You're merely taking offense for zero reason
No, you are
always taking offense because you are a raving Zionist and a reactionary Jewish identitarian.
Being Jewish has EVERYTHING to do with Kosinski's heritage
Nope. Being Jewish has EVERYTHING to do with yourself.
He turned his back on Poland (even lying in order to leave) and became a US citizen.
He only used his Jewish identity as a convenient cudgel to bash and defame Poles and make money off doing so because he got tired of driving a truck for a living.
as he was nearly forced into being an altar boy in a small village in order to survive!
You don't know what you are talking about. That or you are trying to be as big of a fibber as your hero Jerzy Kosinski (real name Jozef Lewinkopf).
Being Jewish meant nothing to him because he
actually served as an altar boy and clearly wasn't willing to die for the sake of
your Jewish conviction.
"They were sheltered temporarily by a Catholic family in Rzeczyca Okrągła. The young Jerzy even served as an altar boy in a local church."
See, this is how rabid you are about being Jewish. You will outright lie and exaggerate events (i.e.,
"nearly forced into being an altar boy in order to survive!") as well as completely ignore the good deeds of a Catholic family and other Polish locals who literally put their own lives at risk to help him and his family.
The rest will back me up
Nothing and no one are going to back you up.
and show your type up for what you really are, and it's nothing to be proud of, I can assure you.