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Jewish culture in today`s Poland

pawian  226 | 27817
1 Apr 2024   #1
Due to Shoah/ Holocaust and later communist purges, there are very few Jews living in Poland nowadays. Still, the culture of Polish Jews is remembered. Both by Jews themselves and Poles/Polesses.

Even internationally.

Hasidim came from all over the world to pray at the grave of Tzaddik Elimelech in Leżajsk (Podkarpackie county) on Sunday on the 237th anniversary of his death. In total, up to 10,000. Jews are expected to come.

This is the second visit this year of Hasidim to the grave of Tzaddik Elimelech in Leżajsk. They first arrived at the end of February. Then, much fewer Hasidim took part in the celebrations - about 2-2.5 thousand.

Celebrating the anniversary of the death of Tzaddik Elimelech twice is related to the Jewish calendar. The tzaddik died in the month of Adar (21st day of this month according to the Hebrew calendar), which falls approximately in March. But from time to time - in leap years - Adar occurs twice, hence the Hasidic pilgrimages on two dates.

As the director of the Hasidic Foundation Leżajsk-Polska Michał Konieczny said, the first groups of Jews began to arrive on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Others arrived throughout Sunday, until the evening. They came from Europe, the USA, Canada and Israel. After the prayers ended, some of them left the city and gave way to other groups. This is due to limited accommodation options .

He added that since Thursday, a group of approximately 700 Hasidim remained in Leżajsk, who spent Shabbat here and stayed until Sunday's celebrations.

Konieczny reported that on Monday at At 12 there will be a yortiat breakfast (yortiat - death anniversary), after which the last Hasidim will leave Leżajsk.

Why do Hasidim come to Leżajsk?

Hasidim coming to Leżajsk believe that on the anniversary of his death (he died on March 11, 1787), the tzadik descends from heaven and takes to God their requests for health, prosperity for children or success at work. They write them down on pieces of paper called kwitele and leave them at the tzaddik's grave. Prayers at the tomb, the so-called the ohel is accompanied by traditional dances and singing of psalms.

Prayers and all rituals last two or three hours. After prayers, Jews eat a kosher meal, including: from properly prepared beef, fish, fruit and vegetables.

For Hasidim, Leżajsk, together with the grave of Tzaddik Elimelech, is one of the holiest places in the world. Hasidim come there not only to celebrate the anniversary of the tzaddik's death, but also to celebrate various Jewish holidays and during private pilgrimages and trips around Poland.

Elimelech was one of the three most famous tzaddikim of ancient Poland. He became famous as a healer of souls and bodies and as the most active preacher of Hasidism - a rebellious religious and mystical trend in Judaism. This movement was born in the 1730s in Ukraine and areas of south-eastern Poland. He preached that God could be served not only by fulfilling the law and prayer, but also by doing everyday duties. In 1772, the tzadik established the center of his activities in Leżajsk.

Leżajsk, inhabited by a very large Jewish community, was one of the most important centers of Hasidism in Poland until World War II. The tradition of visiting the grave of Tzaddik Elimelech of Leżajsk was revived again in the 1970s.,07640b54

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Alien  26 | 6565
1 Apr 2024   #2

Good beer.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Apr 2024   #3
Both by Jews themselves and Poles/Polesses.

Polish rememberance: The Museum of Polish Jews in Warsaw. Shame that I didn`t visit it yet.

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Lyzko  44 | 9731
1 Apr 2024   #4
Apart from filmmakers such as Agnieszka Holland (although half-Jewish only on her father's side!), assimilated Jews have contributed
richly to Polish culture, while acknowledging simultaneously their Jewish heritage, e.g. Tuwim, Roziewicz, in literature or Jan Kiepura,once dubbed
"the Polish Caruso", Artur Rubinstein, Henryk Szerying in music, Kazimir Funk in science along with Stanislaw Lem in mathematics etc.
There are nearly too many for me to enumerate!
Novichok  4 | 8792
1 Apr 2024   #5
assimilated Jews have contributed

Have you ever met unassimilated Jews in Poland? How about unassimilated Catholics?

What is an unassimilated Jew?

How do you tell assimilated from unassimilated Jew?

Assimilated to what? Climate? Food? Water? Air?
Feniks  2 | 863
2 Apr 2024   #6
Shame that I didn`t visit it yet.

You would like it. It is well worth a visit
Ironside  51 | 13124
2 Apr 2024   #7

There is no Jewish culture in Poland only some reenactors or some foreigners coming to Poland and playing their imaginary bias.

All there is are some museums paid for by the Polish taxpayers and some Jewish commies acting up.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2024   #8
Assimilated to what?

To Polish language and culture. Certain poets of Jewish origin assimilated so much their their poems or books written in Polish are taught at Polish schools.

There is no Jewish culture in Poland

The soul of the Jewish culture which Germans tried to destroy and communists tried to suppress is still present in Poland. Among others, thanks to such places like Polin Museum which keeps up the memory of Jewish citizens of Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2024   #9
How do you tell assimilated from unassimilated Jew?

