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Could i find people in Poland by their phone number or address?

nino  2 | 1
4 Aug 2008   #1
i had 2 missed calls from abroad.seraching countrycode i found it for poland. it might have been a wrong dialed ,might not? in any case im so intrested in to find the owner of this majic number.have u ever followd signs,simptons?but i dont have any friend in poland to help me.i searched in net i found this forums and i wana know ,could i follow this process?
11 Apr 2010   #2
Is there a site where you can search for a person's landline or mobile phone number, and maybe address details too?

missvenus  - | 3
13 Apr 2010   #3
am not sure there is a site you can find which will give you all this information.
13 Apr 2010   #4
Thats a bit surprising
Morad83  1 | 19
13 Apr 2010   #5
Nasza Klasa would be the best but won't give such information maybe a skype number or an email address only.
13 Apr 2010   #6
hmm actually tried it, can't see my friend on there, seems not every polish is on there :)
30 Apr 2010   #7
Tracing an unknown number

I use simplus and someone has been calling me with an unknown number for a while now. I need to know if its possible to know who number is that.

thanks people

subaru mad  1 | 8
6 Jun 2010   #8
I guess your friend just doesn't want to be found :)

find a new friend
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
6 Jun 2010   #9

The same guy who posts on here after getting dumped by his Polish girlfriend...then stalks her over the net.
emacraner  - | 4
13 Oct 2010   #10
In US, you can use I'm not sure if it works in your place.
Kr7519  - | 1
31 Mar 2013   #11
[Moved from]: Finding address in Poland, from someone in love

Hi everybody,

I am guy from Norway that is in love with a Polish girl. She has a birthday after few days and I really want to suprise her by sending her a romantic gift. I have her full name and the city she lives in.

So I ask is there some way to find address in Poland for a specific person.

I would be so happy if someone could help me.

peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
31 Mar 2013   #12
So I ask is there some way to find address in Poland for a specific person

Thank God there is no simple way and GIODO is watching ;)
31 Mar 2013   #13
Facebook is perfect for you - its for people who don't care about privacy.
30 Dec 2013   #14
[Moved from]: Is there such a thing as or thomson local in Poland?

Basically can I find a friends address if I have their full name and town they live in Poland? Thanks:)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
30 Dec 2013   #15
The number you require is.... :o)

I'll try to find you another, as I think that's just business.

Try this:

I can't get it to work, anyone else?
7 Jan 2014   #16
Merged: Can you find his name from phone number in Poland?

We met in Barcelona . I only know his phone number +48 794 101 996.I thought I could find him in white pages ,but it does not exist in Poland.
Vincent  8 | 801
7 Jan 2014   #17
I might be missing the obvious here, but couldn't you call and ask him?
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
7 Jan 2014   #18
It is mobile phone (sensitive data) and you may be the debt collector ;)
girl998  - | 1
7 Jan 2014   #19
I thought I understood his name,but I didn't.and i am definitely not a debt collector,i can give you my facebook account or e mail ..i'm not from poland and calls are very expensive ,but if you don't know,ok.
DominicB  - | 2706
7 Jan 2014   #20
It's a mobile phone. Send him an SMS. There's no way to find out the name of the owner of a mobile phone number in Poland.
30 Jan 2017   #21
Karol and Halina Kaluza ul Herbsta 10/41 ,Slupsk 76-200 Poland
kaprys  3 | 2076
8 Dec 2017   #22,1059105,t,id.html
24 Jul 2018   #23

how can i find a phone number for someone

hi i have been looking for someone from my past who lived in bialistok and i have a phone number but it seems it was disconnected

how would i go about finding her?
21 Feb 2022   #24
I am in my early 60's and have been looking for and wondering if I have any relatives in either Poland or Germany as my Grandfather Stefan Winter came from over there some place and I would very much like to connect with any and all relatives that may still be in the old Countery is there any help available in this regard thank you a lot
Alien  26 | 6543
22 Feb 2022   #25
The surname "Winter" is very popular in Germany, as is "Sommer".

Home / Life / Could i find people in Poland by their phone number or address?
BoldItalic [quote]
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