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If I could introduce something from my country into Poland, I would....

tonykenny  18 | 131
28 Jan 2009   #91
The biggest problem in Poland, which doesnt exist on a great scale in UK, is dog shit

I agree... Gdansk is very bad for this... with my friends in a group at the weekend, as i was walking in front i kept pointing out the shit so people didn't drown!

again, pictures and if you like, video, can be made available. I can watch them from my window. Pupa skupski is what we need here... or maybe straz can fine people for that and make lots of money for the city?

1 zloty per gram should do it...
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
28 Jan 2009   #92
again, pictures and if you like, video, can be made available. I can watch them from my window. Pupa skupski is what we need here... or maybe straz can fine people for that and make lots of money for the city?

There are also other ways:
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Jan 2009   #93
Maybe it's different in other cities, mafketis, but the Poles get my respect for being relatively clean on the streets.

I agree. Tonns of rubbish in streets like in Naples, Italy last year are unthinkable in Poland.

Cheese. Blue cheese. Soft, creamy blue cheese with a delicate flavour, possibly made with goat's or ewe's milk.

You are a lousy shopper if you can`t find blue cheese in Poland.

[quote=pawian]I agree. Tonns of rubbish in streets like in Naples, Italy last year are unthinkable in Poland./quote]
Sth strange is happening to images. They don`t show. What`s wrong?
mafketis  38 | 11162
28 Jan 2009   #94
I'm not interested in "X is worse" defenses. Littering is wrong, period. It's unhygenic and is indicative of social breakdown. I have no trouble believing that Britain (which no longer exists as any kind of coherent society) has even worse litter problem than Poland but it's irrelevant. There's no excuse for pigs who drop their garbage anywhere (or throw it out of cars).

A few years ago on TV there was a news report from a neighborhood in Warsaw where rats had taken hold. There were several interviews with local people who were calling on the government to _do_ something!!!!!

Meanwhile, the bits of garbage blowing around the street (esp candy wrappings and potato chip bags) made it clear these selfsame people had been feeding the rats for quite some time.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
28 Jan 2009   #95
I think Poland would greatly benefit from a number of strategic imports:

1) Proper draught Guinness at Dublin quality levels (It's genetically half my country so it counts).
2) Beer batter chips
3) Decent curry houses and
4) Me
28 Jan 2009   #96
1) Proper draught Guinness at Dublin quality levels

A true thing of beauty...

4) Me

When do we go?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
28 Jan 2009   #97
I have no trouble believing that Britain (which no longer exists as any kind of coherent society) has even worse litter problem than Poland but it's irrelevant.

It is. Read once again the title of this thread.
Seanus  15 | 19666
28 Jan 2009   #98
Britain is no longer a coherent society? What's that supposed to mean, mafketis?
mafketis  38 | 11162
28 Jan 2009   #99
Gregorz, I'm not British. I'm American and the last I knew (yes, it's been a while since I've been there) Polish amounts of litter are just not tolerated in most of the united states outside of inhuman cities/ghettos. You drop your candy wrapper on the sidewalk and people will tell you to stop being a pig.

Specifically I'd like to introduce American attitudes toward correct litter disposal to Poland.

Seanus  15 | 19666
28 Jan 2009   #100
You think the Poles don't know about clear litter disposal, mafketis? I don't think it's that bad to be honest. The occasional idiot drops litter but, overall, they tend to use the bins provided.
sausage  19 | 775
7 Feb 2009   #101
It's hovering around zero degress and our hardy english lasses are still walking around in shorts. (Daytime I mean). One of the few good things about living in Britain.
OP GoDfaTheR420  6 | 43
18 Feb 2009   #102
Sunday roast dinner!!

I never thought i would say this....but i've really been missing a good roast beef with yorkshire puddings!!!......and real gravy!

I'm getting used to polish food.....

my hunt for top steaks goes on! far i have tried th followin places:

Sphinx ...4/10
Champions ....7/10
Hard Rock Cafe 6/10
London steak house....3/10

I will not give up.....i will find a great steak here even if i have to import my own cow!!!
tonykenny  18 | 131
18 Feb 2009   #103
I made a Sunday roast this weekend and do it often in Gdansk :)

My friends who have tried my British dishes say I should open a local British cafe...

Greasy breafast or Lancashire hotpot anybody? :)

OP GoDfaTheR420  6 | 43
13 Mar 2009   #104
Fashion sense!!!..

Hey people of Poland.....please don't wear sandals with white socks!!!....Ever!
Wroclaw Boy
13 Mar 2009   #105
I will not give up.....i will find a great steak here even if i have to import my own cow!!!

