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Life in Poland for Indians !!!

18 Oct 2016   #1
hi am an Indian moving to Poland. Would like to know what are the stuffs that i have to compulsorily get from India while moving for the first time?
Lyzko  44 | 9730
18 Oct 2016   #2
Do you speak any Polish yet? Scarcely expect the Poles to understand Indlish or any one of the four hundred some odd languages from your country:-) I can barely keep track of them all myselfLOL
18 Oct 2016   #3
Ziddi, bring all the secret cooking recipies you can.
Indian food is great, maybe even the best in the world,
but the best Indian restaurants in Poland prepare only
average or good Indian food, but never great Indian food.
I expect you to make a contribution, otherwise you'll
only end up on a terror watch list.
OP Ziddi
18 Oct 2016   #4
@warsaw_wasraw :I expect you to make a contribution, otherwise you'll
only end up on a terror watch list.
may i know what did u mean by this ?
OP Ziddi
18 Oct 2016   #5
@Lyzko no i dont know polish ...but will definitely learn once i move.
18 Oct 2016   #6
I mean the internal security service, the ABW, will put your name on a special list as soon as you receive your visa, and an analyst will be assigned to monitor you as soon as you enter the country. He may even visit you occasionally, especially before major public events, and ask you to leave for a few days. In other words, because you are Muslim and have dark skin, you will be treated like a second class human being.

But if you cook great Indian food for Polish people, they will respect you.
Crow  155 | 9721
18 Oct 2016   #7
i suggest you to open private school for Kama sutra teachings. We gave you Buddha but, now time is that you Indians influence us Arians.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Oct 2016   #8
to open private school for Kama sutra teachings. We gave you Buddha

The OP is Muslim so I don't think he would be interested in Buddha or Karma as a career path.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
18 Oct 2016   #9
Good for you, Ziddi!

It's tough going at first, but well worth it in the end:-)
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
19 Oct 2016   #10
Indians? The ones with a dot on their forehead? I dont want to be heard as an evil guy but dots on your forehead make you "Ciapaty" and be treated like that. No offense.
Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Oct 2016   #11
Indians? The ones with a dot on their forehead?

No. Those with the dot on a forehead are hindu, he is a muslim.
Keerthivasan  - | 2
7 Jul 2017   #12

Indian students 2017 Poland intake

Is there any Indian students whatsapp group for Poland intake?
jon357  72 | 23665
7 Jul 2017   #13
Why not set one up?
Sateesh  - | 1
25 Sep 2017   #14

Where do Indians in Poland reside?


I am an Indian and looking for Indians place in Poland. Can u plz suggest the good place which the Indian Bachelors are reside.
jon357  72 | 23665
24 Sep 2023   #15
The important thing is to avoid wrecking your life through alcohol.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
24 Sep 2023   #16
And stay away from brit fags who might steal your wallet and documents to sell them.
jon357  72 | 23665
24 Sep 2023   #17
A sad case story just above.

One who drinks alcohol but can't handle it.

In Poland, people are used to it. Indians less so, so be careful or you'll end up like the poster above.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
25 Sep 2023   #18
incorrect fantasies

FACTS,cuz some internet braggers cant post notariouz deed and dream of owning,living in a rented flat in commie building in a crappy suburb of Warsaw.The paint is peeling off in that balcony too.
jon357  72 | 23665
25 Sep 2023   #19

Notorious deeds?

He doesn't understand much about the Polish privacy of culture if he posts title deeds to real estate here.

Dodgy. And drunk too.

The paint is peeling off in that balcony too.

Further proof he has no idea of where anyone lives and no way of finding out.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
25 Sep 2023   #20
Notorious deeds?

Angelski tichur,made in China.

title deeds to real estate here.

Now what would a renter of a flat in a commie building in a creepy suburb of Warsaw know that the ownership deed in Poland is called"Notarial deed"

No wonder the landlord will not even paint the balcony for his creepy renters who are always behind on rent.Its hard to find any decent tenant in that neighborhood too.
jon357  72 | 23665
25 Sep 2023   #21
the ownership deed in Poland is called"Notarial deed"

Akt notarialny actually.

landlord will not even paint the balcony

No landlord, no balcony. Shows how much he knows, i.e. zero.

As I say, alcohol is to be avoided, especially by those unable to hold their drink.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
25 Sep 2023   #22
title deeds to real estate

Akt notarialny

lol which one is it?make up your mind dumb fool.
lol google helped you finally lol happens to poor people living in a rented flat in a commie building in a crappie suburb of Warsaw, can't post the Akt here? Liar renter..prove it
jon357  72 | 23665
25 Sep 2023   #23
Alcohol does terrible things to weak and unstable people.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
25 Sep 2023   #24
As I say, alcohol is to be avoided, especially by those unable to hold their drink.

In my experience Indians cannot hold their drink and yet they prefer spirits to Beer and wine......

Alcohol does terrible things to weak and unstable people.

Most of the alcoholics I have known were not East Europeans but Indians...........
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
25 Sep 2023   #25
but Indians...........

I hope your Indian son in law dont beat your daughter after he drinks and molest your grand daughters?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
26 Sep 2023   #26
I hope your Indian son in law dont beat your daughter

HahaHa!!! He wouldn't stand a chance!
Polish v Indian.........there is only one winner.......
Lyzko  44 | 9730
1 Oct 2023   #28
Upon thinking it over, I suspect being from just about anywhere, but having the right amount of money, will sweeten the pot just a little.

Suddenly, the most reviled foreigner in Poland, such as new arrivals from India, will be treated quite differently if it turns out they're a Bollywood star!

Surely it's no different here in the US.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Oct 2023   #29
if it turns out they're a Bollywood star!

There are couple of bollywood stars who live in Poland and even have restaurants there.I even heard that the scammers launder money from Poland which they have got from the US & uk.

Lots of bollywood films were shot in Poland over the years and I suspect were scams except this one got exposed.
LOL dont you get calls from the IRS threatening you to pay the taxes with Walmart gift cards etc lol??
Alien  26 | 6550
2 Oct 2023   #30
Lots of bollywood films were shot in Poland


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