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Jewish culture in today`s Poland

Torq 7 | 1157
12 Apr 2024 #121
BS (...) top 20 worst crooks (...) all that woke crap - from abortions to p0rn to mutilating kids to multiculturalism (...) steal billions (...) crypto scumbag

Why are you asking questions if you already have all the answers, Ryszard?

F*ck off and don't waste my time then.
Novichok 5 | 7807
12 Apr 2024 #122
F*ck off and don't waste my time then.

If you, Euros, don't play stupid, I won't ask questions I already know the answers to.
For future use...I never ask questions I don't know answers to. I ask them to nail azholes I don't like to the wall and watch them wiggle. See "jon" and guns.
Lyzko 42 | 9480
12 Apr 2024 #123
@Rich, it's the only reason which makes any sort of logical or rational sense!
No human being, that is, normal sentient being, desires the hatred and emnity
of other human beings. If that particular group suffers such hatred, then common
intelligence therefore dictates that the answer to this lies elsewhere, that is, in the
circumstances rather with the Jews in this case.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
12 Apr 2024 #124
If people considered Jews to be "Christ killers"

Yes, it still haunts the preaching of the RC Church in Poland and other countries today.
Last Sunday I heard this infamous phrase for the upteenth time in my life: When therefore it was evening, on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were,for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

I also remember a crossword that kids did in their RC religion school textbook with such an entry: Who gave Jesus away? Jews.

Alien 22 | 5229
12 Apr 2024 #125
Who gave Jesus away? Jews.

Well, a "żywopłot/hedge" wouldn't fit.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
12 Apr 2024 #126
Who gave Jesus away? Jews.

Yet more evidence of your confused antisemitism.....

Jesus was a Jew.
Novichok 5 | 7807
13 Apr 2024 #127
Jesus was a Jew.

I don't see any conflict here...
Torq 7 | 1157
13 Apr 2024 #128
for fear of the Jews (...) Who gave Jesus away? Jews.


Somehow they forget to mention that Jesus was a Jew himself (and a religious one at that!), as well as Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the apostles. Most of the disciples at the beginning were Jews and they were preaching originally to the Jews.

What the disciples were hiding from and were afraid of was the Sanhedrin - the body governing insitutionalised religion that tried to force its laws upon people. Somehow we don't hear this preached too often in churches. Imagine a parish priest saying: "beware of institutionalised religion, beware of modern Sanhedrin which - being corrupted itself - puts heavy weight upon people and tries to control them; beware of the pharisees - outwardly religious, openly practising, but with devil in their hearts!". Yeah, I'd like to hear that! :)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
13 Apr 2024 #129

There are more examples of antiJewish prejudice in the church.

Imagine a parish priest saying: "beware of institutionalised religion, beware of modern Sanhedrin which - being corrupted itself -

Yes, whenever I hear a top clergy member say sth about corrupt pharisees, I wonder if he realises he is talking about himself and his bishop buddies.

Yet more evidence of

Exactly, more evidence you have no idea whatsoever. What is your education??? :)::)
Lyzko 42 | 9480
13 Apr 2024 #130
That's correct, Torq, but only on his mother's side.
Novichok 5 | 7807
13 Apr 2024 #131
Cut the crap, Jew apologists...

How many Jewish parents said:

Oh, so you are planning to marry that nice Christian girl...We are soooo happy...We think you should convert to her religion for your marriage to be a happy one and last.

Try fvcking zero. Few groups discriminate as much as Jews.
Alien 22 | 5229
13 Apr 2024 #132
Few groups

OP pawian 221 | 24284
13 Apr 2024 #133
Jew apologists..

You were one, too, a few years ago. Later you changed after you had realised that a staunch anti Jewish sentiment would bring more attention in the forum coz most Polish members are positive or neutral about Jews.

You have no opinions of your own on anything - you just adapt to the current situation in the forum and adopt a stance which can attract most attention. If most forum members were antisemitic, you would instantly and gladly become a Jew defender. :):):)

That is why my opinion on you as a maniacal attention sicker still holds true.

That is why you put me on ignore coz you couldn`t bear the words of truth from me.

