here are 4 new ones:

  • tumblr_mbwgynqy9S1rx.jpg

  • z7477719AMPJedenz.jpg

  • 5f046e342ba1f_o_medi.jpg

  • 54b1581649db0_o_medi.jpg
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
10 Apr 2024   #98

You are right, I think that, especially younger Poles, feel that they missed out on the cultural enrichment Jews gave to Poland.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
10 Apr 2024   #99
I only meant that you're purposely playing with language here, which is ok
by me, so long as you admit your error:-) Again, your English teachers were Poles
and so what do you expect??
OP pawian  225 | 27344
10 Apr 2024   #100

What error????????

your English teachers were Poles

Some were native Ams or Brits. :):):)

so what do you expect??

I expect you to act like a decent Jew, not a member of Jewish Police collaborators with Nazis during WW2. Simple.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
10 Apr 2024   #101
I expect you to act like a decent Jew, not a member of Jewish Police collaborators with Nazis during WW2.

No need for that nasty streak that we so often see from you.
Debate and discuss.
Don't insult.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
10 Apr 2024   #102
Quite, Milo!
@Pawian, I'm relieved that you were exposed as a student, perhaps also as a pupil, of English
to native Brits and Yanks, I truly am.

Frankly though, it doesn't seem to have rubbed off entirely, hate to be blunt here.
Oh,well. You never stop learning. Dalej ucz sie! Cwiczenie czyni mistrza:-) Of course, that
goes double for my Polish!!
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
10 Apr 2024   #103
I'm relieved that you were exposed as a student, perhaps also as a pupil, of English
to native Brits and Yanks,

Unfortunately it seems to have created an inherent hatred of both in his psyche.
Novichok  4 | 8843
11 Apr 2024   #104
Oh,well. You never stop learning.

OK, please teach me...

Why are Jews hated in so many countries?

Please list the top three reasons. One line of text per reason.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
11 Apr 2024   #105
@Indeed, Milo!
Most people everywhere who are mandated to learn English, as with any required subject
in grade school, hate it and find it boring.

Save for the rare, gifted language maven who desires to absorb a language and do it
justice to a native speaker of that language, your run-of-the-mill foreign English speaker
will never actually internalize the language, riddled as it normally is with native language
interference, bolstered as a rule by bad-ass attitude and resistance to having to use it
instead of their mother tongue.

Exceptions to the above scenario are as rare as jewels:-)
OP pawian  225 | 27344
11 Apr 2024   #106
to native Brits and Yanks,

But they were all fake macho supremacists who considered women as subordinate to males. That is why I never heard about Polesses from them.
Now it is high time to make up for it at last. We have been waiting for too long. Ha!


Not quite. Remember, whenever you act against decent people like an immoral member of the Jewish ghetto police who rounded his compatriots into the train going to a death camp, I will always remind you about it. Always.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
11 Apr 2024   #107
Off topic perhaps, but comparing Jewish camp victims and such with Kapos
and lumping them together with self-hating Jews as many have done, is bad
history, bad theory, and empirical nonsense!

Jewish Ghetto police were FORCED into turning against their own at the risk of their
lives, scarcely a thought out, conscious decision.

People too quite appropriately, have excoriated the "Judenrat" which attempted to
make a deal with Hitler in exchange for a letting up on anti-Jewish policies.
Those naively idiotic buzzards, much like Neville Chamberlain, hadn't learned, you
can't negotiate with Nazis.

But what has your post to do in the slightest with what I posted prior?
OP pawian  225 | 27344
11 Apr 2024   #108
Jewish Ghetto police were FORCED

Yes, but some were also doing it for sadistic pleasure. Tell us your reasons for colluding with Jew haters against decent Poles - do you feel forced or it is for pleasure of sadistic nature???? Or both??? hahahaha
Lyzko  45 | 9750
11 Apr 2024   #109
Clearly there are deviants in every facet of life.
There are tragically Jewish non-Holocaust survivors who've lied about
their past for either monetary gain or simply attention.
Novichok  4 | 8843
11 Apr 2024   #110
Hey, Lyzko, are you planning to answer my last question:

Why are Jews hated in so many countries?
Lyzko  45 | 9750
11 Apr 2024   #111
@Rich, the Jews were hated because they refused en masse to convert to any of the local
religions, above all, to Christianity! This is the flat truth and has dogged even the most assimilated
until the present.
Novichok  4 | 8843
11 Apr 2024   #112
Was this the only reason or one that is the most convenient to cite?
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
11 Apr 2024   #113
Why are Jews hated in so many countries?