Unassimilated Jews didn`t speak Polish and kept their traditions, especially religious ones. They didn`t have to change coz they lived and worked in Jewish districts with other Jews all their lives.

Assimilated Jews spoke Polish and dropped their Jewish religion. But rarely adopted catholicism - they remained non-believers.
Before the war, 80% Jewish children went to Polish state schools where they learned the language. It means 20% didn`t.

You would like it.

Yes, I know. But currently my schedule doesn`t allow for it.
Novichok  4 | 8792
2 Apr 2024   #10
Were Polish Jews treated exactly the same way as Polish Catholics as far as the military draft, taxes, and public education in the Polish language?

That king was a real moron...
Alien  26 | 6565
2 Apr 2024   #11
That king was a real moron

Back then they were cheap labor.
Novichok  4 | 8792
2 Apr 2024   #12
Still a moron....

Blacks used to be "cheap labor". We are still paying for that "cheap labor" with murders, rapes, looting, BLM, affirmative action, DEI,...the list is endless...trillions...
Alien  26 | 6565
2 Apr 2024   #13
Blacks used to be "cheap labor

The Germans also brought Turks. Let's ask BB if it was a good move.
Novichok  4 | 8792
2 Apr 2024   #14
Cheap labor is a stupid reason unless you bring only men for a year...and out...
Lyzko  44 | 9731
2 Apr 2024   #15
You know perfectly well what I mean, Rich, so stop trolling!
Novichok  4 | 8792
2 Apr 2024   #16
You know perfectly well what I mean

No, I don't. Assimilation goes with immigration. I immigrated and assimilated.

If I asked my US-born daughters if they are assimilated, they would say: Hey, dad, what the hell is the matter with you? Are you drunk?

All those who were born in Poland had no damn reason to "assimilate". If they are not assimilated having been born in Poland, they should expelled from Poland.

It's that simple. That's why I can't stand Amish.
Alien  26 | 6565
3 Apr 2024   #17
That's why I can't stand Amish.

What do they have to do with it?
Novichok  4 | 8792
3 Apr 2024   #18
I am making a list of ethnic groups I don't like for their lack of real assimilation. Amish weirdos are one of them.
I don't even know what language they speak. Jews are similar.
Speaking local language is not enough. Some terrorists speak the local language very well.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
4 Apr 2024   #19
@Rich, please refrain from your usual babbling! It's annoying and quite infantile.
If you don't know the meaning of "assimilated", then kindly look it up.
Novichok  4 | 8792
4 Apr 2024   #20
If you don't know the meaning of "assimilated", then kindly look it up.

Assimilate - adjust to new conditions.

How many damn generations do Jews need to assimilate? Ten or twenty?

I assimilated to the conditions in the US in less than a week after my arrival in 1967. By 1974, I was a single-loyalty US citizen.

Today, I would pay 10 grand to get rid of my accent and the Polish language.

I already dumped being a Catholic after I realized that nobody offered me a free cup of coffee for being one.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
4 Apr 2024   #21
The point being that assimilated Polish-born Jews as POLES made sizable contributions
both to Polish as well as world culture, from music to science.
Novichok  4 | 8792
4 Apr 2024   #22
How many damn generations do Jews need to assimilate?

Skip essays.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
4 Apr 2024   #23
The question makes no sense.
How long?? As long as it takes.
Novichok  4 | 8792
4 Apr 2024   #24
How many damn generations do Jews need to assimilate?

Skip essays about "contributions". They had to earn a living. Muslim terrorists often work in the US. No, they are not "assimilated".

An assimilated Jew in Poland would be indistinguishable from Janek Kowalski next door just as I am indistinguishable from John Smith today. And not just in appearance but how he really feels and where his loyalties are.

If a Jew ever uses "goyim" as a negative, he is not assimilated. He is a foreign implant to be expelled.
Alien  26 | 6565
4 Apr 2024   #25
nobody offered me a free cup of coffee for being one.

You would get coffee with milk from me.
Novichok  4 | 8792
4 Apr 2024   #26
Hey, Alien, why don't you go somewhere and come back when you have something intelligent to say. You are annoying.
Ironside  51 | 13124
4 Apr 2024   #27
The soul

Stop spewing rubbish. Anyone who wants to know facts should read my post.
quote=Alien]You would[/quote]
Good job Alien, keep annoying him.
Novichok  4 | 8792
4 Apr 2024   #28
Good job Alien, keep annoying him.

...and look like a retarded kid banging on a metal fence because he got bored picking his nose...
Alien  26 | 6565
4 Apr 2024   #29
Good job

Novichok's irritation threshold has clearly lowered, and even Bobko seems to be somehow nervous. Good job Iron.✌
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Apr 2024   #30
You are annoying.

His annoying is a piece of cake compared to my annoying. I am a master at it. :):):)

Anyone who wants to know facts should read my post.

There are no facts in your posts, only private opinions which are mostly not true :):):)


All there is are some museums paid for by the Polish taxpayers

No, there are also dozens of festivals of Jewish culture in Poland. The most known is the one in Krakow`s Jewish district - Kazimierz but others are also important.

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