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Getting two beers instead of one - have this happen to you in Poland?

JeenCzlowiek33  3 | 14
5 Dec 2017   #1
Anyone have this happen to you in Poland as well in pubs or restaurants? Where they give you two beers instead of one and act like you ordered both? Ive had this happen 2-3 times, one of the times they asked whether I wanted one or two but the other times they just acted like I ordered two.
jon357  72 | 23654
5 Dec 2017   #2
Anyone have this happen to you in Poland as well in pubs or restaurants?

No, never in 3 decades. Just remind them you didn't order 2 beers, and pay for what you ordered.

A few times in restaurants they've brought the wrong order - in that case you have to be assertive, as you do if they try to bring the main course while you're still eating the starter.
DominicB  - | 2706
5 Dec 2017   #3
If you are ordering in Polish, it might be that you are saying "piwa" (beers) instead of "piwo" (beer).
Lyzko  44 | 9730
5 Dec 2017   #4
If you are ordering in Poland, for that matter, almost anywhere in Europe, always remember when gesturing to the waiter or barkeeper, make sure your thumb is completely covered by you index finger, otherwise (as we do it in the States), it'll look as if you're ordering two beers instead of one:-)
jon357  72 | 23654
5 Dec 2017   #5
If you are ordering in Polish

He's from Poland, however if he's getting this problem due to accent issues caused by a long time away, he would do well to specify that he wants one, not any other number.

Even when I was fresh off the boat with very basic language skills, at a time when most Poles hadn't met a foreigner, I never had this. I do remember a few barstaff clarifying how many the order was for.

Of course it could just be the sort of bars he's going to.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
5 Dec 2017   #6
Probably, accent differences might make it a challenge for a Gdansk native who's never left their city to understand a Goral speaker from Zakopane...stone cold sober too!

idem  - | 131
5 Dec 2017   #7
It reminds me like in pub in England I tried to speak properly and asked for half a pint of beer....of course 'half ' got lost in the noise and I ended up with pint.:-)

It thought me a lesson and I ask just for 'half' now.
Joker  2 | 2458
6 Dec 2017   #8
The same thing happened to me at the Polish festival. I ordered one beer and he gave me two? I asked the guy why did you give me two? He replied, so what get drunk!

Since, I only paid for one it was a great deal!

I think he was drunk too:)
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Mar 2020   #9
Where they give you two beers instead of one and act like you ordered both?

Waiter`s job is very tiring - and I don`t mean only physical aspect of it now - after a few hours you forget your name. I had similar experiences in my youth. Errare humanum est.

Home / Life / Getting two beers instead of one - have this happen to you in Poland?

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