paying top price for a a great restaurant....with great atmosphere..only to have it ruined by some 'idiotic' muppet smoking sucks!
I have to agree with this. In one restaurant in England, some girl was blowing her smoke directly at our table! I was thinking if she doesn't want her smoke and doesn't want to blow it at her friends why the bloody hell blow it at us! I bet she'd really complain if I visited her table and farted! At least that wont destroy her lungs!
And another exclamation mark just make a point !
The comment about bisto gravy.. ewwww. no, I always made my own and it was much better! OK, sometimes I'd settle for bisto when in a rush... or wanting a salt overdose.
So, what would I introduce from the UK to Poland? hmmmm,
1. Companies paying salaries at the end of the month, not 10 days later
2. Emplyee rights.. they seem to have none in Poland, including this 'pact with the devil' contract that many have to sign.
3. Government documents in various languages - would make likfe a lot easier
4. Motorways!
5. Me. oh, I'm already here! :)
.. I forgot to mention 'customer services'.
I see the Tesco brand has been introduced to Poland but without the customer service I would expect. Twice now I have tried to buy products just to have them thrown to one side at the checkout because the computer could not read the barcode!
In England, the cashier would get of their arse, or ask a supervisor to get the correct code or customer service would give you the product for free!
When trying to purchase electrical good in the same store, twice we had to wait about 10-15 minutes for somebody to even attend the department. Asking the girls on the next department and they just told us that there should be somebody there.
In short, staff in Poland don't give a sh*t. This alone is a good reason to learn Polish because my girlfriend is unwilling to translate for me to make formal complaints :)