Amasing! ):):):)
Novichok 5 | 7807
13 Apr 2024 #134

Amish, Gypsies, Japs, Muslims,...the scum we can live without in the West...
Memo to morons:

Jews =/= Israelis
BLM =/= Mossad
OP pawian 221 | 24284
23 Apr 2024 #135
Thank you all for keeping this thread clean. :):):)

Polish rememberance: The Museum of Polish Jews in Warsaw.

Of course, there are more museums all over Poland. Many of them are located in former synagogues which survived the WW2 destruction.
E.g, you can visit the Old Synagogue in the Jewish district of Krakow:

Ironside 50 | 12345
23 Apr 2024 #136
that a staunch anti Jewish sentiment

prove it! you are sucking up to Jews on every opportunity aren't you a naturally born sucker?
By the way will you condemn criminal actions of Isreal;'s gov in Gaza?
Novichok 5 | 7807
23 Apr 2024 #137
By the way will you condemn criminal actions of Isreal;'s gov in Gaza?

What would you do as Israeli PM after 10/7?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
23 Apr 2024 #138
prove it!

Prove what exactly???? :):):)

will you condemn

I won`t in this thread coz it would be off-topic! Ha!!!!

a naturally born sucker?

Every mammal is one. :):):) Regardless if you are an ape or human...... :):):):
Ironside 50 | 12345
23 Apr 2024 #139

run away like a coward you are!

What would you do as Israeli PM after 10/7?

Set borders in the west bank, Got ready to hand over statehood to the west bank, move into Gaza and say that all civilians can move to west bank via filtration camp where memebers of the hamas would be looked for.

I would ensure it would be done well without torture and killing, whovere would remain in gaza would be a ligitimate target.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
23 Apr 2024 #140
run away

No.I simply don`t know what you want from me. And you refuse to remind me. It is you who is running, not me. Ha!!!
Ironside 50 | 12345
23 Apr 2024 #141

gee\z you are such a time waster, prove that you are not
Novichok 5 | 7807
23 Apr 2024 #142
Set borders in the west bank, Got ready to hand over statehood to the west bank, move into Gaza

Actually, it's a very sensible plan.
Here is the problem...Just as our MICC needs an enemy to justify its existence, Hamas would fight against your plan for similar reasons.

An unemployed freedom fighter will very easily become a terrorist. The solution: restore the death penalty and kill them faster than they hatch.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
23 Apr 2024 #143
prove that you

I can`t prove sth that is just a loose creation of your whimsical imagination about me. :):):)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
23 Apr 2024 #144
that you

Can you tell me exactly what you want?? You suddenly turned up here and quoted me from weeks ago and expect I remember everything what I had said then?? No, I am as old as you and need reminding.

Miloslaw 19 | 4949
23 Apr 2024 #145
Talking about Jerry( Jerzy/Pawian)

run away like a coward you are!

He always does.......

you are such a time waster,

Again talking about Jerry (Jerzy/Pawian)......


You have nailed him Iron!
OP pawian 221 | 24284
24 Apr 2024 #146
You have nailed him Iron!

Not really. Iron spent 30 years out of Poland which means he lost contact with the Polish culture for 3 decades. You have spent all your life in the UK which means you have had zero contact with Polish culture whatsoever.

In result, you are either non-Poles or half Poles. While I am a full Pole coz I have spent abroad only about 2 years of my long life. Ha!!!

All in all, your opinions about me are worthless coz you don`t stand any comparison and are envious of my status of a full Pole. HA!!!! Also, you envy my education, knowledge, intelligence, decency and many other positive traits of a Polish person which you don`t possess.

Thank you for your attention. :):):)
Ironside 50 | 12345
25 Apr 2024 #147
While I am

á half-wit and full clown.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
25 Apr 2024 #148
You envy me, simple. :)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
25 Apr 2024 #149

Will you add any valuable input about Polish Jews or you come here only to bicker with me??? :):):)
The same question applies to Milo, the copy and paste master. :):):)
Poloniusz 4 | 793
25 Apr 2024 #150
Will you add any valuable input about Polish Jews

They don't add any value to Poland. Quite the reverse they have sullied Poland's reputation around the world.

An anti-Israel demonstrator was caught on camera shouting 'go back to Poland'

Why don't you feel any shame about Poland being denigrated by being wrongfully associated with Zionist settler colonialism in the Middle East?

Repeat after me: Zionism? No thanks! That's not what my Poland is about!

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