Too many U turns Rich..... last week you were supporting the Jews in their fight against extremist muslims.......
Novichok  4 | 8843
11 Apr 2024   #114
I am only asking questions in response to the claims of anti-semitism.
I really want to know where it's coming form and why it is so universal in the opinion of a Jewish guy. I already know what their haters say.

As a reminder, my first love and my best friend back in Warsaw were both Jewish.
Torq  8 | 956
12 Apr 2024   #115
Was this the only reason or one that is the most convenient to cite?

The original reason was the Jewish religion. It was the first moralistic monotheism in which the same moral rules applied to both the rich and the poor, young and old, workers and kings. Everyone had to follow the God-given laws and the fact that you were strong, powerful and rich didn't give you the right to oppress and exploit the weak, insignificant and poor. Imagine how this was received by the rich and powerful of Antiquity :) Judaism was the ultimate heresy for every absolute ruler of Greece, Rome, Persia, and for the ruling elites of any ancient kingdom.

Then, because of the said hatred, Jews were barred from entering many professions, from taking positions of power, certain offices etc., so they took upon something that was allowed for them but generally frowned upon for religious reason - money lending (back then known as usury). So, it added brand new hatred to the old religious one, reinforced by the general lack of education and idiotic legends e.g. about ritual murders spread by haters throughout ages.

The fact that Judaism was never really a "conquering religion", like Islam or Christianity, and that potential converts were rather discouraged than encouraged to join - which created closed, hermetic, communities - didn't help either.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
12 Apr 2024   #116
was never really a "conquering religion", like Islam or Christianity

I am sorry? You telling us that pre-Christian Israel did NOT conquer lands in the Middle East? That it wasn't religiously grounded?

It wasn't so much a missionary religion I'll grant you that. But never a conquering religion?

They were given a task and privilege to be the first on earth, I wouldn't exactly be very joyful of such a role given. While many people for absurd reason (mostly petty and stupid) are jealous about it.

It would have dire consequences if the self proclaimed false Israel would fall as it would flood Europe with conflict creating migrants (especially to Poland possibly after a move or two)

Remember that they are separatists, they are same or similar to those that got stoned by Moses command and they continue to refuse Jesus Christ to this day. As they were supposed to the end of days, yet thinking highly of seperatists. I have trouble understanding that
Torq  8 | 956
12 Apr 2024   #117
But never a conquering religion?

Good point. I actually meant 'converting' (i.e. missionary) religion but wrote 'conquering' for some reason.

Remember that they are separatists

Hmm... remember that there are many branches of Judaism but even the ultra-orthodox accept converts (without, of course, encouraging them, to say the least). As for rejecting Jesus as Messiah - well, they have valid... well, maybe not entirely valid but strong and biblical reasons not to...

... at the end of the day, it's a question of faith, of personal belief.
Novichok  4 | 8843
12 Apr 2024   #118
The original reason was the Jewish religion.

I didn't ask for a history lesson.

My question is why Jews are hated NOW almost everywhere?
Torq  8 | 956
12 Apr 2024   #119
why Jews are hated NOW almost everywhere?

Old prejudices die hard. If people considered Jews to be "Christ killers" and usurers for centuries (or even millenia), then it won't disappear just like that. Plus all the idiotic conspiracy theories present even today (see Crnogorac).

Besides, Jewish culture puts high emphasis on learning and education and their religious upbringing encourages reading and memorisation. As a result, your average Jew tends to be better educated and more intellectually capable (with all the reading and memory training) than your average native which doesn't exactly provoke warm feelings either.

Also, Jews tend to be good with money (earning, saving, giving to charity etc.) and there's much more solidarity between Jews abroad than between Poles for example, so - on average - they tend to do better financially than other immigrant groups which, again, doesn't win them many friends.

Pretty simple really, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yourself, Rich.
Novichok  4 | 8843
12 Apr 2024   #120
Old prejudices die hard. If people considered Jews to be "Christ killers"

BS. Nothing to do with Christ.

Make a list of the top 20 worst crooks in the US history and see how many are Jews. I assure you it will be more than 3%.

Then who pushes all that woke crap - from abortions to p0rn to mutilating kids to multiculturalism - and you will have a true picture of Jews' "contribution".

No, I don't give a fvck if they are "assimilated" or not.

Adrian, we miss you.

Also, Jews tend to be good with money (earning, saving, giving to charity etc.)

Yes, it takes special talent to steal billions - from other Jews, no less. See Madoff and the crypto scumbag...

Or to create the Federal Reserve in the dead of night...

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