Ive been buying the rib eye from tescos for a while and 70% of the time its tuff as old army boots. The other day i tried the sirloin and i have to say it was pretty good. Worth a crack.

Hey people of Poland.....please don't wear sandals with white socks!!!....Ever!

What part of Poland are you living in mate? down here its +1.
lukimp80  1 | 74
13 Mar 2009   #106
And the total amount of rubbish of all kinds on London streets is absolutely appalling.

Sounds very much like a black ghetto in America. A cesspool.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
13 Mar 2009   #107

salt and vinigar tayto crisps

hgb cghfnbv
pgtx  29 | 3094
13 Mar 2009   #108
salt and vinigar tayto crisps

co za świństwo!!!
SeanBM  34 | 5781
13 Mar 2009   #109
Don't knock'em till you've tried'em.
They are great with a few beers or in sandwiches.
pgtx  29 | 3094
13 Mar 2009   #110
Don't knock'em till you've tried'em.

the stores in the us offer them too, you

They are great with a few beers.

z kilkoma piwami, każde świństwo smakuje...
SeanBM  34 | 5781
13 Mar 2009   #111
the stores in the us offer them too, you know.

Really? tayto crisps? really? I am surprised, now they have to be Tayto not any old rubbish, yeah?

z kilkoma piwami, każde świństwo smakuje...

What? ha ha ha,
You know why they call it Donor kebab?
Cause it is the bits left over and donated to the shops ha ha ha
pgtx  29 | 3094
13 Mar 2009   #112
You know why they call it Donor kebab?
Cause it is the bits left over and donated to the shops ha ha ha



different brands... but still salt and vinigar... or taste of pickles... yucks... ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781
13 Mar 2009   #113
different brands...

That is the key, you see. Tayto, can't beat'em with a big stick! :)
pgtx  29 | 3094
13 Mar 2009   #114
still... i ain't trying it...
SeanBM  34 | 5781
13 Mar 2009   #115
Awe, don't knock it till you've tried it.
Said the prostitute to the bishop.
BB630  1 | 19
13 Mar 2009   #116
Lets be serious here, the best steaks in the world mostly find there way into high priced foreign restaurants or New York City. I doubt many people here have tried a true Prime cut of beef. Even Choice is a rarity and costs a significant amount more than you would pay at most good restaurants. Sphinx for instance, would never have a steak rated above Select. Standard or below is what I would expect dining there. You don't go to a restaurant like that expecting to find a real steak. The issue is that the method of producing beef cattle is not at the level in other parts of the world as it is in the States. This is a matter of fact, known throughout the industry. The costs associated are high, and most beef cattle in foreign countries eat a significantly larger amount of grass and fodder than American cattle. The large-scale production of field corn allows American producers to get cattle to market weight at under 3 years of age. Large scale feedlots are not feasible in most locales. British herds also are not of the quality you can find in the States. A hindrance to beef production in Britain has been due to BSE and massive killings in an to attempt to stamp out the disease. Regardless, there is not the necessary market or resources to adequately support a beef industry like that in the American Midwest.

If you want to sit here and argue about good steaks, you should really just complain about the purchaser and the cook at your local eatery. A decent steak is not too hard to come by, but cut and proper preparation cannot be substituted. For quality marbling and texture you need a younger steer grown on a high-grain diet from a good bloodline. Due to this you are usually going to get older cattle in European markets. True varieties of beef cattle aren't even common in places like Poland. The majority of the cattle there are dairy or dual-purpose. Arguing over quality without truly understanding the nature of beef or the beef industry is just inane.

Your real gripes boil down to this:
I was not happy with the taste of my steak, not with the quality of the meat

As for CJD. Statistically I doubt you have to worry about CJD. As well, the prions are not completely understood and the spread of the disease to humans still needs to be researched.
pgtx  29 | 3094
13 Mar 2009   #117

Texas -> Poland
Wroclaw Boy
13 Mar 2009   #118
Waffle House : hash browns and T- Bone steak 24/7
BB630  1 | 19
13 Mar 2009   #119
Quite frankly the farther north you go the easier access you have to local corn production. As a result, Oklahoma, Missouri on up through Nebraska and the Dakotas is probably a better production area for Beef Cattle than down in Texas. Not that there is much wrong with Texas beef but I bet they have to import a lot of their grain.
pgtx  29 | 3094
13 Mar 2009   #120
Waffle House

you've got to be kidding!!

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